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About maynardr6

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. maynardr6

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    This post will be a review of the game, "Walking in the woods for 6 hrs" Just so I can say I did it, I went to nearly the top of the map walked all the way from West to East kind of looking where I thought I might hide one. Then, I walked from the NW corner to the coast. It may have been more than 6 hrs, I dunno. I didn't find squat except a sketchy bandit tent base that I already knew about. So in 6hrs, I saw 1 rabbit, 0 zombies. Not fun. Would not do again. It is not a game. I'd rather be at work. I can also say if all the vehicles are in one place, it can take a ridiculous amount of time to find them. Anyone suggesting this is how the game should be played is a troll. So, I recommend Days until vehicle respawn dynamic from 2 to 7 days proportional to the following How far is it from the nearest building (every 1000 meters further would make it respawn 1 day sooner if not used) How many vehicles a person has saved (every vehicle you save decreases respawn time by 1 day if not used) The fixes have to take into account people do work hard to fix up a vehicle and should be able to keep it, even if they have a job in real life :) The reason clans take ALL the vehicles on a map is to prevent people from using vehicles to find theirs, gaaaaaay Basically if one person saves 7 vehicles at the edge of the map, he better save every single one, every day or they all poof, while at the same time if he has one hidden somewhere clever, he gets to keep it for 6 or 7 days without touching it.