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Everything posted by samatra

  1. samatra

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Alright, got exact info about tents. You can put in 50 of any objects (doesn't matter what their size it, 50 wheels will go in) + 10 any weapons (binoculars count as weapons too for instance) + 5 any backpacks. Vehicles work in the same way, we just need to find what are their exact capacity numbers are.
  2. samatra

    Which vehicles have you been?

    Nice. You have yet to find SUV and BAF Offroad which are in game as well.
  3. samatra

    SVD Camo legit?

    Yes, it is.
  4. You need to remove Binoculars first since they are both activated with B
  5. samatra

    US-1 Tent Didn't Save?

    Yes, exactly like this
  6. samatra

    US-1 Tent Didn't Save?

    Yes, for reasons unknown to me (i'm not a dev) sometimes vehicles\tents\fortifications don't load on server start.
  7. samatra

    friend spawns and hes dead?..

    Sounds strange. Did you change your profile in main menu or created new one maybe? (Don't think it would make you a new character though)
  8. samatra

    US-1 Tent Didn't Save?

    There is a chance that it didn't load after server start, we having same problem on NY1 server with tents\vehicles sometimes not loading after restart. Probably you got the same case. Better wait till server will restart (it seems that US1 is down at the moment)
  9. Draw distance depends on weather and fog.
  10. All these Abrams and Attack helicopters are spawned by cheaters and probably will not save\get deleted after server restart. Here is list of official vehicles: "ATV_CZ_EP1", "Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1", "Ikarus", "Lada1", "BAF_Offroad_W", "Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1", "SkodaRed", "TT650_Civ", "UAZ_CDF", "LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1", "UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1", "Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1", "hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1", "UH1H_DZ", "Fishing_Boat", "Smallboat_1", "PBX"
  11. samatra

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Can someone confirm that? Whats are the numbers for cars and helis? Someone checked for that too? These are numbers from decompiled mod. It seems that all vehicles have approximately same amount of space in them, somewhat similar to tents. Going to check more closely into this question later.
  12. Waiting for NY1 to come online as well. Both rocket and Jonnerz are offline at this moment, lets hope problem will get solved soon.
  13. samatra

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Tents actually have exactly 50 slots with limit of 10 weapons in them (Binoculars and other tools count as weapons as well) and up to 5 backpacks.
  14. samatra

    Hard days work

    These is another question arises: WHY? You will barely use anything anyway.
  15. samatra

    Tents & Vehicles General

    My mistake: Items are NOT deleted when tent is packed, I think I just missed them the time I tried it, they actually appear nearby in one big pile of loot.
  16. samatra

    Some kind of maphack ?

    When you play on regular you see only yourself and players you have spotted. Case above probably result of cheater revealing players to each other.
  17. samatra

    Tents & Vehicles General

    All vehicles have storage in them (except bicycles). If you can't open it from outside, take a seat, open map, select Units and then Gear.
  18. samatra

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    Are you going to update the link? What do you mean? Updated tables are available by old link: http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html
  19. samatra

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Each vehicle's fuel tank is different. It takes 100-200 Jerry cans to refuel Huey for example while only 2-3 Jerry Cans to refuel ATV (Quad bike). Vehicles should not disappear after restart, it was bug of last versions.
  20. samatra

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    Updated to 1.5.6 New loot class HeliCrash added which features new unique guns
  21. samatra

    Vehicular Disappearances

    There is a problem with current update, vehicles disappear after server restart. Just wait until next update before doing anything.
  22. samatra

    Rarest Weapons?

  23. samatra

    [1.7.2] DayZ loot cheat sheet

    I decided to not to update table for 1.5.5 update since the only change is that Tank Traps cannot be found in Industrial buildings anymore.
  24. samatra

    Rarest Weapons?

    NVGs are not in ordinary military buildings (like fire stations) anymore.