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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    Beginner tips

    Heres my tips for beginners 1- Find a weapon - You'll usually find a hatchet first, but hold onto it until you get some decent weapons. 2- Stay prone in urban areas - Only the crouching zombies can see you that way. Just stay clear of them and you should be fine. (Regular zombies still can see you, but only if you are right next to them.) 3- If you find a acsessible house - Get inside! Try not to drag a heap of zombies along whilst doing it. Just about every acsessible house has some food and drinks in it. 4- Play with friends - Playing with friends is really easy if you have a mic, or you can use skype, but that is difficult having to swap in and out of DayZ and Skype in a tight situation. 5- Don't shoot on sight - About 45% of the players probably won't shoot at you, so then you'll have a buddy. They might even give you some supplies! 6- Conserve ammo - Especially in your early stages, just because you've found a Makarov or a M1911 doesn't mean you need to unload all your ammo into 1 zombie. I find myself still using the hatchet even with a Makarov or M1911. I tend to use my guns on bandits or unfriendly people rather than zombie 7- Play ArmA II OA before playing DayZ - I strongly suggest playing through the boot camp missions or some of the scenarios in ArmA, they will teach you how to shoot accurately, move, give orders etc. I doesn't have the survival aspect to it but it will help alot. I will add more in time and may even create some videos, but that will be very later on, until my computer is fixed and I start playing again.
  2. dulix11

    Beginner tips

    I just assumed that, theres only a small amount of people on the servers I play on that let you live, the rest are just assholes.
  3. dulix11

    What Are All The Controls For DayZ

    Do you even have ArmA II? I would reccommend playing that for a while before moving on to DayZ so you can learn stuff like this, and not have to make threads every 7 seconds.
  4. dulix11


    I thought that is what happened, I 'bean-d' someones comment to check, I don't think it worked.
  5. dulix11


    lol @ Meik0 Beans is DayZ's way of 'liking' someones post. You can keep track of how many you have on your profile.
  6. dulix11

    How Do I Download Day Z From Dayzcommander

    A patch just fixes bugs and other glitches and problems. I think a 'beta patch' is a patch that isn't completely finished.
  7. dulix11


    stiink herrp derrrr Are you kidding?
  8. The music makes me jump. I'm just walking along and then.... DUN! And I'm like WOAH HOLY SHIT!!! DON"T HURT ME DON"T HURT ME!! FRIENDLY!- oh, damn.
  9. Whats the point of it exactly? Just to piss you off?
  10. dulix11

    Are you ready for the standalone?

    I need to prepare for DayZ SA? OK...whats the point of this?
  11. dulix11

    How much internet does DayZ use ?

    I have 25gb of internet and DayZ uses about 500mb per 3 hours. Stupid.
  12. My best time was probably 10-20 days. I had a AKS-74 and a heap of food. Me and my friends where playing and decided to meet up at the NW airfield, and it is almost night-time when we get I got there. I was being chased by a mob of zombies who broke my leg, but they were all gunned down by some unknown friendly, who disappeared very quickly. For the next 20 minutes we took turns throwing flares and chemlights into the sky into an attemp to find each other. No luck. Easily about 10 flares each we wasted. So we still don't know where we are, so I crawl over to a runway and a fella with UAZ shows up. I am shitting bricks hoping this guy doesn't see me, because I'm right on the edge of his headlights. He get out to look for me and I just keep rolling back and forth. Finally my friend finds the truck and fires at him, but misses. While he's distracted I climb into his truck and drive off. That was freakin' hilarious. Then I pull up in front of the guy who turned out to be the driver and am shot to death. That was easily the best DayZ experience I've had.
  13. OK: So since you are a civilian in DayZ why would you be able to just jump inside a helicopter/tank/plane and just fly/drive it like a well trained army guy? There should be something like a manual or handbook for each vehicle, but only the bigger and more dangerous ones. (Helis/Tanks/Planes/Military Planes) You would find the aircraft manuals at Airports and airfields or military camps etc, and the armoured vehicles at military camps aswell. It would work like any other consumable item, disappearing from you inventory when you use it and you will get a notification saying: 'You have learned how to pilot a plane/helicopter/armoured vehicle Tanks and APC's - Armoured Vehicles and You: The complete guide to piloting your very own tank Helicopters - Taking On Helicopters: The perfect book for the beginner Helicopter pilot! Military Jets - Protecting Chernarus's Skies-The must-have book for any of our men and women protecting Chernarus's skies Commercial Planes - So you want to be a plane pilot: The in's and out's of flying a commercial aircraft Tell me what you think VVVVVV
  14. dulix11

    [Item Suggest] Zombie Repellant Idea

    Zombie suit? Like you skin a zombie and wear its skin as a coat and they don't know the difference!
  15. Harro, I just borrowed S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC from my friend and as soon as I start play all the objects go crazy and look like they've been stretched out, so I decide to play some ArmA 2 and the same thing happens. I have updated my graphics card about 2 weeks ago for Doom so I don't think its a problem with that. Please help! Sorry the picture is so small, I can't upload files bigger than 500kb so you'll have to click on it. If you could tell me how to get them bigger then that will be great.
  16. dulix11

    My Arma is on Meth!

