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Everything posted by cheesycheesebourne

  1. Hmmm, after only 847 hours game time I don't know if I can answer that question.... give me to 1000 hours and I will let you know if I got my 30 bucks worth....
  2. cheesycheesebourne

    Dogs , More Clothes

    I'm going with door number 1
  3. cheesycheesebourne

    "My leg hurts... You are dead!"

    dam, happened to me twice today... second time I was ground level, however it was on a mountain. Perhaps I fell through the mountain...???
  4. cheesycheesebourne

    PLEASE let us attach flares to our backpacks

    I get attaching lights or glow-sticks to my backpack..... but magnesium burning at 2000 degrees...?? :o
  5. cheesycheesebourne

    Guns- Which ones do you prefer and why?

    Yeah, but it looks purdy in the menu screen....... :D They can open cans in a pinch, but I guess they don't have to be mounted to do that..... :blush:
  6. cheesycheesebourne

    Guns- Which ones do you prefer and why?

    The one I seem to come across most is the SKS. Seems to have good take-down power, semi-auto, (without a magazine which is nice), and common ammo. Always ends up being iron-sights only for me, but they work ok, and add a pristine bayonet just for aesthetics. B)
  7. cheesycheesebourne

    What Broke You?

    Just had one of my worst and greatest moments that has also re-kindled my faith in the game. Some dude assassinated me in the control tower at NE airbase. No warning, just a single pop and I am dead. I re-spawned to find myself maybe a klick away. Ran in the rain back to the airbase, and only had time to find a baseball bat along the way. Made it to the control tower and asshat is still going through my shit as this black t-shirt, black jean wearing, bat wielding fucker, who is me, leaps on him and begins to beat the shit out of him. He is completely confused and tries to shoot me with rifle, with pistol, switching weapons around, and even once tries to climb over an imaginary fence. Finally he resorts to getting his fire-ax out, meanwhile I have landed multiple blows with the bat and he is pissing blood. We fight our way down the stairs both bleeding now, and I see him hit the ground unconscious just before I go out myself.... my wife then wonders why I leap out of my chair laughing and screaming at the computer monitor "...HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT BITCH!?!?!?!?". Fuck that felt good.
  8. cheesycheesebourne

    You just respawned...

    I prefer an Elektra start, where I will get a weapon, morphine, and a hunting/cooking kit. Usually head NE, and set up camp outside Krasnostav. If I spawn SW, I head up to Zeleno to get gear, and then start the long journey to Krasnostav. It's not really about the destination, more the journey.... B)
  9. cheesycheesebourne

    Increase in Hacking?

    Been playing for a couple months now, and am still in LOVE with this game! I don't know if I have just been lucky, but have not had any experiences with hackers at all..... until yesterday, when I had two experiences that I can only imagine are hackers: Hanging near my tent in the middle of nowhere, and suddenly, "You Are Dead".... messages came up showing that everyone on the server died simultaneously. FUUUUUUUCK. After respawing and starting to get my new character kitted-up, a couple hours later I am crawling peacefully towards a town, (on a differant server than the one above), I am suddenly teleported to NW airport, with a bunch of others, and of course a big scirmish erupts. Fortunatley I was still prone so didn't catch any lead and was able to exit the server before dying. Anyway, has there been an increase in hacking lately, or was it just coincidence that these two experiences happened the same day and I have been lucky to play for so long without anything happening? It's not going to keep me out of the game, but if there are certain servers I can avoid to minimize hacker risk, any advice would be greatly received.