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Everything posted by MasterSith

  1. Just joined a low pop (east coast) server this morning to be instantly kicked by the admin. Naturally I started looking for another server when i see these pop up: http://imgur.com/Agh2TlW This was a huge problem in the mod and the devs never really did anything about it except say it is against the rules. Are we looking forward to the same thing in SA? Obviously I don't care at this point (less then a week into alpha) but if the response to it is the same as it was in the mod it will be a real problem for anyone not owning a server. Does anyone have a link to Rocket talking about this? I don't recall him ever mentioning it other then saying its against the rules back in the mod.
  2. MasterSith

    Is there a plan to prevent this in the future?

    I know B.I. and Rocket don't want this as a part of DayZ but they didn't want it in the mod either and it was done without any punishment. If you wanted a free loot server in the mod all you had to do was lock a public hive server and you have your own pocket AS50 spawner. My question is has Rocket said how he plans to remove this? He has made statements about every other aspect of the game from hacking to KoS to day/night cycles but I can't find anything about this.
  3. My clan just noticed this issue last night and tonight on one of the US West servers where hitting the re-spawn button just gave us 'waiting for host' forever so the only way to re-spawn was to exit (corpse disappears) and rejoin the server. Please don't assume it is a combat logger when literally every person on the server is forced to do it to keep playing.
  4. MasterSith

    Anybody getting much action? If so, where?

    Keep in mind Rocket has repeatedly said he is aiming for 150 person servers. This should bring the frequency of encounters back to mod levels although is more random and unpredictable areas since it is relying on sheer numbers rather then specific locations. I am also curious to see if downed helicopters get re-implemented. They would always be hot spots if they spawn loot that can only be found there, like the mod did.
  5. MasterSith

    Anybody getting much action? If so, where?

    My clan has moved to SA and almost all of us have a lot of experience in the mod. The main differences we have seen thus far are: 1) Map 'density' has been increased so less dead areas of the map means a server with 40 people online will have fewer encounters with other random players then a 40 person mod server. I love this because the old flash-points of firehouse/grocery store/barracks are no longer the only flash-points and it spreads the map out while giving a group the ability to learn a part of the map by heart and not be forced to venture to specific locations for needed supplies. 2) The current weapons do not have the long-range accuracy of the mod's weapons. This means fewer long-range encounters and almost no sniping past 400m.
  6. MasterSith

    Sniper Rifles

    People seem to be combining/conflating the term Sniper Rifle with Anti-Material Rifle. I am fine with Sniper rifles in a game like this but not Anti-Material Rifles. CZ550, M24, SVD, an even the DMR (now that it is confirmed there will not be NVGs in SA to be used with it) are ok but when you put in the M107 & AS50 anti-material rifles it renders the vehicles useless. Given how everything from eating canned food to performing blood transfusions are now more difficult then they were in the mod I think it is safe to assume getting vehicles up and running will also be more difficult then in the mod. If an Anti-Material rifle could destroy any vehicle in 1 hit as it could in the mod it would demolish any point to the vehicles themselves.
  7. MasterSith

    Change name on DayZ Standalone

    Change your steam profile name on steam.
  8. MasterSith

    Hive System - People are already server hopping

    They had a mechanic in the mod briefly that prevented server hopping by putting in a 'respawn at the coast with all your stuff' if you hopped like 3 or more servers in a set period of time. If I recall correctly it did not work as intended in the mod and sometimes people would spawn at the coast (with their stuff) just from logging in. Hopefully they can take another crack at this approach as it would prevent server-hopping for loot and not fracture the community as private hives do.
  9. MasterSith

    sick how to cure besides antibiotics?

    Also try fruit, not sure if it is confirmed but I believe that fruit can help with some sicknesses (as long as it isn't rotten :thumbsup: )
  10. MasterSith

    READ THIS - The truth on the hunger/thirst issue

    Wow, this happened to me last night (well-fed) and I thought it was a bug that I didn't have any hungry/thirsty messages for like 3 hours after it. Great catch!
  11. MasterSith

    I am Well-Fed?

    I don't know if this is a bug or not but I was drinking ALOT of pond water and instead of getting the thirst has been quenched indicator I got the 'You are Well fed' indicator. Since that happened I have not had any scrolling text other then people joining. I am not thirsty, I don't need a nap and I am not hungry. It has been about 2 hours since I got the Well Fed indicator and I am curious if it is intended to give a break from the constant eating/drinking or it might be a bug. Anyone else have this happen? P.S. I know getting Well Fed from drinking water is not intended but is it intended if you eat alot you can be satisfied for a long time (aka. hours, not minutes).
  12. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    See, your first thought was ESP too. When we saw ISCF Ice with one our collective eyebrow got raised.
  13. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    The following day the only chopper we saw was ISCF Ice's so we assumed it was the ISCF (admin) group that had taken them.
  14. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    I had combined 2 events into one that made me suspicious. 3 days ago we had many of the choppers that re-spawned (is there even a re-spawn timer on vehicles on US46 or is it whenever the admin wants?) and proceeded to hide them in all different locations across the map. The next morning all 7 had been taken/blown up/de-spawned/etc. The time between our last member logging off and all of our choppers being gone was around 4-6 hours. We thought it was suspicious but we had seen crazier things in our DayZ (har-har). Then this camp was put up and found/destroyed within a very short period after our last members logged off. Maybe it is a time difference or play difference but our suspicions were raised. Anyway, I apologize for the blatant accusation. Suspicion alone is not enough to warrant an accusation.
  15. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    7 different locations in 4 hours over 225 square km is quite perceptive indeed.
  16. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    Or Perception!
  17. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    I knew that was coming! I must be psychic!
  18. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    He is a players on US 46. He is talking to you on the BB forums right now. Perception.
  19. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    As I posted in the BB forums, I may be wrong, but I would rather not take the chance. Judging from the server pop I am not the only one.
  20. MasterSith

    The Explosive Camp Raid

    Less impressive when you realize they found it using admin tools <_<
  21. I am curious what the community thinks about the addition of dogs and if they are worth such a huge investment in development time? I was interested in the addition at first but after the first few weeks (and the fantastic ideas presented in the reddit suggestion thread) I am now just waiting to see what is next on the lost. I will probably own one at first then either never use him or get him killed somehow.
  22. Am I a noob for asking what's a sheeple? Anyway, this argument is all hypothetical. According to the Athens news agency, they were found with a camera and camcorder with videos and photos of Greek military installations on the island. If this report is false then they should be let go but I won't sign a petition based on what their friends say when the evidence seems to be different. Evidence++ http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=el&u=http://www.naftemporiki.gr/news/cstory.asp%3Fid%3D2234314&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://www.naftemporiki.gr/news/cstory.asp%253Fid%253D2234314%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26tbo%3Dd&sa=X&ei=1s1XUOTcH6b40gHbyoDwBg&ved=0CDUQ7gEwAA
  23. And its logical for them to take photos of military bases to compare with their game. Those photos/videos are evidence of spying IF they did not get permission.
  24. I hope this all works out but taking a side in an espionage case based on a friend's plea is absurd no matter how epic a developer he is.
  25. Then you are represented with the last option since you don't want a dog due to the needs it would place on you. This poll was designed to see what percentage of the player base wants dogs and how long they are willing to wait for them implemented. The rest of your post is a rant about everyone but you crying and has little to do with this thread.