    @Connor Vaughn Nope defaulting it doidn't work. Its probably broken, oh well, I'll play some good ol' Doom until I get a new computer.
  17. Name sounds like a shock site lol...
  18. dulix11

    Global ban first time

    Uhh 1 question: Why so many spaces between words? And hows ArmA 3...and the DLC's? You're a pretty cool 52 year old...
  19. One of the main things I can stop thinking about is, if they are ZOMBIES, shouldn't there be like different types of them, some that are slower because they are missing their legs, some that can't hit as hard becuase they are missing hands or arms, some that can't see as far because their face is smashed in, etc, not just a walker, a crawler and a lying down-er. I think that there a some big problems with the mod that need to be fixed like what everyone is talking about, the overly complicated way to do simple things: eg, I want some water in DayZ but if I drink it, I'll get AIDS and die. So in order to get some hydration I need to search through Cherno for a water purification kit, or make a fire to boil it, but when getting wood to make the fire, that'll attract zombies, and when I try to run from them they'll gang-rape me. In the small chance I escape from them, I drink my water and be on my way, until I need to eat and then thats just another story. Doing simple tasks in this game like drinking water and gathering food shouldn't have to be a fucking project. I completely understand that they are trying to make this game like a proper zombie apocalypse, but if I wanted to do that I would go and create a zombie virus myself, but I'm playing COMPUTER GAME! I don't want to spend half my time gathering shit to purify a cup of water!
  20. I just wanted to make a thread to see if any of you agree with me or if you have something you don't like about DayZ, post it here: 1- The flashlight. Your character is really seizure-prone when you use this thing, he/she swings it around like he/she is pretending its a hatchet! I mean, it makes more sense when your being chased by zombies but not when you just walking around. I was running from about 5 zombies before realising I was running into a goddamn fence the whole time. 2- Unexplained Bone-Breakage. I was heading toward Cherno (at daytime by the way) when out of no where, *crack* and my leg is broken, I couldn't find any bear-traps on the ground and there was nothing. Another time I'm 95% sure a DOOR broke my legs when I tried to run out of a small building. 3- The chat system. If someone could explain the Direct, Vehicle, Group and the other one I would be very happy. 4- The zombies super vocal chords. I guess you could say it makes the game scarier if you can't see the zombie and all you can hear is grunting and snarling, but it gets really annoying, especially if you CAN see them, and it sounds like they're up your ass. 5- DayZ Commanders time tab. When you look for a server on the DayZ Commander it says 'time' indicating the time it is on the server. Simple enough. But, according to the Commander, 7:45 am is still night-time. I don't know about you and where you live, but normally 7:45 in Australia is usually dawn, or sunrise. Anways thats a couple I came up with off the top of my head so post what grinds your gears about DayZ.
  21. I agree very much, but what really annoys me the most is when someone posts a thread like this and all the answer are like: "Well if you think that then you must suck at DayZ / Oh all you're saying is DayZ is too hard for you and you want to go cry to mummy... / I can play DayZ fine so I assume everyone else can play as good as me, you're a noob..." Anyways you have my beans good sir.
  22. dulix11

    health system again >:(

    Paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs Y U NO use the ENTER key?
  23. I would like to see an inventory system like S.T.A.L.K..E.R. how its all in a grid with a can of beans taking up 6 squares and a M16 taking up 18 etc. This inventory looks too cluttered and confusing with too many screens at once.
  24. I dont know where this thread should go, but anyways I think night-time is too difficult or at least needs to be toned down a bit. A flashlight is somewhat useful other than the fact that you can't run with it or your character shakes it around like he has a seizure. Is it really that hard to run and hold a light steady? Night lasts forever and all I can manage to do is sit under a bush and eat baked beans and hope morning comes soon. I have not once lived through a whole night. Its also too dark I think, its pitch-black. Maybe in the standalone could there be some kind of lighting system? Like when theres a full moon its more of a blue light rather than pitch black. *Before you all say, 'Hmmm he seems to be complaining about the difficulty and he's crying because he lost all his stuff, we'll sure whatever, I'm not crying because I lost my stuff, I hardly have anything to lose anyway because its always night. I can get through a night with friends helping me out with resources, weapons etc, but this doesn't mean I rely on them. I know the game is meant to be like a survival game, where you have to scavenge and use tactics as if you actually were in a zombie apocalypse, but I have seen nights where I can see clear as day, but apparently on Chernarus the sun completely disappears with no moon light for 9 hours. So if you have a problem with my statement, please don't assume I am a pussy who can't play the game. I play perfectly fine. Thanks
  25. dulix11

    Item Tracking Device.

    Whats the point of trying to hunt down whoever stole it when you can go and find another one? I guess its more important if its something rare like NVG's or a good gun but after you've died, you'll have nothing anyway so by the time you round up a heap of equipment, you've already got decent stuff so I think its kinda useless.