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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    Need help with new video card!!

    A good cooler would be the Hyper 212 EVO, its pretty cheap and you should be able to get to 4.0GHz+ with it. And the best overclock would be whatever isn't too hot, or over-voltage.
  2. dulix11

    Reverse Banditing

    Good to hear guys, today I wandered into the Berezino supermarket and was instantly surrounded by 3 armed survivors, and then they just said.....'you need anything?' and they gave me some spaghetti.
  3. dulix11

    The Soviet Connection.

    I hope they add the PPsH-41. That is my favourite Soviet weapon. I think the devs could use some ideas from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with this area. Clothing / equipment / weapons....
  4. dulix11

    Honest Question

    I think alot of people who want singleplayer / PVE only servers are people with bad internet connections. Like myself, but I just deal with it, conserve the time when playing.
  5. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I would think only maybe, maybe ~15 - 20 on very very low settings. On very low settings, with very low fps. The CPU is too slow and the GPU is relatively old too. I don't think it would be worth it. I would guess ~30 - 40 on normal-ish settings, but maybe higher. Its a similar system to mine, I have a 3570k at 4.0GHz and a GTX 650, and I get 30 - 40+ on normal - high-ish settings. I think your CPU is too slow, and you won't be getting good frames.
  6. Maybe, but only very slight improvements to whatever it is you're doing. I don't want to see people shooting their weapons into the air and then having no recoil or sway.
  7. dulix11

    Your current loadout? (Share/Discussion)

    and his blood type is AB+, the first blood test kit I've found!
  8. dulix11

    We need MOAR in Chernarus+

    Well, if you would read the bright red text right at the start of the post, perhaps you be able to see that I don't intend for this to be included in the alpha, beta or even release for a while. There has to be more than just me playing this game with mobile broadband, and I don't want to be wasting my time doing nothing but walking for an hour. Some new locations to explore along the way would be cool. Instead of only having about 5 or 6 places that are worth visiting (Cherno, Elektro, NWAF, SEAF, Stary...) why not have some more *big* locations to explore? I don't think you understand what I'm putting forward. I don't want 'instant action'. I want somewhere to go when I spawn in a remote spot. I don't want to spend 1 hour running to a major city. I'm not after l33t haxc0r killz, its just a reasonable idea to suggest.
  9. dulix11

    Dealing With Loss

    My most recent death lost me my Mosin with about 50 rounds, the handgun (which I can't for the life of me remember the name), about 20 soft drinks, about 10 cans of food, a mountain backpack and a military helmet. I was smacked in the head with an axe whilst robbing someone. I said 'wtf? aww you fucker!' and then went on with my day.
  10. dulix11

    We need MOAR in Chernarus+

    I don't want Utes to be really visible either, there wasn't enough space to make it far away and big enough to see properly. The rivers...yeahhh...they all defy physics I'm pretty sure, I think all of them go uphill at some point, there'll have to be some bulldozing and excavating if they're going to work.
  11. dulix11

    Rotate Items

    I agree. Those darn 2 slot taking bags of rice.
  12. dulix11

    Visible Injuries?

    I want dismemberment and lotsa gore. Not some bright red blood spurts.
  13. dulix11

    Mosin 9130 - Where to find?

    I've found them in hospitals, those buildings at airfields with 2 stories,(first floor has a cell to your right as soon as you enter) and the back of cars. My favourite gun in the SA.
  14. My first expedition into the new Cherno, I headed for the fire station, I stop for a drink and notice another player outside the door. I tell him in direct not to move but I guess its kinda hard to take a guy in a grinning wolf mask seriously, he disappeared, and I knew that he would be coming around the back. And just as I get out the door, Captain Wasteallofmybullets begins firing in the most epileptic show of attempted murder I've ever seen. He only had about 8 bullets in the M4 he was using, and all of them hit the ground. A complete waste, he tried hiding around the wall to equip his axe and I shot him in the chest from about 2 meters away with the Mosin. He died, and I imagine he would be pretty pissed, he had a lot of decent gear. You guys had anyone fail entirely at killing you?
  15. dulix11

    Most unsuccessful would-be murderers?

    Yeah.. it seems every time I find a M4, I can't find ANY ammo for it, the mosin on the other hand...
  16. dulix11

    How to find friends?

    The 2 main cities, Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk (or Cherno and Elektro), are pretty common-ish spawns. Cherno is easily recognised by its large factories and chimney's. It also has the apartment building with the plane crashed in it. It also has massive apartment buildings you can see for miles in a pretty close location. Elektro is the town that is essentially 2 cities. One is mainly made of industrial buildings and has the dock. The other is a little further up. Zeleno is another city, but is rarely visited because of its remote location. Too far away and not enough good loot buildings. Stary Sobor is mainly recognized by its water tower. The airfields are also pretty recognizable. They are the ones with The Balota airfield has a military camp near it, the North East airfield (or Krasnotav airfield) is rarely visited because of its remote location. (The new apartments near Cherno can be seen from here). The North West airfield, probably the most infamous location in the game, is usually occupied by bandits. I don't think you can accidentally stumble upon the NE / NW airfields. Otherwise you can ask your friends to look at the Russian signs. Most of the time you'll be able to tell what they are saying, they look pretty similar to their English counterparts. Maybe play some ArmA II, (or if you don't really want to buy it, get the demo). Spawn a helicopter in the editor and do some fly-bys around the country.
  17. Playing on a server I've never been on, exploring the new Cherno, and suddenly a guy called "Wilbo007" began kicking everyone. There would have been easily 10 people kicked in under a minute. I was kicked twice. No reason or explanation. I've been looking for the server name but I can't find it. Server names need to be added so I can access them ingame. Is this legit or cheating / hacking?
  18. Can someone post how many slots the M4 takes? Can you fit it into a backpack? I've tried dismantling it until there is only 1 item left but it still doesn't fit.
  19. dulix11

    The Solution for Combat Logging

    I can't be bothered to go through everyones posts, so forgive me if someone already posted this. I think the server should only save your character / equipment if you go into the menu and click 'exit'. Any other method of exiting won't save your player and he'll simply restart where he was before.
  20. dulix11

    Laptop To Desktop HDD

    Implying you have a external hard drive big enough, yes. You can put all your games from your steamapps folder onto that drive, and plop them into the other drive, click install and (providing there is no update) they will instantly install. I've done it hundreds of times thanks to my poor internet. On the other hand, if you want to get rid of your laptop or something like that, you can remove the HDD from it, and put it in a 2.5" bracket that will sit in the desktop case.
  21. dulix11

    The Solution for Combat Logging

    Won't work...Alt+F4 completely shuts down the program, regardless of whether its the internet, Steam or DayZ. It terminates everything, so the game won't get a chance to say 'captainaltf4 is leaving'.
  22. dulix11

    Not sure if hacking or abuse

    I did try to check if I can 'vote to kick' a player (specifically him) when it started happening, but I couldn't.
  23. dulix11

    The new north

    I'm wandering around there now, there is not much to see. A large tangle of roads, and some other random buildings, but not much else. I'm about to die of thirst so thanks to the games bugged thirst and lack of loot but oh well, I've gone too far to come back down :/
  24. If you had to re-buy the beta and full release, there would be mass riots at rockets house.
  25. dulix11

    How do you chat?

    Pressing "," and "." changes the channel. Side chat (if the server has it enabled) talks to everyone. Direct Chat talks to people close to you. Group chat talks to people in your group. Vehicle chat talks to people in the same vehicle as you. Press "/" to talk, type your stuff and press enter. NOT the numpad enter. You can hold caps lock to talk with your mic.