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Veteran (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Veteran (DayZ)

  1. Âge:21 Nom in-game: Lucas Nom steam: lucasgaudin Quand êtes vous en ligne: during the day, after 10pm Avez vous un micro: broken Depuis quand jouez vous à DayZ: eh, 2 months ? Votre rôle préféré (Sniper, pilote, etc, etc): looter / helper Arme préféré:like the AKM / DMR Humanité (Bandit/Survivant/Héros): 2300 ( killed someone who shot me on sight ) Skype : not using that. I also speak english fluently ( french is main language ) Laissez-moi savoir ^^
  2. Veteran (DayZ)

    New Clan recruiting

    steam account : lucasgaudin 21 year old, lone wolf, never shot someone, purely helper / trying to survive hit me up
  3. Veteran (DayZ)

    I'm a bandit, I'm changing my ways.

    I would gladly help you, but i get sniped by the kind of people you were before i can reach the hospital :P congradulation on changing your manners, we need more people like this.
  4. Veteran (DayZ)

    anyone wants to play ?

    sup, lone wolf without a mic, but idc, just want to play a bit with someone ~~
  5. Veteran (DayZ)

    Looking for more members.

    My mic is broken, however i'd roll with you guys if you don't matter
  6. Veteran (DayZ)

    20th day alive!

    i can't make it more than 30 min, i always get sniped before i can hide in the forests. that said, congradulations, 20 days ( for me ) is very impressive :)
  7. Veteran (DayZ)

    survivor bears

    steam : lucasgaudin looking to play with anyone as long as it doesnt involve me getting sniped every 4 min
  8. Veteran (DayZ)

    Wanting to form a casual group to play with.

    i know lol, i am asking if the skype chat works ingame. or you have to alt tab to chat
  9. Veteran (DayZ)

    Wanting to form a casual group to play with.

    does it work ingame ?
  10. Veteran (DayZ)

    Wanting to form a casual group to play with.

    I do not use skype, i use steam. i could always download skype, never used that.
  11. hey, steam : lucasgaudin looking for a partner, hit me up
  12. Veteran (DayZ)

    Looking for a partner, new or a vet

    hey, im lucas, 21, looking for a player aswell, im not super experienced but i know what im doing just looking to roll with someone steam: lucasgaudin
  13. Veteran (DayZ)

    Looking for "playmates"

    steam : lucasgaudin 21 y/o, looking for a playmate ;) but srs hit me up
  14. Veteran (DayZ)

    Wanting to form a casual group to play with.

    Sup. I'm Lucas, 21 year old. Had the game for a month or so. I'm not really experienced as in i never had cars / crazy equipment, but i know what i'm doing. not a complete noob if that's what your asking ^^ steam : lucasgaudin My mic is broken, but i heard you can use your xbox mic through the controller plugged in the comp, so ima try that. hit me up
  15. Veteran (DayZ)

    Am I crazy just using Hatchet

    ok that's my noob moment of the day but.... how the hell do you use an hatchet to kill zombies with ?? all the hatchet i found were red ( the ones in barn ) and you can only cut wood with, unless i was mistaken.. please clear me on that LOL
  16. Veteran (DayZ)

    Are there still friendly Survivor?

    I never had a murder, and i live the exact same situation as me, every single guy i get in contact with me kills me.. the only guys i've met that didn't kill me was when i was running away from like 10 zombies, these two guys arrived with their dirt bike, killed them all, bandaged and gave me blood and then they just left lol
  17. Veteran (DayZ)

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    dude, the EXACT same thing happened to me this morning... prob got killed by the same douche
  18. Veteran (DayZ)

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    fresh spawn, walk to zelen, get headshot with 0 gera at all by a fucking bandit. will look forward playing in your servers, try to make my way the cherno and help you guys out the best i can ! steam : lucasgaudin
  19. Veteran (DayZ)

    Need some people to play with!

    hey, i live in quebec, relatively close, steam : lucasgaudin hit me up ^^
  20. Veteran (DayZ)

    getting bored :/

    well i've played this game yet so far about 10 hours and i only found 2 guns, wich were from a crashed helicopter site.. i've died like 20 times of starving, dehydratation, broken bones, and whatsoever... would really appreciate some kind of guide.. i know ive checked on internet and youtube etc and honnestly they just dont work for me.. ive been looking for barns etc didnt find SHIT.. looking for partners if anyone interested...
  21. Veteran (DayZ)

    getting bored :/

    thank you, that was the kind of answer i was looking for :) will look forward all of these and give some feedback ^^
  22. Veteran (DayZ)

    Squad Up! Searching for Players

    I'm from canada, but i prefer european server ( i seem to lag and get killed less there lol) steam : lucasgaudin
  23. Veteran (DayZ)

    getting bored :/

    Captain Obvious right there. still need some advices ^^
  24. i'm lucas, will add you on steam : lucasgaudin looking for ppl to play have fun with ^^
  25. Veteran (DayZ)

    Hi guys, I'm new here !

    Hi guys, my name is Lucas. Steam username is lucasgaudin I bought this game about a week ago, and i must say i like it alot yet, even if i couldn't do anything else than running away from zombies, not finding anything, and getting killed :P I am using either steam or sixlauncher to use the game, but its sooo long before i can enter any games. is it a problem on my side or it is meant to be that way ? i would really appreciate if someone help me ingame / explanations :) i cant even open doors ( i have been told its roll mouse button and enter, they both do nothing ) anyways, let me know if you would like to play with me :)