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About Splitz

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pullman, WA
  • Interests
    Killing people/ Banditry. Taking all Your lewtz
  1. Real Name: Andriy Skype Name: splitz233 In-Game Name: Splitz Role (First Choice) and why you think the role is appropriate for you: Nutcase: I do a lot of running through the main cities with hatchet, that's how i get my gear from other people. Role (Second Choice) and why you think the role is appropriate for you: (Scout/Heavy). I excel at firefights and have around a 98% win rate out of all my fights, excluding lagg/hackers. M14 is my choice as a primary, but a m249 isn't bad either. Playstyle: Aggressive, chace yo ass down kind of thing. Can be very tacticle but don't have the patience for it when playing by myself Are you geared on any servers?: Yes some, been playing a lot of DayZ+ on US1, and some gear on public hive servers. Age: 20 Why you want to join SOAM: Bandit clan, have buddies to always play with and kill people. How long have you been playing: Since 1.2 Describe yourself: Laid back player, very knowledgeable about this game, and always someone to count on to be the cleanup guy What timezone are you in?: PST (-8)
  2. Been playing since early 1.2, know chernarus in and out, working on namalsk. Looking for a group of highly skilled bandits to tear up everyone. Msg me on steam (boyko915) Check out my stream once in a while! www.twitch.tv/splitzaib
  3. Played since 1.2, kill everyone is what i do when i log on. Rarely lose firefights
  4. Splitz

    old post

    You're right. You are entitled to make yourself an ass. Sorry for misunderstanding
  5. Splitz

    old post

    Only as formalas you make jdub. Really no point in using complex language with mediocre complaints about the clan. People will join if it fits them personally, making accusations about the name and our "quirks" really portays you as an ass. I suggest that in the future, say things that are constructive, or don't say anything at all. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
  6. Splitz

    old post

    You're not old old enough to use big words like that jwjw _______________________________________________
  7. Don't mean to be super rude, but the grammar and the phrasing of this guy just made my brain have an aneurism. In a world of auto correct and spell check, there are still people that do this? Just a tip. If you want to have anyone take you seriously from text based places, work on spelling and proper phrasing.
  8. What is your age? 19 How long have you been playing DayZ? Since you started out of a makarov and 2 mags, so 1.2 or 1.3 Where do you live? Pullman, WA (PST) What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Sniper with SD weapons on hand What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? Deadly efficiency and great laughs Scenarios Questions: Answer with complete honesty and not just one sentence. We are watching B) 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? Kill on sight. 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? Hide in the near trees and find out witch direction the enemy will be coming to loot the bodies. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond? Kill him
  9. Hello, I'm Splitz and looking to join a Cut-Throat Bandit squad. I am a very sure shot, averaging 17kills and 2-3 bandit kills per life. My favorite load out and items i will always go for are: M4A1 CCO SD M9SD Rangefinder M24/M107/AS50 I am a very good sniper, but most of my kills come from the M4 since i love rushing headlong into other players. Leave a response here or add my on skype. Keep in mind I live in Pullman WA, so PST timezones are preferred, but not mandatory. I would prefer a clan that does many clan wars. Watch your backs close, and your beans closer... Splitz ',..,' In the wise words of FPS Doug: "My heart's beatin', my hearts beatin', my hands are shakin', my hands are shakin', but I'm STILL shootin' and I'm STILL gettin' headshots!"
  10. Splitz

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    1. Age: 19 2.Name: Splitz 3.Nationality: Ukrainian/American 4. Experience: Since patch 1.2 ​5. What role are you applying for: I'm really good at Assault with M4A1 CCO SD and m9SD, and good with Sniper as long as i have Rangefinders, or someone to give me an accurate range