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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    Epinephrine autoinjector

    I like how he suggests a useless idea and then never posts on the thread again.
  2. I would like to see, like what @Jakub-SK said, newspapers with 'ZOMBIE OUTBREAK' or TV's running a 10 sec video loop of some news footage saying 'This is a recorded message! Please head to the nearest city immediately! This is a recorded message! Please head to the nearest city immediately....' Or notes like in The Last Stand: Union City, left by people saying like 'Dear X, I've gone out to get some supplies, stay inside....'.
  3. My shitty computer has about 350gb HDD, 2GB RAM and a 4850 Raedon graphics card....so I'm kinda used to playing on these settings. Even ArmA III runs at about 10-15 fps on low everything. It is only just, JUST, playable. Firefights are hard to play in though, I'm afraid my computer will explode. The good news is I'm saving for something that can run it on just normal or high at least.
  4. dulix11

    Quick voice commands

    I am going to crawl up behind people and shout 'WATCH OUT THERE IS A ZOMBIE' right in their ear.....
  5. 1- More Russian weapons, like the mosin nagant, that would be cool. 2- Zombies - Slower not so easy to aggro, but stronger and in more numbers 3- A non-shaking flashlight 4- A better night time. You know, one that makes the game relatively PLAYABLE at night? 5- Attachments, (scopes, laser pointers, suppressors etc) that are removable and able to put on other weapons. Maybe it could require a screwdriver or a wrench to remove them? 6- A bigger consequence for being a bandit. Its just too easy. 7- An inventory system like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : http://www.dankelzahn.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/stalker-inventory-early-game.jpg 8- Plane crash sites - There was a pic of a plane crashed into a building in one of the SA devblogs I think. It would be like the heli crash sites, but contain much rarer things. And also depending on if it was a commercial, military or cargo plane. (Commercial would have trash loot, maybe some food, clothing, military would have weapons, -AS 50, M107, M240, satchel charges, grenades etc and cargo planes would have lots of food, beverages and useful loot) These should be heavily guarded by stronger zombies, see below VVV. 9- Armed zombies. These would be very rare and would only be around heli crash sites/plane crash sites (see above) and military buildings. They would only be armed with handguns or in rarer cases, rifles. 10- A less internet-hungry DayZ. That would be great! 11- More submachine guns. Skorpion, Uzi, MAC-10....PPSH??????????!!!!!! I might add more.
  6. dulix11

    DayZ Standalone Requirements?

    How internet hungry will the SA be? Anyone have any ideas?
  7. dulix11

    More Russian Guns

    The Lee-Enfield is a pretty old gun too, that is still in the game.
  8. I don't really like the vest idea, but the grenades sound cool: Me: Yeah, theres a AK-47 on that zombie, go loot it. N00b: o yea ok il go- Freakin' BOOM!! Me: lololololololololololol But, how do you capture the zombies exactly? And how would you tell if they've been booby-trapped? @Perigrin Is that you in your profile pic?
  9. dulix11

    A Standby For Now....

    The Killing Floor is on steam for like $20 or something. http://store.steampowered.com/app/1250/
  10. dulix11


    I like trains.
  11. dulix11

    Dayz Launcher Question

    1- Yes you can use the DayZ Commander after you have used PlayWithSix. You can have both installed at the same time, all though I reccomend DayZ Commander. 2- No.
  12. dulix11

    How To Record Dayz

    Lol, I got FRAPS, was recording Doom with it, paused it and left for about 6 hours. It tried to install a game the next day but I couldn't. No hard-drive space. The video took up ~260 gigs -.-
  13. Mine is 'Helicopter Hunter'. I've never shot down a helicopter before? Are they like ranks or something? I assumed they went up the more :beans: you collect. What are all the titles, in order, could someone show me please?
  14. dulix11

    Sawn-Off Shotgun

    Will you be able to craft it?
  15. dulix11

    Bandit Forum

    Myself. Unarmed (maybe) guy thinking he was 'safe' behind a dog kennel. My Lee-Enfield. Headshot. Goodnight B)
  16. dulix11

