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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11


    AMD A8-5600k @ 3.6GHz ASRock FM2A85X Extreme6 A-Data 8GB (2x4GB) RAM 500GB HDD Radeon HD 7770 1GB GHz edition Sentey GS-6050 II Halcon case Coolmax 400W ATX PSU All that on PCPart picker is $452 USD, you Americans have it pretty good, all that would cost easily over $600 AUD.
  2. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Intergrated means the GPU is built into the mobo, and uses its RAM instead of its own, you can't upgrade these. Most intergrated GPUs suck 8===D for games like ArmA but I've heard the 7760D is OK. Dedicated means its detachable from the mobo, and uses its own RAM, for instance a 660ti "2GB" would mean it has 2GB of RAM.
  3. dulix11

    Average FPS?

    30 - 50 in average places 20 - 30 in forests 15 - 25 in cities Very high everything, shadows on normal, AA disabled and PPE on very low. Intel Core i5 3570k 8GB RAM ASRock Z77m Nvidia 650 1GB
  4. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    It is DEFINATELY worth the money. If you don't buy it, you will regret it. Definately go for it. Buddy, it'll run fine on low - normal. Especially with the CPU he's got, it'll run fine. I would reccomend an upgrade, but it'll run, buddy. Also if you 'doubt it' then don't answer unless you know that it'll run or not. <30 on low - normal.
  5. dulix11

    DayZ Community PC build.

    CPU: AMD A6-5400k MOBO: ASRock FM2A85X Extreme6 RAM: 4GB Corsair HDD: 500GB GPU: Radeon 7770 1GB CASE: Antec One PSU: 550w All this from Australian stores for about ~$560.
  6. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    25 - 35 on low - normal, the GPU needs an upgrade.
  7. Just because it has a higher clock rate doesn't mean its the best. Everyone does different things, and theres no point spending $350 on CPU you won't use. OP, unless you're doing alot of recording, video editing etc go for the 3570k.
  8. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    ~30 on normal - high. With that budget, anything really. I would reccomend an overclockable CPU with at least 3.0GHz of speed. 16GB of RAM for your editing / recording. At least a TB of storage for your videos and an SSD too. A high end GPU (680 / 690 / 7970) Intel, corsair, crucial are all good SSD brands. Your current GPU is fine, but the 660ti will be better.
  9. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Everything looks great except the GPU, you will get better FPS with a brick.
  10. dulix11

    50 cal crybabies

    You wanna talk about realism, OP? Go to a post-Soviet state and tell me how many AS50s and M107s you find there. Then explain why they shouldn't be removed: they are too easy to use. You find it, point it at anyone, anywhere, any range, click, boom! Dead. It gets very aggravating actually trying to play the game properly: Scavenging for whatever you can find, only having 1 magazine for your gun, evading zombies everywhere, just to be sniped by someone sitting on a mountain with an overpowered point-and-click death stick. Also, you are being very selfish. Basically, you are saying: 'Oh, well you've just started playing the game? dont be such a fcuking noob learn to hide beind things dont go in the open fag retard...' If someone has just started playing, they can never learn to play properly getting raped by people sitting motionless with an AS50 / M107.
  11. dulix11

    Noob question i know but....

    Right click on the backpack and then click the arrow that is in the top left hand corner, that will transfer the item over to your inventory and vice versa. Be careful, like everyone said, putting too bigger items in small backpacks will eat it.
  12. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    The CPU is way too weak. I don't think you can, you can't change a GPU that is intergrated. If you can go for the 680, keep it, otherwise the 7870 is about half price and is pretty damn good I hear. 40+ on max settings. An average of thirty??? My DESKTOP had a 4000 series GPU and ran under 20 frames most of the time. He said he's playing on a laptop, I doubt he will get anymore FPS than ~15. Everything on low.
  13. 2/5 times I get kicked for high ping. I try to choose the servers with the lowest and they are happy with me. I always thought the closer you are to the host the lower your ping will be. Or does it have to do with how fast my internet is? Because if that is it, there is a chance I may be fucked. Thanks
  14. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    No problem, 30 - 40 FPS on high.
  15. dulix11

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    True, but alot of them are made like 'I've had it with these shit guns, f*ck this game i hate you fags play it its gay'. At least this guys negotiable.
  16. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    No chance, if there was it would be at negative 50 frames. 1.6GHz is way too slow, and the GPU is too slow. A desktop is the way to go.
  17. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    You'll be able to run it fine, 30+ FPS on normal - high. Uprgade your OS to Windows 7, otherwise make sure you AA, Post processing effects etc turned off.
  18. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    The GPU is very weak but other than that, the only thing you might want to upgrade is the RAM to 8GB. You should get <~20 with that build.
  19. dulix11

    Recording Help

    lol, once I left my computer running Fraps recording Doom, I came back 6 hours later with a 260GB video.
  20. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    You'll be fine, 30+ on high. You'll be lucky to play Minesweeper on that. If you do manage to run ArmA, it'll be very slow. Like, very slow. If you're budget is between $1000 - $1200 I strongly reccomend getting a desktop. Laptops suck balls when it comes to this game, they're just not strong enough. You'll easily be able to get a good rig with that amount of $$$. Most likely very slowly, I would suggest more than 3.0GHz for ArmA, laptops just wont cut it.
  21. dulix11

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    i think there should be something you have to do beforehand to fly a helicopter, ie: A helicopter manual you can find and then have to read, then that will let you fly a helicopter. Maybe there could be different copies, the more you read, the more responsive and easier it is to fly.
  22. dulix11

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    Yeep, remove the .50s and make the others (DMR, M24 etc) harder to find. There needs to be more civilian weapons. - .22 rifle - .243 rifle - .308 rifle - Double barrel shotgun - Sawn offf shotgun - Single barrel shotgun - More lever action rifles