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About exalan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. exalan

    Looking for teammate(s)

    Yeah, I'm Russian, time zone is GMT +5.
  2. Hi everyone. My name is Alexander, I'm 26. I've been playing DayZ about 2 month now. I can't say I am an expert in DayZ, but I know far more than just basics.. I'm tired of playing alone. So now I'm trying to find a temmate to play with. Also as you could see my English isn't very good. I'm trying to improve it, this is why I play on international servers. So if you don't mind correct my English from time to time here is my contact information: Skype: exalan1985 Steam: kilroycv
  3. exalan

    -Survivors- EU Survivors Group.

    Added you in steam. Ready to group up.