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About cydrake583

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  1. cydrake583

    Wanting to rent a server

    Cheatingtools have gotten to powerfull there is no viable defense atm. Banning and passwording servers is not allowed, or else you will be booted of the hive which provides the savegame cloud for players and server content. So not much you can do if hackers decide to set up shop on you server.
  2. cydrake583

    Servers should be cleaned/reset after a few months?

    From our side there is currently no way short of changing the ID cuz all server content related data is hive-sided.
  3. FYI: Ich hab vor ein paar tagen meinen Server gekündigt. Zu viele cheater und hacker und du darfst laut den hosting regeln beinahe nichts dagegen unternehmen, zB keine passwörter setzen, sonst wird der server vom Hive gesperrt. Und die 'community' hier besteht aus Regelnazis die die regeln zusammen mit teilweise unverschämten kommentaren in dein Gesicht halten. 5000 mimimi posts nur weil die leute hier größtenteils PVPgeil und neidisch sind. meine Hive ID is grade auf meine Anfrage hin entfernt worden, mein Forumaccount folgt bald. Zum glück für dich hast du einen dedicated root server und keinen managed gameserver, wo man noch weniger gegen cheater tuen kann, weil die hoster die webpanels so einschränken,das man nicht gegen die s.g regeln verstoßen kann weil die angst haben ihre IDs die die an die kunden verleien gebannt zu bekommen. Ich hoffe die Anleitung hilft dir weiter. wenn du übern support ne ID beantragt hast bekommst du die auch nochmal per mail.
  4. hive (auf deutsch bienenstock) ist im fall von Day der name vom datenbank verbinder zu dem server wo die spieler charaktere drauf gespeichert sind. der downloadlink is nur ne .txt. datei in der der eigenliche link und die zugangsdaten für den server sind.
  5. Eh nein. Ka, was du da benutz, warscheinlic hso ein allinone installer der offenbar dinge macht die nicht nachvollziehbare fehler verursachen. Wenn es funktioniert, währe es warscheinlich kompfortabler als es "zu fuß" zumachen. Der normale weg währe(aus der registrations email die du bekommst wenn du ne Intance ID und ne LocationID bekommen hast): New Installation Procedure 1) Download ARMA2, Download ARMA2 Operation Arrowhead to your server. 1) Once download goto ARMA2 folder and copy Addons folder. 2) Go to your root Arma2 Operation Arrowhead folder and paste addon folder overwrite all files. 3) Go to http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php and download the latest beta patch found at the top of the page in the green box. 4) Unzip and run the executable. It will quickly update your ARMA II Operation Arrowhead. 3) Go to your ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead folder and delete CBA, JayArma2Lib, CBA_A2, CBA_OA, and Hive directories (If they exist). 4) Remove dsound.dll from the root directory. Now in the Expansions/beta/ directory, delete the dsound.dll from that as well. 5) Download the latest hive files from your client area http://support.dayzm...php?type=d&id=3 unzip the contents of the archive into your ARMA II OA dir. 6) Create a new folder in your root ArmA2oa folder called @DayZ 7)Create a new folder in the @DayZ folder called Addons (@DayZ/Addons) 8) Download all .rar files from http://cdn.armafiles.info/, unzip each one into your @dayz/addons/ folder. 9) Download your mission file from http://support.dayzm...action=products by clicking the "View Details" button and then clicking "Download Mission File button on the next page. ( 7897 ) 10) Place this mission file into you arma 2 operation arrowhead\MPMissions folder 11) Download and install 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages 12) Download the cfgdayzDEFAULT.zip file from your client area http://support.dayzm...php?type=d&id=3 and unzip to your arma2OA root folder 13) Rename folder arma2oa/cfgdayzDEFAULT to cfgdayz 14) Open ARMA2OA/cfgdayz/serverRENAME_TO_RANDOM_NAME.cfg with a text editor 15) Edit the hostname line to show the latest beta build, your Location ID , difficulty, time zone, and hosted by "Yourname here". You must keep this naming convention, please do not deviate. 16) Edit the passwordAdmin line to a secure password of your choosing. Secure passwords should be a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters along with a number or two. You will need this for later. 17) Edit the motd lines while leaving the quotation marks at the beginning and end of each line along with the commas. "Server provided for DayZ community!", "The DAYZ team are hugely appreciative of the hoster of this server!", "DayZ is in alpha and as such bugs and frequent server restarts may occur!", Keep in mind that each line will have a 5 second pause in between displaying 18) Edit template = dayz_YOURIDHERE.Chernaus; to be dayz_7897.Chernaus; 19) If you changed your difficulty in the hostname line edit the difficulty = "veteran"; 20) Goto ARMA2OA/cfgdayz/ and edit both serverRENAME_TO_RANDOM_NAME.cfg and ARMA2.cfg to suit your needs (see below APPENDIX 1 for suggested config) 21) Rename file ARMA2OA/cfgdayz/serverRENAME_TO_RANDOM_NAME.cfg to some random name (example: server_7ythf6rg.cfg) 22) Edit file ARMA2OA/cfgdayz/Battleye/BEServer.cfg to contain your rcon password that you set in step 16 23) Download both bi.bikey and dayz.bikey from your client area http://support.dayzm...php?type=d&id=3 and place them into your ARMA2OA/Keys folder. 24) Double check that all steps have been preformed properly. 25) Create a new .bat file inside your ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead root folder with the following info. When creating your bat file dont forget to edit the -config=cfgdayz/server_sometext.cfg section to point to your renamed file. Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe -mod=EXPANSION\beta;EXPANSION\beta\Expansion;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@hive -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server_YOURTEXT.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -name=LocationID -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=1 -noSound 26) launch your newly created bat file. Appendix 1 We have included a default configuration folder in the "cfgdayzDEFAULT.rar" file" which you can download and unrar into the arma2oa folder if you dont want to setup your own. The configuration is setup to use VETERAN setting with 3DP and CH on by default. You need to take the following steps to use this config: - Rename the folder to "cfgdayz" . - Rename serverRENAME_TO_RANDOM_NAME.cfg to a random name for added security .. - Edit parameters in the config file (especially servername). - Edit passwords inside cfgdayz/server.cfg file and cfgdayz/BattlEye/BEServer_active_6f7a.cfg - Adjust your startup parameters accordingly from step 13) .. Important: You must follow the servername convention and all rules set by DayZ, failure to do so will result in your server hosting abilities being revoked and your IP blacklisted. We recommend that you setup a monitor script that will start and restart the arma2oa server at least every 6 hours for stability reasons. Third Party Tools We do not guarantee this software, nor will we support you on setting it up but is widely used in the community. FireDaemon (costs money but 30 day free trial available) R4z0r49 restart script (auto updates files) Sykotix's Server Utilities (used in conjunction with FireDaemon or as a Scheduled Task in Windows) Battleye Extended Controls (BEC) Six Updater Suite White Listing Please be aware that although whitelisting of IPs is now done automatically it still may take up to 24 hours for our system to process your request. DO NOT OPEN A TICKET REGARDING THIS ISSUE, be patient.
  6. Mal versucht den manuellen weg aus dem setup guide zu folgen ? Das tool kenn ich nicht. Außerdem könntest du mal die systemdaten von dem server posten, es sei den du bist dir sicher das er zu 100% kompatibel ist.
  7. cydrake583

