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Everything posted by Trapalicious

  1. Trapalicious

    Obligatory Desktop Thread

    So, as you can probably guess, post your desktops here. Mine used to be incredibly messy, but I decided to fix it up again today. I'm using Fences, CD Art Display, Rainmeter and then Photoshop to add the black strip with the info on it.
  2. Trapalicious

    Internet Privacy and You

    While I leave most of my private information offline purely because I like the freedom of (at least pseudo-)anonymity, I don't think there's any danger in putting your real name up alone. Unless you have the world record for most unique name ever created, finding details about the person with name alone is going to be incredibly hard. Same can't entirely be said about usernames, people make them unique specifically to stand out; making them easy to track down with Google's top tier stalker features* , which then could lead you to more information about the person. *which I totally have zero personal experience with.
  3. Trapalicious

    bad computers

    I dunno about laptop hardware, but the i3 is a solid chip which runs all of my games perfectly fine at 1680x1050. The only time I get lag on DayZ is inside cities, but even people with I5 2500k's get lag inside those areas because the game is such a piece of poorly optimized garbage. EDIT: Oh wait, "graphics chip".
  4. Trapalicious

    Post your gaming setup!

    I gave you beans simply for having delicious Irn Bru in that second picture. EDIT: I have a really budget computer, but it does what it has to do I guess. Computer specs: GTX 460 768MB Core i3-2120 (3.3GHz) Samsung SpinPoint F3 1TB & Some shitty years old Maxtor 160GB G-Skill Ripjaws 8GB RAM Biostar H61MH Peripherals: Some meh 24" Emprex monitor Sharkoon FireGlider mouse Microsoft comfort keyboard thing Alessandro MS1i headphones
  5. Trapalicious

    Post your (real) desk!

    Oh thank you lol. Kind of yes and no. They're Alessandro MS1i's, made by Grado Labs and Alessandro. No one is too sure exactly what they use, but they're either a modified SR60 or SR80. Yep, it's just a fairly cheap Bamboo One, I guess it's okay since I just draw as a hobby and use it for games.
  6. Trapalicious

    Why I host a non-hive server

    It's always great when you see this as the first post from someone in a thread, it's a great hint that reading the rest of their posts on the topic would be an enormous drag and waste of time. 10/10, wouldn't read again. Anyway, I usually don't play on non-hive servers for the simple fact that my profile is attached to that server alone. I like the convenience of being able to join another server if the one I visit regularly is for some reason down or lagging. Otherwise, I kind of feel like I have to change when I play to suit the server's needs rather than when I want to play myself. That said, I still agree with your points.
  7. Trapalicious

    Post your (real) desk!

    My desk is kind of boring, since I don't have a lot of money to throw at making it look pretty.
  8. Trapalicious

    4, 6, or 8 Core Processor

    I'd say you only need a quad core at least right now, especially if you're only going to be recording games and editing gameplay videos. For recording gameplay, your CPU isn't the only thing that matters. Your HDD matters a lot too; for the best performance you'll want two HDDs, one reading the game, and the second writing the video. That way you don't just have a single HDD writing and reading, which could cause stuttering. I'm using an i3-2120 (2 physical cores, 4 threads) and 8GB Ram, which records all of my games fine at 1680x1050 with Fraps and MSI. The only thing letting me down is my GPU on very demanding games.
  9. Trapalicious

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    You're wrong, I'm right. Your ignorance and inability to understand my points is no problem of mine.
  10. Trapalicious

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Lmao, so that's how you deal with being proven wrong: "ur wrong and im rite, because because!" What a manchild.
  11. Trapalicious

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    I'm not going to even bother bringing up the "homo =/= homosexual", because it's pretty obvious that he's referring to sexuality and not the genus. 1. If you're Black why would you find other people being called Black in a negative manner offensive? You can replace Black with any race, sexuality, gender, etc Context is a biggie. 2. Haha, no they're not. If you're LGBT, then this would be obvious to you. When any sign of affection is shown, you're either going to get insulted or stared at as if you just murdered a child in cold blood. 3. Wouldn't care, a good 49 or so percent of the world are in the possibility range of cock sucking. People say stuff like that is because it 'de-masculinizes' the person. If a pedophile is sentenced to prison for example, you're guaranteed to find someone say something along the lines of "I hope some big black guy fucks him a new hole". I've barely read the thread mostly because it's a useless thread and this kind of thing happens on every single game. 4. Words like stupid, moron, idiot, etc are totally incomparable; the whole reason people use them is because they're saying you lack the mentality to think, which in itself is a bad thing. What is using sexuality saying besides insulting the fact they're gay? You're making this a much bigger deal than I am.
  12. Trapalicious

