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Everything posted by samatra

  1. samatra

    Change Starter Pistol Back To Revolver

    Going further I would even suggest to give play a random pistol each respawn. And depending on pistol you should be given various amount of ammunition - less for revolver, more for weaker pistol. I think i'm going to suggest this on dev-heaven.
  2. samatra

    Logging off to avoid death

    This is mostly fixed by now. One of our guys however says that he managed to dupe his own body by pressing "Kill game process hotkey" when he died (from falling down) and when he logged in again he was fine and there was his body with copied equipment. He tried to reproduce it later but with no luck. Likely it is very hard, to nearly impossible.
  3. samatra

    Pics of Dayz Worst Moments

    Well not that great' date=' I just wanted to do a suicide :) During pre-alpha I set up a fireplace and it attracted shitload of zombies from all around and I wanted to respawn and decided to run right into middle of zombie horde to see how fast they will kill me. Surprisingly they mostly were busy walking around fireplace and even managed to sit down. Didn't live long though. [img']http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/596969175457929915/965ED5129037AA6BF5EDD2DAC4883296F8A08DC3/
  4. samatra

    Dayz Funny and random pictures

    Fireplaces were hilarious during pre-alpha I pass out because of low blood while going upstairs We once placed a fireplace in Chernogorsk. I had like 5 FPS because of all these zombies.
  5. samatra

    DayZ screenshot competition

    Yep, there were rains in early pre-alpha versions. I hope they will bring them back.
  6. samatra

    Dayz Funny and random pictures