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Make it an option.
  17. dulix11

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Damn, I was looking forward to finding these simple, easy ways to say thanks to the moderators. I was looking forward to hardly even seeing the name on the can, and afterwards, simply consuming it, turning it into a useless tin can. But apparently, the cans that were posted, (which, by the way where zoomed in and much bigger than they would've been in the SA.) were too 'silly' with 'immature names' and they would 'ruin immersion'. Heh, yeah, my ass ruins immersion. What was the fucking problem? I just can't express how stupid the reason for removal is! 'Gee thanks mods for running the forums and putting up with everyones bullshit, and in turn, we'll give you a can of food/drink as a gift!' 'Ahh no that won't work, I won't really feel as if I'm in a zombie apocalypse if theres a can of 'Herpy Dooves Canned Muffins' in front of me.' BULLSHIT.
  18. dulix11

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Why doesn't a mod make a poll and see what the results are?
  19. dulix11

    DayZ Memes

    http://cheezburger.com/7089173760 http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r568/Droopah1/axe.jpg
  20. dulix11

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    I just realized, how many people actually look so closely at the cans anyway? You just notice the colour and go 'oh thats Pepsi' I dont think anyone goes up to read them. Even when they're in your inventory, you're just going to drink it/eat it. Only the people on the forums are actually going to know what it means so why is everyone crying about it? I can't imagine anyone going around finding these cans and raging at the computer because its called Orlok fruit or Herpy Dooves muffins! WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Please someone tell me so I have a better idea and a better argument...
  21. dulix11

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    This is basically what I'm seeing as an 'argument' from people who don't wont these food cans in the game: "I won't look really cool if I'm shooting someone and they have 'FraggleO's in their backpack" WHO CARES ABOUT THE NAMES! Its like if I reject getting a worksheet because it says 'Math Revision' instead of 'Math Test' or if I'm at McDonalds 'Naah I don't want to call that cheeseburger a cheeseburger...' Why are people so tight-assed about this realism thing? It ruins 'immersion'? So a computer game can't have its share of humourous, head nods to the moderators? What does it matter? Its not like you have to pick it up either. You are only going to turn it into a empty, nameless, crumpled can anyway. I honestly can't believe we are arguing over some fucking food cans. Good day to you people.
  22. dulix11

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Jeez who the fuck cares? Its a cool way to be able to say 'Thanks mods for managing the forums!' I would kill every innocent bambi to have my name on a can of beans or pasta or fried coconuts or whatever. More food sounds good to me too; I mean what happened to it all when this outbreak happened? It just vanished? It kinda reminds me of the Fallout series. Dark and gloomy, all hope is gone kinda thing but with this humourous can of beans it just brightens the atmosphere.
  23. dulix11

    Why I'm uninstalling DayZ

    -I shouldn't have to reload a melee weapon This is a bug, if you look closely you can see your character hold the hatchet like a rifle, so it makes kinda sense if he has to reload it. -Flawed survival system So? Who cares, if making food/water is one less thing to worry about in this game, then I'm happy. -Night HOLY SHIT I AGREE. And this will be the sole thing I do agree with you. Why can't you hold the flashlight properly? "Aww nah their trying to make a realistic game, you'd actually do that in real life..." NO. WRONG. DayZ is already the most realistic game I've ever played, (blood, food, water, hearing, sight etc) so holding a flashlight without having a epileptic seizure should be mandatory. -More Vehicles Would you also like a weapon stash? Or maybe a BM-21? How about we also give you an F35 just as you spawn? How much fun would that be! Well I've spawned and already got a vehicle to get around easily and pretty much defeat the whole purpose of playing this game, soooooo V -No point This is stupid. Whats the point of minecraft? Nothing! All you do is build houses and stuff. I can build a house outside if I wanted to, but can I take part in the survival of a zombie apocalypse right now? NO.