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Everything posted by dulix11

  1. dulix11

    one less idiot

    Top lel. 26 posts here and he has already wasted his credibility and respectability on the forums, well done. You must be oblivious to the fact that there is around 1000000 of these sort of posts a day. There is the group who don't like people who empty their magazines into random people, and then there is people who do. Go back to 4chan. Not here.
  2. dulix11

    one less idiot

    Tell you what, coming onto the forum with 22 posts and calling people that isn't the best idea. He is entitled to an opinion, just like you are.
  3. dulix11

    Help - Trees

    That'd be your problem. I would be aiming for something like a 7770, that would get you much better performance :) EDIT: are you using a laptop? Assuming so because of your GPU, ArmA II is quite a task for a laptop. It is a pretty demanding game, and not alot of laptops can handle it.
  4. My options are in the title. I plan on getting these, as well as the rest of my build, very very soon. Which one to get? Keep in mind that the 770 is really only around ~$400 AUD and that leaves room for a lot more (monitors, peripherals etc). The 780 comes in at around $650 - $750 AUD, and the 780 ti comes in at around $850 AUD. Planned build: i7 4770k Noctua NH-D14 MSI Z87 G45 Gaming edition 120gb SSD -GPU- 650w SeaSonic PSU I really only plan on gaming, a little bit of video editing, photoshop and 3D modelling. halp?
  5. dulix11

    GTX 770, 780 or 780ti?

    Alright, thanks guys. I'm a Nvidia fanboy and probably won't change my mind about that :P (gets me into a LOT of arguments though) i think I'll go with the 780 ti. I don't think I'll need a bigger SSD tbh.
  6. For the love of my brain cells STAHP OP, I like the concept, but 20% is waaayyy too high. Besides, a gun doesn't have to be degraded to jam. You can get a gun and have it for 2 weeks and it might jam.
  7. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Looks fine, should get you 30+ on high.
  8. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    hue hue, SSDs are hard drives with no moving parts, everything is 'solid state'. And also, no sorry. Your CPU is very weak and that is a very old card, the game would hardly run at all. No requirements for the SA yet, but don't be surprised if this build won't run it. I would imagine the requirements would be something like ArmA IIs.
  9. dulix11

    Good Dayz US servers?

    When you say 'downloading all the mods'…do you mean like Epoch and Overwatch? Because I would stay away from them tbh until you get a decent idea of the vanilla version first.
  10. dulix11

    Low FPS just in DayZ

    Post your specs and I'll be able to help you out :)
  11. dulix11

    How do I start Dayz?

    Definetely, the lower ping the less lag. Try to choose servers that are in your country, or you can just switch the filter around.
  12. http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_972&products_id=23489 Here is a 650w SeaSonic PSU, gold rating. PSUs are something you don't want to fuck up, because if they do, there goes your entire computer. SeaSonic, Corsair, Antec are all trustable brands. I seriously doubt a single GPU needs 750w to run, so I assume that is just to be sure, and make room for everything else (CPU, fans etc). Most GPUs only need 100 - 250w, but it is always good to have a little more than you need.
  13. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    They may be right, I'm not sure. The demo is definetely more limited, so you probably will get a lot more frames. Maybe you could try searching youtube with something like 'i7 4702MQ arma 2' or 'i7 4702MQ dayz' to see if anyone has videos of their performance.
  14. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    You can download the ArmA II demo from steam, its free and should give you a rough idea of what you could get :)
  15. dulix11

    Many issues with DayZ

    People who hack don't deserve to play DayZ, even if you buy another copy. It really is sad that people can't be bothered even trying to play the game properly, and have to resort to ruining the game for everyone.
  16. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Like I said, you might get 10 - 25 fps with everything on very low or disabled completely.
  17. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Yes, 2.2 makes it a pretty slow CPU. For a laptop, it is pretty good, but for smoother gameplay I would recommend at least 3.0GHz (4 cores).
  18. dulix11

    Many issues with DayZ

    Tsk tsk.
  19. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    That CPU is very slow, and if you could get it to run in would probably get 10 - 25 fps everything low.
  20. dulix11

    Waypoints ?

    lol at your username, using your email as a username is probably not a good idea on the interwebz.
  21. dulix11

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    This will barely run DayZ on lowest settings, sorry.
  22. dulix11

    60+ frames eludes me

    I wouldn't even go for an i7 unless you're planning on recording / 3D modeling etc. A 3570k or 4670k will do just fine.
  23. dulix11

    60+ frames eludes me

    Speakers, you will have to buy seperately, but CPU coolers and case fans I'm pretty sure come with it. CPU coolers come in the CPU box, and case fans come in the case. That build will play anything on the market right now, and is pretty future proof at least for a couple of years. I can get you a cheaper build but I cannot guarantee that it will run everything on ultra 60+ fps.
  24. dulix11

    All time favorite item in DayZ, and why?

    The hatchet. The hatchet is the best thing in DayZ. First time I used a hatchet, I legitimately thought that someone was shooting at me :facepalm:
  25. I believe the 8350 is still essentially a '4 core' CPU, but alot of fine print and other research will determine it is using 4 cores with 4 'mini cores' or some shit in it aswell.