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Everything posted by kingkrabbe.#bof

  1. kingkrabbe.#bof

    creepy axe murder guy

    The joke is pretty old, but this is the most horrific video I know. But that the guy (or some guy who is using that "hack") is stalking people to other servers is new I think. New profile name would fix that indeed.
  2. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Anyone else miss when you were a noob?

    The key is to I think all the noob feelings would come back when I turned the music back up. Skip to 6:40: this track always gave me goose bumps when it started.
  3. kingkrabbe.#bof

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I want to know this aswell!
  4. kingkrabbe.#bof

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Just one question: is Rocket still planning a minecraft-like release (I mean early alpha release to a modest price and updates from that point) like he stated some time ago or will there be a final product release? Because many people say they are glad that Rocket isn't rushing the game and stuff like that, and that "it's done when it's done". What I saw in the devblog seemed really playable to me so I'm just wondering why people think it will come out at the end of the year? And imo you really can't compare the release of WARZ with the release of DayZ SA. I think WARZ was always an obvious scam and just intended for that purpose (money cow) while DayZ had a decent and playable "franchise" mod on the market which many people enjoyed. So I don't think you can compare rushing WARZ (scam game) to rushing DayZ SA (standalone release of a playable and liked arma2 mod, with improvements, additions, new features, ...).
  5. kingkrabbe.#bof

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I don't think it's that long because that gameplay footage seemed more or less ready for the masses. But what do I know. Rocket is such a mystery-monger when it comes to the release date.... <_< @-Leon- It seems to me (when I look at the pics you posted) that these problems can be fixed by adjusting the gamma and stuff like that?
  6. kingkrabbe.#bof

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I love the PR unprofessionalism! :P Looks really great, that city is f***ing huge! And it looks pretty much playable! So, what do you guys and girls think: will it be out in April?
  7. kingkrabbe.#bof

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    @rocket2gunsI hope there'll be anything about the release date. (Whoever is going to post "It's done when it's done" as a response will not get my beans! Never!)
  8. kingkrabbe.#bof

    How Serious do you get in DayZ?

    Never tried it, never had to. But how would I do it: probably try to shoot the legs or knockout the opponent and when sucessfull with that, shoot again to kill (too afraid they wake up while I loot them) or run away. =) I think getting people to lay down their weapons and stuff like that is too risky for me (alone) cuz they might have backup somewhere. So I wouldn't try that. But like I said, I avoid contact/shootouts.
  9. kingkrabbe.#bof

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    @rocket2guns w000t!!!!
  10. kingkrabbe.#bof

    How Serious do you get in DayZ?

    I take the game very serious . That means I stay in the bushes and just loot places which aren't crowded (after the freshspawn gearup in elektro/cherno/balota) and when I see players I see them usually first. Then I stay hidden and observe, let them pass, or run away. The only players I would shoot or rob would be players who try to attack me or who shot/attacked other players. But also then I would probably prefer to back away or stay out of it. I just want to survive and would do everything to achieve that. After all, it's a survival sandbox. My only kill so far which was not in self defence was on Namalsk and I was kind of starving. My victim didn't have anything to eat too... karma! =)
  11. kingkrabbe.#bof

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Can someone plz explain this to me? My english isn't good enough to get the meaning of this. =) Does it mean that zeds will be attracted by near but undetected players over time, or what? great work btw, quivers!!! =)
  12. kingkrabbe.#bof

    1st/3rd Person Perspective, Immersion and Awareness.

    Based on my DayZ mod experience I would say that the immersion in 3rd person view is higher for me than in 1st person. I can see my character, I can see her/him struggling, crouching, doing stuff, grabbing stuff, I can see her/his loadout (and clothing, what's the point of clothing (aside warmth) when you can't see your char?): I'm connected with my char because I see it. In first person, I only see hands on weapons. Also, the first person navigation/turning in DayZ mod is horrible - so there should be huge changes imo if they want to exclude 3rd person in DayZ SA. I agree that it's kind of lame when you can see over walls and around corners. IRL you could peek around corners without pushing half your body and your whole head in the open (like in DayZ mod 1st person lean) so that's to add. What I would like to see is some kind of dynamic 3rd person: when you get near a wall/object, the camera moves/zooms in and stays somewhere near your left shoulder: you see the char much bigger (only head and shoulder) and you can't see above walls. You still could see around corners, but not that easily... and maybe there could be some way to program it so that you couldn't turn your head towards the wall to see around it.
  13. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Idea to make tanks and aircraft harder to use