    Infinite hourglass after spawn

    You're in a coma. Maybe the counter is stuck. only thing I can think - get another player to shoot you that you can trust wont take your stuff.
  8. My servers DE 1380 and DE 1284 are going down the same deadend road. Lasted a week. I'm leaving DayZ alltogether, hopefully there will be a first person game of that magnitude with more RPG in it some day.
  9. cydrake583

    De 868 locked

    "I dont care/ I don't give a crap. As long as there is nothing done against cheaters & co, I will lock my server. If some admin takes advantage of that (of their own locked server) to get gear, that is bad. Not all admins are bad. By the way, I'm the one paying the 33 € (40 $) and can't play because of them /it (the hackers or the hacking) and nothing more" "das juckt mich nicht die bohne^^ so lange nix gegen cheater und konsorten unternommen wird locke ich meinen server. wenn irgendein server admin das ausnutzt um gear zu bekommen ist das natürlich blöd. aber nicht alle admins sind deswegen mies und kacke.. immerhin zahle ich 33€ für den server, nur damit ich joinen kann und mehr nicht."
  10. Bad translations have caused wars in the past ;) For e.g. there was nothing about loot said in the orginal message.
  11. tits .. no not really , a accurate english counterpart would be ' get a job and stop busting my balls'
  12. cydrake583

    Need admin to slay me.

    For the 50th time - Admins can't interfere with you char in any way short of disconnecting you.
  13. cydrake583

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    I do. You chould also add stuff like rescue to you services, e.g. if a player is in a situation with broken limbs and low blood (like my 2nd char near NW AF) and willing to trade something for a infusion and some meds. You could set up a basic credit system, assign a value to a gun or a piece of equip you're 'selling' and what the tradin value for stuff is that players have. Chernarus pawn stars ;)