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Everything posted by Gobbokirk

  1. Gobbokirk

    .63 ETA ?

    http://steamcharts.com/cmp/295110,221100#All You really shouldn't make up stuff that takes 30sec to check.
  2. Gobbokirk

    Firestation upper floors are inaccessible

    The small room.
  3. Gobbokirk

    BETA Status Report - November 28

    For that matter they might not even make 1.0 actually 1.0. It's just a build number after all.
  4. Gobbokirk

    BETA Status Report - November 28

    Please be tracers :D
  5. Gobbokirk

    Status Report 7 November 2017

    Hopefully you'll have something more interesting than the newspaper to read in the morning then :)
  6. Gobbokirk

    Status Report 7 November 2017

    <que dramatic music> Dam bam bam!!!
  7. Gobbokirk

    For the Mule in all of us

    Shopping carts, live it up Eli/Hobo style :)
  8. Gobbokirk

    Almost done with this game

    You should be scared of the other players, hehe. But kudos to you for making this your first online experience, talking about jumping right into the deep end of the pool :)
  9. Gobbokirk

    Exp Update 0.62.143267

    ^This... Unless they say it is, assume its not :) (Doesn't mean I don't want it released NOW!!! though) :p
  10. Gobbokirk

    Firestation upper floors are inaccessible

    Give vaulting up first steps a try as well. I can't remember when or where I used that but it pops up in my head for some reason.
  11. Gobbokirk

    Why 2-slot-pants when you spawn with 4 slots?

    What idea? I never said anything! <whistles innocently and sneaks around the corner>
  12. Gobbokirk

    Why 2-slot-pants when you spawn with 4 slots?

    If you have a flashlight in a pair of 2 slot pants, does it make you happy to see me? :p Lets just hope they don't make us spawn with 2 slot pants :)
  13. Gobbokirk

    Status Report 7 November 2017

    I do kinda see it as a positive thing :)
  14. Gobbokirk


    There is plenty to find still if you just leave the coast. They can even spawn in clothes/backpacks and Zed inventory as well. The lack comes from being away for a long time.
  15. Gobbokirk


    Eat some apples. Trees in nearly every town on the map.
  16. Gobbokirk

    [ADD] AutoRun Hotkey ,

    Can start loot farming at the bottom of cliffs :)
  17. Gobbokirk

    [ADD] AutoRun Hotkey ,

    While I'd never use it myself, I am starting to leaning towards adding one, just so we don't have to see more requests for it :) I have seen one serious point for it though, for people with medical conditions making it actually more painful to keep the buttons pressed constantly.
  18. Gobbokirk

    Status Report 7 November 2017

    Next week if they keep their usual schedule.
  19. Gobbokirk

    New DayZ-related reactions

    Seen a few forums with similar functions using them though, so just giving a heads up :)
  20. Gobbokirk

    New DayZ-related reactions

    How about a Kiwi? A little nod to Rocket. Other than that, just keep them positive, no thumbs down etc. No need to make people grumpier than they already are when ranting here.
  21. Gobbokirk

    When will gameplay be introduced?

    More transport as in planes/helis and as you said building materials combined with more players on the server, should add a lot of that needed tension. Playing lone wolf now and you're pretty much safe once you find a quiet corner, 80-100 players on the server and the odds of someone stumbling across you fishing is increasing quickly. It's a tough thing to balance though, can't bottleneck everyone into too few spots either, so topics like these are good.
  22. Gobbokirk

    Carving/writing on loot - Inspect Item Interface

    Could be a cool way to know if you killed the guy that stole your gun. I am picturing some use for this in events as well, find the item marked with xxxx and bring to camp for a reward and similar stuff.
  23. Gobbokirk

    Exp Update 0.62.142963

    and what did the store page say about VAC again.. tsk tsk
  24. Gobbokirk

    Exp Update 0.62.142963

    Take a look at the store page... Then I'd suggest a look at CS:GO forums... The grass isn't greener over there, to put it mildly. Last, yes some of us care about a security update, what you want to say is that YOU don't. Have a nice evening! <Gobbohug>
  25. Gobbokirk


    Same here... I can imagine all white threads be pretty bright though :p