    Do you mean that Rocket wants to make piloting helicopters more like in a simulator? Which means you have to know a lot about piloting helicopters IRL to fly them ingame? that would be awesome! no more "oh, a heli! ... W is going forward, A is going left... auto hover! great!" but more "oh, a heli! ... W is..." KABLAM!! please make driving cars just like IRL too. I'd love to see some unlicensed drivers creeping around in the first gear because they don't know how to use the clutch.
  14. Hey, I'm no new player but I thought this would be the best place to ask my question. I was very lucky today and found a MK 48 Mod for the first time ever without any ammunition. I always wanted to try that weapon and now I'm looking for ammo for it. So I checked the NE airfield without any success and the Wiki says that 100 Rnd. M240 can only be found in barracks and heli crash sites. Otther pages say that you can find it nearly everywhere. I think I remember finding it in deer stands and general military spawns but maybe an update changed the spawn behavior. I'm a bit confused so where should I look? Thanks in advance! EDIT: Didn't find any info in this forum so I started a new thread.
  15. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Where can I find 100 Rnd. M240 for my MK 48 Mod?

    I looked EVERYWHERE several times (NW airfield, Stary Sobor, NE airfield, many heli crash sites and deer stands, even shot some soldier zeds) and FINALLY (took ages) I managed to grab a M240 belt in Story Sobor. I was so happy! Checked a crash site right after that: a fresh MK 48 Mod 0 with 2 mags! The DayZ loot spawner god/king/queen/whatever seems to be toying with me! Tried the weapon, felt like Animal Mother, ran for my life when the whole population in Stary came to get me! Great gun, I love it! So, thanks everybody for the help!
  16. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Where can I find 100 Rnd. M240 for my MK 48 Mod?

    Hey, thanks a lot for the quick reply. I will search every military spawn I can find. Yeah, it's on public servers but since I'm a very paranoid lone wolf player and have no backup for any kind of trades/gifts I have to refuse your generous offer. =) But again, thanks for the help and the quick response! You have my beans!
  17. Hello, This happened to me too, just 5 to 10 minutes ago, Logged out in the forest somewhere near that mountain with the ATVs (south of SE airfield), and joined another server for day time. Was killed while loading and spawned (I did nothing, no gender selection or abort) somewhere in the desert plains without anything on me (not even a bandage or flashlight). Could I be moved to my old location or somewhere else in Chernarus? And what is important too: could I get my gear back? Had some neat stuff looted together, hours of work. =/ Thanks in advance, for any help. My ingame char is also kingkrabbe.#bof (There should be an official thread/topic for this imo) EDIT: my Arma 2:OA PID is 49976966. If the server number is important, let me know. EDIT2: Ok, so I reconnected and joined somewhere on the coast near Cherno... so that problem is solved.But my gear is still gone, the server, I "died" on, also restarted recently... so even my corpse is lost... =( There is no way I can get my gear back now, is it? (died around 11:00 o'clock today, mid-europe time)
  18. kingkrabbe.#bof

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    You started with the made up facts so don't lol @ me. And I'm not paid by anti smoking agencies, as well as I don't think that you are paid by Philip Morris (who will be the much better employer because he has way more money). The negative attributes that I mentioned are based more on personal observations than on any facts (but I know there are some facts which prove me right but I won't getm into that). Many students smoke, many did back in school. To the end of the lesson they all became very nervous and when the bell rang they hurried to get out on the yard to smoke. And when you saw them take their first inhalation you could see how the pressure on them eased. But yeah, I can't see all the smokers of the world, that's true. There is empirical evidence but there is always the exception. Anyway: when you say everything about smoking is individual and every fact about smoking is made up, there can't be any general positive or negative attributes to it. When whe agree to that and cigarettes in DayZ are only cosmetic, fine by me. Btw: beans are pretty healthy. I think you can mainly rely on them in your everyday nutrition. And only to make things clear: coffee should have similiar DayZ effects as cigarettes (shaking after drinking it, warmth, but except the coughing and stamina thing... maybe you should have to pee more, that would be a good negative effect for coffee). And alcohol in high dosages should be even worse than smoking. But chocolate... only if you eat too much of it.
  19. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Those things they never tell you.

