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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    Idiot people

    I was looting in Elektro, lucky enough to spawn there, I reached the outskirts and sat down for a bit. A group of 9 year olds on side chat are arguing and shreiking in their whiny little voices. After a minute resting I head down to the supermarket, get some more food, and a handgun. Then these two kiddies say to each other, 'hey man, meet me on top of the elektro fire station man, hurrr' and at that moment, I facepalmed and pretty much every single bandit in the area (including myself) heading toward the fire station. I entered through the back (giggity), and headed up the stairs, where I found an M1014 with heaps of ammo for it. Now I am stuck in the tower thing, gunshots going off every where, so I head further up to the top floor of the tower and find a Mk-16. I couldn't pick it up, and I'm 95% sure this was hacked, so I left it, headed back down, got into a 15 second firefight with some other bandits, which, unfortunately, ended in my demise. Oh well, I'm not making threads about losing my weapons, I wanted to hear read about your stories of idiot people giving away their positions, vehicles, or just people who suck. Really bad.
  2. I think that some, not all, weapons should be replaced with Russian counterparts. And most of the high-end weapons should be much rarer. Nothing removed though, just make it a bit harder for people to get a hold of them.
  3. Uhhh, what? You can check my posts / threads, not ONCE have I gotten angry about losing my gear. I'm not whining either, I'm saying that people come onto the forum complaining that 'OH NOES I lost my gear i hate these hackers screw this game im not playing the sa...' That is why people are complaining on the forum, thats what he asked. I really couldn't care less if I lost an AS50. Once you get that thing anyway, you've won, there it is. The end of DayZ, you may as well kill yourself to start over from scratch.
  4. dulix11

    The best Dayz tip you have ever heard

    Stay away from doors and gates :/
  5. Its mostly a bunch of little crybaby pussies complaining because they lost their stupid fucking AS50 and NVGs. They complain that they were hacked and killed by an invincible guy. Well, guess what? If you wait a month or so, there might even be a SA-alpha ready, and I'm sure they would've fixed at least some of the hacking. "i just lost my as50 to a hackr now i am totaly pissed off fuck this game i hate it dont even play it." STFU, and GTFO.
  6. dulix11

    AKM vs SA58 series

    I like the Sa-58. Looks really cool and I like using it. I also like the ACR too, with their funny backpacks...
  7. dulix11

    Looking to buy desktop

    Your current build is pretty sloppy for modern gaming. You can either build or upgrade your current one, the latter I would reccomend as you already have an OS, HDD, RAm etc. Your CPU can do with an upgrade, anything over 3.0GHz is good for just about anything. You didn't list your GPU but I'm assuming its not very good for gaming, anywho, I would reccomend a 660+ (670, 680..) or a 7770+ (7850, 7870...).
  8. I KoS alot of the time because 1: I don't have a mic, yet. 2: I don't want to be KoS'd. 3: i want all ur loot
  9. dulix11

    HD 7870 10-15 fps on all settings

    It might be something wrong with the server?
  10. dulix11

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Necro dude...
  11. dulix11

    The "DayZ" Feel

    I remember my first DayZ experience..."Oh look a survivor, oh shit! ZOMBIES!! RUN, oh, no I'm dead."
  12. dulix11

    GTX680 lower fps than GTX560ti 448???

    ArmA's engine is really poorly optimized, so you could get different FPS every day.
  13. dulix11

    What's your reason to KOS?

    They're scary and I don't have a mic :/
  14. dulix11

    Surgical Kit

    Maybe you could use a knife or some pliers at a high risk of infection?
  15. dulix11

    When did DayZ public die?

    I almost always play alone, the most I think I would play with is 3, I always play vanilla, public, and yes, I can't wait for the SA.
  16. dulix11


    Does only rocket have it or is it achievable?
  17. dulix11

    This picture looks like DayZ minus the zombies

    Doesn't really look like DayZ to me, more like Battlefield 3...
  18. dulix11

    Server Restart

    I keep playing and get stuck in that annoying 'No message recieved for 5 seconds...10 seconds......' Doesn't really matter as I never have any decent equipment anyway.
  19. dulix11

    Become a infected!

    No. Suggested 10000 times before, use the search bar.
  20. dulix11

    Low fps but good Hardware?

    I hate it when people come onto the forum saying 'Oh I've got everything maxed out, but I only get 40fps in Cherno, wtf is going on???'.
  21. I would be more concerned about your CPU, you'll need at least 3.0GHz to run smoothly, at least 8GB of RAM, and for cheap-ish GPUs go for the 7750 or 7770.
  22. dulix11

    Your Dayz Hometown?

    Kamenka :/
  23. dulix11

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    How will shooting a gun out of someones hands prevent KoS? And I have to say I disagree with this, like you said, it would just feel too 'gamey'.
  24. I like the idea of the humanity for robbing people, and the faster running upgrades etc...