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Everything posted by devlkiller0

  1. devlkiller0

    Funny DayZ Player Names

    I saw this in chat: "FRIENDLYGODD@MN!T (Or something along those lines) has been killed." Looks like the person who killed him didn't think so...
  2. devlkiller0


    Why did the respawn button get removed? Today I got teleported by a hacked into the middle of nowhere and I only have the default gear so no maps or anything. This is where the respawn button would come in handy. Before I could click it and be back on the coast but now I have to wait a VERY long time to die of thirst/starve. So in conclusion why did the handy respawn button get removed?
  3. devlkiller0


    Could you explain to me what you mean by re-logging? Sorry I'm new to DayZ. Edit: Well I am finally dieing from coughing whatever that is. I think it is because it is night and I'm in the rain. They need to re add the respawn button.