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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    To the scumbags in the SW AF

    Intredasting... So, you died in other words? What exactly were you hoping to achieve out of this post?
  2. Hello, Twice now I've been playing DayZ, and it will freeze for maybe 5 seconds, and then shoot to a black screen, before plonking me on my desktop. DayZ is still running, it is still open on my sidebar, but I can't open it. Not from the task manager, not from the Right clicking on the taskbar icon and selecting "DayZ" from the list, gives me a Steam error. It says "Preparing to launch DayZ...", and then "Failed to find a running instance of Steam." Anyone having similar problems?
  3. dulix11

    Third Person Fix

    I, like many people, use it because a, first person gives you a headahce. b, because travelling around the countryside solely in first person is pretty boring imo c, taking screenshots...?
  4. dulix11

    How bad would i lag

    I think, with broadband and wireless broadband, the signal goes from the router to the exchange, and then the exchange to the satellite, but with satellite internet, it just goes straight up.
  5. That's stupid. Its like buying a car and not being able to drive on the road, because your tires are different to everyone else's.
  6. Thats no excuse for some people not being able to play the game just because of their hardware.
  7. dulix11

    Few new items (ZSh3 Pilot Helmet incl)

  8. dulix11

    DayZ Sounds

    I don't really want any sound ingame, especially the random industrial ones and the sound of something banging against a chicken-wire fence. Just silence, some birds chirping, the wind blow, the zombies howling...
  9. dulix11

    Go Home House, Your Drunk

    Care to elaborate? I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary.
  10. dulix11

    Alt Tab Death

    Sad... DayZDB ruins the game for me. No longer a surprise or a challenge when you go and explore. The only time I Alt+Tab is to check Skype, and thats about it.
  11. dulix11

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    Does OP realise that Steam has a chat system? No chat = no steam = no DayZ...
  12. Wow. I would like that! I only get 18gb. Welcome to straya, land of the shittiest internet on the planet.
  13. dulix11

    New Spawn Gear Suggestion

    I wouldn't mind spawning without a flashlightl, so long as night times intensely poor visibility is fixed.
  14. Yeahh...no. Getting all your stuff back isn't the point of the game. No.
  15. dulix11

    Where to find radios (walkies)?

    Firestations is where I've found all of mine. Had no use for them, so I just leave them there.
  16. dulix11

    Suicide Animation ?

    Also, I think I should add, slitting your own throat is very, very, very, very painful and you won't die instantly. You die from blood loss, (cutting the jugular and all the other important stuff in there), so I don't really think they'd be a logical reason to add that. Shooting yourself in the head would have to be instantly death, since the brain is destroyed, or the spine is severed from a shot to the back of the mouth, disabling any functions / signals that it sends through your body. Brutal stuff...
  17. dulix11

    Suicide Animation ?

    I think the suicide option should be completely disabled until you are like 1km from your original spawn, otherwise people will abuse it.
  18. dulix11

    Can my computer run DayZ ?

    Please refer to this thread next time you have a question like this. Using 1 thread keeps the forums nice and tidy. And to answer your question, I really doubt it. Your GPU is very weak and your CPU is pretty sloppy too.
  19. dulix11

    Just got the new Shotgun!

    Put *link*[/ img] get rid of the space between the last 'img' and the slash that will make your pic appear on the page itself. And also, cool! Where did you find them firestation I'm guessing? I'm yet to see one.
  20. dulix11

    Zombie Damage... WTF

    Dodge them. You can tell when they're about to strike. The only melee weapon that is worth using is the fire axe, everything else is as weak as your fists. And also, until you find some proper bandages, horde shirts and tear them into rags.
  21. dulix11

    Bad framerate on high end laptop?

    Get a deessssskkktttooooppppp......
  22. dulix11

    Buying a gaming PC!

    CPU: AMD 760K ~ 3.8GHz Mobo: MSI A78M-E35 FM2+ GPU: EVGA GeForce 650ti 2Gb RAM: Crucial 8gb 1600MHz HDD: WD 1tb 7200rpm PSU: Corsair 600w PSU CASE: Rosewill LINE-M Micro ATX mini tower OS: Windows 8.1 64bit Some random CD-Drive, too many letters and numbers. ~$708 http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2H30I ~$720 but a better build. Stronger CPU, better GPU, Also, that is the most bizarre way to post PC parts I've ever seen.
  23. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Not on medium, probably not very well on very low either. Not well at all.
  24. dulix11

    Basic: My DayZ Standalone Ideas

    Yes, I would like some map improvements myself, theres not much to see when walking from Elektro up to the NWAF and back again. But apparently the engine doesn't do too well with rivers. Here's my thread in case you wanted to have a look: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165117-we-need-moar-in-chernarus/ shameless, cross threaded self bump
  25. dulix11

    Ram memory

    You have RAM (random access memory) which plugs into your motherboard. You would have 8gb of RAM installed in your computer. You have VRAM (video random access memory) which is in your graphics card. Your graphics card must have 2gb of VRAM installed, and so that is what the game is using. The RAM and VRAM are two different things.