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Malachi Krieg

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Everything posted by Malachi Krieg

  1. Malachi Krieg

    taking down a helicopter at night in a humvee

    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. You shot down a Huey on a private Hive where you all probably just script in whatever little toys you want to play with. That takes SO much skill. Come back when you can do it with an Enfield on an ACTUAL server...
  2. Malachi Krieg

    this "update" sucks....

    No, no, no.... THIS!
  3. Malachi Krieg

    Huey Disapear....

    Scripted vehicles will despawn after resets and/or a period of time.
  4. Malachi Krieg

    Benny Hill in DayZ?

    The infection! It's gone airbourne!
  5. Malachi Krieg

    Identify what Killed me - Did I just get run over?

    That sounded like a missile/rocket incoming. Didn't here ANY engine I know of...
  6. Malachi Krieg


    If you were hearing explosions then someone may have scripted in an AH1.
  7. Malachi Krieg


    1 chopper per map... legit that is. Scripturds, on the other hand, will constantly bring them in... and often get them stolen (those despawn after a reset, however).
  8. Malachi Krieg

    hack or what?

    Just to confirm: That's a known ArmA II glitch with a crashed aircraft. :D Though, odds are it was a scripted Huey that went down anyway :P
  9. Malachi Krieg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    There's been an issue recently where when a server is freshly restarted tents may not show immediately. Just give it a bit.
  10. Malachi Krieg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Absolutely none for me in Cherno, Elektro nor Balota, which is where I had seen them almost every time (haven't been to NW airfield today).
  11. Malachi Krieg

    Loot Heaven

    Nope, the FAL uses FAL magazines. It's .308 caliber, but .223 (aka 5.56).
  12. "I think I've seen that one. Is that the one with the plumber?" - I lol'd
  13. Malachi Krieg

    EPIC MOMENT!!! Helicopter steal!!!

    That just makes me feel so much more justified in our murder of Shiggy Diggy...
  14. Malachi Krieg

    EPIC MOMENT!!! Helicopter steal!!!

    Wait... I thought the best place to set up camp was in the church in Cherno?!?!
  15. Malachi Krieg

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    My group and I ran into this situation ourselves recently. Our solution? We gathered in the middle of the woods, put some leftover gear in a tent or two, ran a random direction, had a group hug as a teammate chucked a grenade at our feet... and then tried to meet up in Cherno and start all over.
  16. Malachi Krieg

    Bad Serial number given in setup

    Also, just run ArmA II OA and Combined Ops really quick (Boot Camp or whatever) if you are using the Steam version and then run DayZ again.
  17. Malachi Krieg

    Helicopter respawn 7 days? Seriously?

    7 days is fine. The moment it gets to a point where you are tripping over choppers is the moment I go play some Counter Strike. The amount of time and materials it takes to get a Huey back in the air is the kicker. Seriously, can we not WoW-Generation this game where people start expecting to have everything in 30 seconds or they pout?
  18. Malachi Krieg


    A server ban and a global ban are two very, very different things. The OP is asking about a global ban. And if you are encountering Admins abusing their power, Rocket and his team are usually pretty good about crawling up the server admin's buttocks about that sort of thing. That being said, if you USE a scripted in weapon/vehicle... expect to be CALLED a "hacker".
  19. Malachi Krieg

    Axe ammo?

    Heh, just hit R and reload. You have 10,000 swings per reload. USE THEM WISELY! :P
  20. Malachi Krieg

    Is the graphical bug still in-game?

    From everything I have seen it comes from the ruined vehicles, which would explain why it's there in DayZ but not in Chern when playing on the Armoury. I have my video memory set to default, but it still hits for me. I haven't tried "flushing" my memory as mentioned above... but who knows. Right now I am just avoiding those areas. Don't really need anything from there anyway.
  21. Malachi Krieg

    Auto Run Tutorial (No Items on Keyboard)

    I, uh, wait, wha? Beans for you! I would have never thought of this!
  22. Malachi Krieg

    Rocket please i want Investegation

    You are murdering Battleye employees? Jesus man, there's your problem! Oh... you meant in-game, right? RIGHT!?
  23. Malachi Krieg

    Oh Come on...

    The Bandit Skin/Morphing has been gone for quite some time...
  24. Malachi Krieg


    ArmA II is HORRIFICALLY un-optimised, sadly. It's also a very CPU-dependent game, which isn't going to help you either.