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Lol, why don't you go make another thread crying about it like this one. Oh god, you're 18 years old?
  13. Trapalicious

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    I'm so sick of people acting like a bunch of spicks and chinks in this game. ...wait, you think I'm a racist refering to the already well defined usages of these words? No way! I'm using my own definitions as a substitute for "asshole" and popularity will justify it. Yeah, no. The word "homosexual" has always referred to sexuality, people use "homo" as an insult because homosexuality is looked own upon, and thus being homosexual is 'bad'. Why am I even explaining this? It's painfully obvious. What you're saying only applies to words which have already developed different meanings through time, like "faggot". Also, Siggy is just being a fucking moron by repping your post, and he clearly needs to grow a pair.
  14. Don't give a shit about a few numbers when experience itself has shown me that the only people who do not kill on sight are those that have just spawned. You cannot be serious. Out of respect that no one can say something so naive and gullible, I'll just assume you are in fact joking. Also, this might already be pointed out, but you have absolutely no idea how those statistics are recorded and which circumstances it counts a murder as a murder. It also doesn't change the fact that countless will not be counted simply because they managed to run away. Also, stop trying the stupid "whining" rubbish around. I've only made 8 posts on this forum so far and jesus christ, never have I seen this word used so much in such a small space of time. The fact is that a gigantic amount of people agree that random PVP'ing without reason IS an issue, and your stupid "ur wrong" attitude is not going to help this game in the slightest.
  15. Trapalicious

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    Blacklist the server (as in, never join it again). Suggest your friends don't join. Join another server. Done. Also, calm down and stop throwing stupid immature insults like "homo" around. It frankly makes me glad you were kicked.
  16. The problem isn't the fact that PVP exists; it adds an edge to the game and keeps you on your toes. What IS the problem, is that there's so fucking much PVP, and I'll explain. It's a zombie survival game and the zombies don't do a single thing. I only started playing this game recently and every single death has been by other players. Even when I was brand new and had absolutely no idea where I was going, running from zombies is easy with absolutely no gear, and with gear you don't even need to think about them. The only fear in this game right now is being sniped by some douchebag from more than half a mile away because he's bored, and you will NEVER find him. Zombies need to be a much bigger threat, that will dramatically increase the player's amount of shit giving to zombies, thus the killing of random players who obviously pose no threat will be less of an issue.
  17. Trapalicious

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    The second anyone resorts to using "QQ, Whine, Crying" or any other similar words, they've instantly invalidated anything they posted. There's a big difference between "whining" and criticising something in the community which destroys the entire point of the game. The fact you think it's about how fast you can gear up shows you have absolutely no idea what the actual issue is here, please refrain smearing your shitty excuses of a post on this forum from now on. You're just a broken record and aren't bringing up any points to actually back up your opinion, so there's no point in even trying with you. Fairness isn't the point people are making with the ridiculous amount of bandits.
  18. Trapalicious

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    Stupid post, you are what is wrong with this community. Protip: They kill because they're bored and there's nothing for them to do. Not because it's oh so hard to run to a supermarket and pick up all the food you can need.
  19. Trapalicious

    Snipers are OP?

    Well of course, but that's not the problem. Getting killed in close quarters can be completely justified unlike shooting random people from a mile away, because it's actually a threat. I have no gripe with getting shot in the face with a shotgun at CQ, at least the other player actually done so out of the safety (or paranoia), and not because he was bored and wanted to screw around a little. Also, CQ is much more of an even playing field.
  20. I can only desperately hope that this is some kind of joke.
  21. Trapalicious

    Snipers are OP?

    Claiming that you "just need to use cover" is inane and avoiding the actual problem. I constantly prone most areas I go and always use the tree lines, yet nearly every player death I've had is from a sniper, doesn't matter where you are. Sniping isn't difficult in DayZ, far from it; and frolicing around with a Barrett then shooting people from such distances while standing is insane, and desperately needs to be changed. On top of that, sniping at over 3/4 of a mile has no place in a survival game like this, in no real situation like this would anyone randomly shoot people who obviously pose no real threat at such a distance. Also, this isn't a "Your gun is more powerful than my gun, NERF IT!" thing which some people defending it are making it out as. It's a "Killing random people with close to no chance of being seen from nearly 1 mile is BS" thing. Also, obviously sniper rifles (keyword "rifle", not the sniper himself) are useless at close up. But you seriously expect them to have such gear without a close range weapon as well? Haha, no.