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About papanator

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. papanator

    DayZ in Takistan & Zargabad

    This is in progress from the peeps over at ViLayer :) Soon to be added alongside Lingor Island. DayZ on Takistan,
  2. papanator

    Hackers on UK231

    I am the main administrator of UK231. Just caught player 'DeSTro' spawning in a ATV. Player IP: Player GUID: 3e81b370b86fe61216aa0f6fef6af7a0
  3. papanator

    Cant login as admin

    Do share? I have same issue
  4. Hey, I'm admin on the server UK231. Yesterday we recieved a huge hack fest. People were spawning in Heli's, as one had crashed in Elektro as one was on fire below. I have downloaded the file which states who has one in their inventory. After scouting through with my co-admin. We found people using G36C-SD and M4A1-SD within a few minutes, even seconds of just having a hachet on them. Few main players to look for are "[PP]XtremeS", "Alex (2)" & "Thorope" Maybe a DayZ admin could look over this, any questions related I will try to answer. Thanks
  5. papanator

    Game crash, unconscious, Going to die

    I second this, died after driving an ATV through a town. Then my game crashed, came back unconcious...