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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I wouldn't call it "rude", more like "absolute fucking chaos". We need to make sure somehow that everyone can join the server, half of you guys were always kicked because of high ping.
  2. Stalker? Now I've got a big nostalgia boner, too bad part 2 will never come out. Oh and I did read the books btw, but you can still haunt me in my dreams if you want. *unzips pants*
  3. Did I just read Metro 2033? It can't be possible that there are other people with good taste in games out there. It just can't! I don't have a say in this anyway, but it's very unlikely that your bf will ruin anything, so this shouldn't be a problem. And if he does, put him on the couch for a week or something like that. :D
  4. Somehow I'd like to punch that kid in the nuts. Just a question: Why were you watching this in the first place? That kid is so fucking annoying even without the hacking stuff.
  5. You have to go prone, open your inventory and try to place the tent. Then start moving around while trying to place the tent, the 10th try usually works.
  6. Pretty much what HERBERT-THETREE said. Also the AS50 is probably more common than the Bizon due to duping, or because nobody wants to pick it up in the first place. The Bizon is pretty rare, but the more common M4A1 SD is better in almost any way, at least in the important aspects like damage and range, so nobody wants it and possibly no clan has ever bothered duping it. It really is just a bad gun, if people don't want to pick it up if they find it themselves, chances are you can't get anything good by trading it. TL;DR: The Bizon is shit.
  7. A can of beans and maybe a coke, although the AS50 is so common that Mountain Dew is the most desireable loot around here. The most you can expect is an MP5SD. This sentence is full of win.
  8. Except Discord, since he's a big dumb meanie.
  9. Damnit RazorsEdge, I managed to hide from Offspring tunes after the 90s ended, now you're bringing it back. No wonder the world ends in 2012. btw: I would be available to marry Derpy and SonicRainbrony during the meetup. As a raised catholic I am very flexible in terms of religious practices and can justify anything if needed.
  10. Should we arrange a ceremony for you two during the meetup?
  11. Awoken? Mass Effect? Kill it with fire! /e: Ninja'd by Derpy, I am a sad pony.
  12. Lesson learned: Shoot everyhing that moves.
  13. I was actually hoping for some charity thing, the UN still misses to address first world problems appropriatly.
  14. Close bean support incoming! And let's not forget the all time classic: "I got killed with a dildo, Rocket has to remove dildos from the game."
  15. The last one we were on on meetup 2.0 had a ping between 190 and 210 for me and I still managed to play, so it shouldn't be a problem. And before anyone asks, yes it is fun to live in the technological stone age. Now excuse me, I have to hunt a mammoth or my tribe won't survive the winter.
  16. Regardless of any other stuff that's discussed right now: Why would someone with a script bypass need an "auto logout" script when they have invisibility and god mode available? He's still right about almost everything.
  17. I totally hate hackers, but can I keep the G36C I "found" today?
  18. Impossible? It worked last time, and the griefers make the thing even more fun. Have you ever considered the fact that we make this public so we can troll the griefers when they join the meetup? Socialy awkward? I can assure you that I am a full-blown psychopath.
  19. Just stay a little hidden in Cherno, Elektro or even Stary and you'll se guys re-logging like 5 times to escape the zombies.
  20. It must be exciting to stare at the loading screen half of your playtime.