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About Sokk.exe

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    On the Coast

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  1. Sokk.exe

    Day Z Videos

    Me and my friends first chopper take down...: :)
  2. Sokk.exe

    [Video] Epic celebration dance

    I have no idea how you actually activate the dance... But a couple of hours ago, a guy was walking around on the top of a building in Cherno. And after we had a little firefight, he started dancing in the exact same way, as of taunting me or giving up or whatever... Does anyone know how to actually do it? ^^
  3. Killing a Cherno sniper and getting his epic lewtz just got too much for my character. He just had to let the emotions speak for themselves. It's the first time I ever see this dance thingy, and I wtf'd pretty hard when this just randomly happens, even though the timing couldn't be more perfect. The shit hits the fan at 0350.