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About Fector

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Kiel, Germany
  1. This would become the new No1 cause of death... :D
  2. Fector

    saving cars

    We've heard of it, we've tried it. We've tried every other 'trick' there is...new tents have never ever saved a single item for us.
  3. Fector

    Best place to find Camps?

    How would you know that? The tents just reload their old content each restart.
  4. Nicht wirklich, nein. Anscheinend kann man sie nicht einmal per Überfahren zerstören - sie respawnen einfach wieder. Leg Dich doch sonst einfach da mal auf die Lauer und versuch es den Leuten anders abzugewöhnen...xD Doubt that it's intentional, since it would be against the rules.
  5. What's your point again? Is there anything in particular that let's you think it'd be something else than:
  6. So, then they'd have to rescript TWO simple paragraphs...xD But it is safe to say, that it's gonna be way harder than that.
  7. Fector

    Do you still have artifacts?

    You got it mixed up. If they simply removed the buggy objects, it would be the lazy man's fix, because it wouldn't fix anything. Instead they are working on finding an actual solution, so it doesn't happen all over again with added content in the future. So, them not simply removing said objects shows that they care, not the other way round.
  8. Not mentioning the 'foolish' sink-into-the-ground feature of Arma2 that is there to compensate for just that? :)
  9. Fector

    Dealing with death

    The best way to deal with death is to deal death again.
  10. Fector

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    No, the people whining the loudest often, if not always, are very committed to the game and just fail in voicing their opinions/worries in a mature way. They are gonna buy it anyway, no doubt. If this was my first gaming forum, I'd be very puzzled by the combination of passion, sense of entitlement and lack of reading/listening comprehension many people here display. You are not left sitting in the dark, quite the opposite - there is a very healthy communication between devs and playerbase (playtesterbase?) You just dig this game and want more, more, more of your fix...nothing else. Also, the thought of State of Decay and WarZ being deadly for DayZ is as cute as it is hilarious..^^
  11. Fector

    "REDDIT RESCUE FORCE!" DayZ Short Film

    It's this attention to details that makes your videos just perfect. You say it's fun making them - I would've thought it was rather like a chore, with the rising demand and seeing how well made they are. How long does the production of a whole clip take? Also, i guess you are some kind of professionals, right? Hope this makes you a shitload of money then :D
  12. Fector

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Rocket has mentioned the number '15' (as in 'starting at') quite a few times already...
  13. Less Than Lethal weapons. Give us pepper spray and tasers to subdue and disable players without seriously injuring them.
  14. It's like the above guy says - old tents ( and older) reload their last ( ) configuration at each restart. New tents ( and newer) don't save at all. There's much more bugginess to it ofc, e.g. the temporary tent duping, when relocating. All in al, the OP's claim is unfounded. Might be that it behaves as such for him (though I doubt it), it obviously cannot be applied as a genral rule.