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About Dreadfell

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Dreadfell

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    ***Ok, no help from the admins or whoever monitors such things. Someone was engaged earlier in this thread, then nothing when a resolution was clearly not in sight:[ I hate to create a new post on this but its makes the game UNPLAYABLE and have tried all suggested and some tricks of my own. Please update/respond to this thread DAYZ folks. Thank you.
  2. Hello all, the game runs for a few minutes to over a half an hour in some cases.Then minimises to desktop and will not show video again until program is restarted.Many reports of this in another thread that I responded too but seems to be dead conversation. The list of T/S is exaustive, anyone experience this and find a resolve? Any way to work with game developers on a seemingly widespread issue?
  3. Dreadfell

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    I have exact same issue, tried all and more from forum. The "flush" trick does not work for me.
  4. Dreadfell


    Sell your cat? What a PIMP!
  5. Dreadfell


    HA HA HA HA, DAYZ standalone drops at midnight! C'mon, a game this unique and rare building to this mysterious "it's not gonna happen" launch is inevitable. It's coming guys(thats what she said)oh yah... It's coming. Mark my words!
  6. Dreadfell

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So if it is hard and depressing to make a game you once felt passionate about just quit. Ive had enough bull, be true to yourself and walkaway. Theres alot harder issues people are facing than what your dealing with.
  7. Yah, I went through hell to get the gear I had,then about to die so found a cow and it disappears after gutting. boo$hit!
  8. Dreadfell

    No loot on Green Mountain ?

    I grabbed a windshield or something car related up there and immediate glitch. Had to reboot computer.
  9. Hello all, So I watched a video where a jerry can was shot and it exploded. only stays lit for a short time so doubt I could cook steaks with this method. Anyone know if you can light a wood pile if put near jerry can? Aslo Loot takes alot longer to spawn than zombies ive noticed,anyone else have any opinions or thoughts on loot/zombie behaviour? Another thing, i am always getting setup good with gear but dying of starvation(actualy its the desperate chances I take to find food that kills me)I finaly got all items needed to survive in the wild but very low blood,manage to see a cow and kill but atfer the message 8 steaks available it just vanishes!!! I would like some fishing tackle in game.
  10. Dreadfell

    After work I'm gonna try this.

    OK, so couldnt build a fireplace without matches I guess? died an ignoble death and moved on to a high pop server.immediately picked up by a dude with a car and dropped of in town and then died again.
  11. Dreadfell

    spawn point montela??

    or maybe montecala?
  12. Please any guidance on where/directrions
  13. Dreadfell

    My game experience of my last 7 lives.

    I find the realism in game to be very true to life. I in fact am developing a bit of an aversion to play. It feels like survival especialy when your on low pop servers and die from exposure/hunger.
  14. Dreadfell

    After work I'm gonna try this.

    I cant take another f'd up trip into a town right now. Im above Balota and it would be quite a trip. I have a few loot buildings I will try in this town and then Grenade!! I also imagined gathering a bunch of zombies and grenading myself and them in true movie style.
  15. Dreadfell

    After work I'm gonna try this.

    Ive yelled for help but nobody around. I may try to hit someone up on skype. Another thing, I have been stalking and killing zombies very successfuly and finding they drop useful things(water bottle/food/soda).it also seems that they are spawning in twos now, alot more out there but still easy to kill as they will get buggy and forget your there alot of the time.