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68 Good

About HappyMushroom

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    Virginia Beach
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  • Bio
    Bandits, can't live with them, can live without them.

About Me

At first, before playing the game, I had the sure winded idea of beaing a full on bean bandit. Actually playing the game I didn't kill anyone or harm anything, except the infected. After a few deaths from Zombies and my own curiosity towards the game, I cam across a man whose legs had been broken. He asked me how he could fix them, and I informed him that he needed morphine in order to do so, I didn't have any at the time so I really couldn't help him. Soon after, another person ran up, and the person in the same predicament asked him the if he had any spare morphine. He proceeded to kill him with his AK, without muttering a word. The last words of the broken legged man was "You son of a-". Feeling that wasn't right, I shot and killed the man who had killed that defenseless beggard while he was shooting the zombies that he lured with the gunfire. After a couple bodyshots with my winchester, he went down and I thought to myself, "He had no mercy for that man." And I took the fatal shot that ended his life. On my debug monitor: 'Murders: 0 Bandit Kills: 1'

From that day on I met some awesome people and have played with them ever since. I only kill someone if fired upon, or when witness to needless bandit brutality.
