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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    Best place to find a mosen

    I generally find weapons in the barracks' at the airfields, the back of cars, or in schools. I think thats what they are. The building with about 3 levels. Highest level, up there.
  2. dulix11


    But then everyone would go straight for the coat or the jumper, whichever has the most inventory slots. Although, instead of jeans, you could go with tracksuit pants, or shorts. And a tank top instead of a t-shirt.
  3. dulix11

    Dayz is shitty now

    That whipping does sound bad.
  4. dulix11

    Will this computer run DayZ standalone?

    120gb would be fine, put your OS and a couple of games if you want.
  5. "Priorities, not additions" I don't like having to walk everywhere, but I can live with it. For now, at least.
  6. To me the footsteps sound kind of 'off', like when walking the footsteps sound like they're coming from the left (I wear headphones), so I get spooked and end up going stealth ninja at the NWAF and cities.
  7. dulix11

    Patch this turd or revert to before patch.

    If they spend all their time adding vehicles in, whos going to be in charge of fixing all of these game bugs and glitches you guys complain about all day?
  8. dulix11

    Not Enough Food

    Look in the supermarkets. What towns were you looking in?
  9. dulix11

    My Ideas for KoS Prevention

    Yes, this does happen in the SA. Cop a bullet in the face and your helmet, mask and glasses are all destroyed. Cop a bullet in the back, and assuming you have a backpack, the contents will be broken too. It would be good to see canteens / water bottles leaking if they have been shot.
  10. dulix11

    This is awesome!!!!

    I like blue lines that run down the side of my page too, guy? Whats up with your post?
  11. dulix11


    PM a moderator, they'll be happy to help.
  12. dulix11

    We need MOAR in Chernarus+

    NOTE: I don't intend on this happening in the alpha, beta, or shit, even the full release. I don't even know if any of these ideas are worth the work. I hope they are. Whilst playing some DayZ, I spawned at Nizhoye (idk how to spell it, the one of the east coast), and decided to head to Elektro. It would've taken me about a half-hour to get there real time. The whole time it was just jogging along a boring road, and then heading into the forest every now and again. And also a problem, (particularly for me, and for anyone else using shit mobile broadband) is that mobile broadband doesn't usually have huge download quota. So when playing DayZ, I want to actually do something fun rather than walking for 7 hours. For ages. it was just bland and boring. So here is my (hideous) presentation: Chernarus++ note that the map isn't Chernarus+, it is the old one, but the added buildings up the top aren't what I'm focusing on. You probably won't be able to read some of the things on there (thanks to my epik paint skilz), so save it and look up close. There needs to be things in the forests (power plants, science labs...) to make those long treks less-boring. And not something with 2 levels and doors I can't access, I'm talking 3 or 4 levels, with multiple passage ways and big rooms. So I won't run in there, loot 6 objects and run out. I want to be in there for 20 minutes exploring. The north, even with the addition of the towns and docks, is pretty bland. There is the NWAF, and that's about it. There is not much incentive to go up there. The best place to be for interacting with others (whether that be killing or communicating, trading etc) is at the south. Cherno, Elektro, Balota. There are your main cities. No one cares about the others. because they're all so easy to get to. Spawn in Balota? Get some weapons >>> head to Cherno, get some food and clothing >>> go to Elektro to kill people. Then just loiter around aimlessly or shoot new spawns. Poor Zelenogorsk hasn't had any attention I don't think. Its just too far away. But if there was something close by (NPP? Space lab? idk) maybe people will want to explore a little more. We need MOAR!!!!
  13. Haha, don't feel bad. I came onto the forums wondering why the 7.62 ammo wouldn't fit in a mosin. Turned out it could, I just didn't take it out of the box first :/ The NWAF is usually bandit heaven, be careful. Use the tree line for cover until you are right up close, go in, go out. as fast as possible.
  14. The .45 bullets don't go in the revolver, lol. You'll need .357 rounds I believe. To find weapons, I always go into the buildings are around the airfields, it has one entrance, and about 5 or 6 rooms along it. Each of the rooms have a bunk in it. EDIT: a barracks :rolleyes:
  15. dulix11

    We need MOAR in Chernarus+

    Yeah, I can see why you wouldn't want the 4 laned highways in a place as bleak as Chernarus, but I would kike to see some bigger roads between cities, and with cars crashed and stacked on top of each other for a make-shift barricade.
  16. dulix11

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    OK, but consider this: - Bicycle is implemented in next update. - Everyone is happy -AWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAWWWWWWWWWW JEEZ ROCKET MY HUNGR IS GLITCHD NO WORK 4 ME ;_; - 'well, did you want a bike because you can't hold down the "W" key for a few minutes, or do you want a alpha that is less buggy and more playable than the version before?' the devs can't win
  17. dulix11

    Gaming pc upgrade suggestions

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the FM2 socket only for APUs? And isn't it a waste of money to buy an APU and a GPU? You might need a new motherboard OP. Depending on if you want to go with AMD, or try Intel(master race) Intel is alot more expensive, so it depends on how much you want to spend.
  18. dulix11

    Heart massage

    I like it.
  19. dulix11

    two simple KOS resolutions

    No. No. No. And no. So what will happen when you have met 20 people who shot at you, so you killed them in self-defence? And I really don't like the idea of randomly dying because I shot someone. Or losing all my stuff, its pointless and unrealistic.
  20. dulix11

    Gaming pc upgrade suggestions

    Only 500gb? Wow, I've only got 431gb left on my terabyte. You must keep everything clean. I would get an SSD if I were you. Put your OS on it, and some games you play frequently.
  21. dulix11

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I want to run around and collect nothing but batteries. As many as I can fit. Only eat and drink when I absolutely have to. When I get robbed I'll say 'plz no shoot no shoot! take what you like!' when they check they'll be like 'wtf is this shit' and I'll quickly run away leaving them to figure out what just happened.
  22. dulix11

    Do you HOP or STICK?

    Since my internet is pretty bad, I have to change servers regularly. I only have maybe 8 - 10 servers with <100 ping, so if one starts getting laggy, I'll swap to the next one. Most of the time its not too much of an issue.
  23. I would imagine so. ArmA III was about $30 in its alpha, and its $60 now I think.
  24. dulix11

    Game running slowly...

    CPU would be the problem I imagine. Its quite slow.