    Wow, this is the most funny exploit I've seen so far. So when your PC is shit you are the designated driver in any clan. =)
  20. kingkrabbe.#bof

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    Alright, let them implement cigarettes with some positive effects some of you feel in RL (I believe them to be psychosomatic but that makes them not untrue) But then, they should have the obvious negative effects for normal smoking (not casual like once a day) that are: - after 15 minutes (compared to hunger and thirst, it should be much shorter) a smoker starts to shake a little, gets somehow nervous (highly increased mouse sensitivity, badder aim due to moving sights) <--- you need to smoke again to calm your bodys need of nicotine (this behaviour can be watched by any normal smoker (maybe not the aiming part)) - after a while (like one week) your chars stamina starts to reduce itself and your char starts to caugh a lot while under physical strain - zombies aggro on smokers alot easier because they smell like an ash tray... or they aggro not at all because nobody wants to eat that ;)
  21. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Those things they never tell you.

    Hey, thanks a lot! So much useful tipps now. I think I'm gonna print that out! =) Thanks to you too. I have noticed the debug monitur problem with the always full icons myself and nearly starved one time, so I won't touch that until it's fixed. =)
  22. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Those things they never tell you.

    Wow, pretty nice list. I always wondered what this white orbs are. I thought they were some kind of light effect. =) A good addition would be that key which shows you some kind of menu on top of the screen where you can scroll down and see every player on the server (looks a lot like the menu where you have to hit ok to go ingame). I always wondered how you do that because I've seen this in many DayZ vids on Youtube. EDIT: to 1: can it be that this removes all the bluriness? When I played DayZ the first time and spawned freshly everything was kind of blurry (had full blood). I googled that problem and disabled post processing. Problem was gone.
  23. kingkrabbe.#bof

    Hats! EDIT: & Dog Tags

    I wouldn't like DayZ to reward players for anything with custom skins or something. I think there are enough cosmetics in the game (clothing, face skins, hero/bandit skin), the only addition that would make sense imo would be a medics badge or anything like that. As a reward for achievements I would prefer a way to unlock minor starting equipment: Survive 10 days -> get a 2nd starting bandage, Feed the hungry -> get 1 can of starting beans. Anything like that. But I would be totally ok with no achievements or unlockables at all. I have to say: I'm ok with developers who put something in a game just for them. They made the game, so in other words: they created the earth our ingame selfs walk on. So they can do whatever they want with their game: it's their creation! And a different skin is far less gamechaning than the TF2 weapons all the TF2 developers have. Rocket could make one of these for himself and put all the hackers to rest: http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Ban_hammer =)
  24. kingkrabbe.#bof

    The thrill of solo

    Man, solo is really cool. I played solo since I have the game. Once, I tried playing with a Steam friend but he had a totally different play style. I'm more the sneaky, "don't fire if you needn't" player and he was more the "lets run around and shoot/loot some stuff" player. I had lots of great gaming sessions playing solo. Finding my first ATV, building camps on my own, watching other people through my binoculars, looting heli crash sites, hours of running through the forest, finding other players camps and looting them, stuff like that. But in the future, I'm going to play with a good friend. Mainly because there will be someone to watch my back. It's very annoying to lose everything becasue you get shot in the back or sniped by anybody. If there is someone who can secure you in some kind of way than that is vital in this game. I think it will still be very hard to survive longer than a week if you play together (without an army by your side). But I'm going to play solo too. It's just the best for the thrill of it. =)
  25. kingkrabbe.#bof

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    Cigarettes as cosmetic items? Why not? Some people play with braveheart blue faces, I don't care as long as development isn't focused on cosmetics like that. But as a more or less useful item? Nah! Why bother for something like cigarettes? You could even program something like that. Pros + increases humanity because other survivors may laugh about it + blowing increases your stamina + you can look cool/ridiculous aswell without risk of lung cancer Cons - sound attracts zombies and other survivors - day or night time - you may tend to loot less because you spend too much time blowing this ... thing