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    On the Coast
  1. name: but location: Germany Guid: 31ef3717dc6481a3e437e46f38105677 Thank you in advance
  2. but

    Maps (DayZ Standalone)

    Hey guys, as I know: an admin (Dayzmod.com) told me that there will be more maps to play on. I espacially asked for lingor and he told me, that there will be min. 1+ maps to choose from. Sorry for my bad english (ger here). Hf & GL in rl and Dayz but
  3. but

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I know what you mean, but for me the game is a full pvp game with some anoying infected guys. Thats why i love lingor, all got the option to get fast equiped. Very less spawn camping, but all over the map i meet (hit) people or they meet (hit) me :lol: . I am an old stubborn CS1.6 player. This game will always be a PVP FP Shooter for me B). Thats why i love lingor! Best regards but
  4. but

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Hi guys, dev team, will there be the lingor island map for the standalone too? It is my favourite map for this mod: More action, way better loot, all open houses and the landscape is awesome! I hope you give us the choice to play chernarus or lingor. Otherwise I hope the lingor guys will have the possibility to implement the map into the standalone. Sorry for my bad english. With best regards but