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Everything posted by Danny_Boooy

  1. Danny_Boooy

    Silenced weapons works incorrect

    I'm not so sure about the amphibia. The sound might be working but I think zombies are still getting aggroed by the amphibia as if there was no silencer on it.
  2. Danny_Boooy

    beans? why not rices?

    OP does not "get" my beans.
  3. Danny_Boooy

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Report it. Don't tell the whole freakin' forum.
  4. Danny_Boooy

    What is the ingame map good for?

    I'm not complaining that the road signs are in cyrillic. I'm complaining that the map is in English! But yeah I should probably do a bit of research on the language anyway. Would be good for me.
  5. Danny_Boooy

    Zombies spontaneously dying

    Sometimes the zombies kills themselves sprinting down hills. Much like players breaking their legs when sprinting down stairs...
  6. Danny_Boooy

    What is the ingame map good for?

    I love the in game map. However there is one HUGE PROBLEM with it. All locations are marked in ENGLISH ONLY. The road signs in game are not in English... If I'm lost and I'm using a road sign to navigate I need to know the translations or I need to check a third party map which ruins it for me. Please update the map to be in whatever Chernarushcvechian language the road signs are in.
  7. Danny_Boooy

    Any News on Global Chat?

    There is no way you'll ever get a global chat in DayZ until we have private hives.
  8. Danny_Boooy

    Making the switch to the machete!

    I've been running round with the combat knife recently. Only takes a few shots to the head and its really easy and fast to use. I find the fireaxe way too clunky and heavy.
  9. Danny_Boooy

    When the game is "finished" (out of Alpha|Beta)

    Uhhh the size of the map is smaller in the mod and vehicles work just fine in that...
  10. Danny_Boooy

    How to tell if a person is dead or unconcious

    Here's a suggestion for the devs. The hide body function should only be available once the body in question has had it's pulse checked. That way we can't just tell it's dead straight away without having to check the pulse.
  11. Danny_Boooy

    How to tell if a person is dead or unconcious

    Sorry but this is wrong. I've killed a number of people since seeing this thread and have found my kills with one leg up. I believe however if I knock them unconscious and then they CHOOSE to click respawn it will change their animation and position.
  12. Go ahead and take some morphine before you run into a firefight. Would love to see what happens... No.
  13. Danny_Boooy

    How to convince a friend to get dayz

    Get some real friends. Real friends play Dayz.
  14. Danny_Boooy

    Zombies in the next stable build....

    Zombies are not overpowered. But they're definitely broken. Once the running through walls and other zombie related bugs are fixed I'm sure it will be a different story.
  15. Danny_Boooy

    M4A1 Attachments

    Yeah you weren't zeroed properly.
  16. Danny_Boooy

    Anyone else experience this, or have I lost my marbles?

    I always do this. Especially when I'm trying to keep a low profile, I'll duck my head.
  17. Danny_Boooy

    So the patch broke the anti-combat log system

    Why didn't you just shoot him? Sounds like you had a clear shot.
  18. Danny_Boooy

    What music hits you when you play?

    Tom Waits. My beans.
  19. Danny_Boooy

    What is DayZ

    It's a game.
  20. Danny_Boooy

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    - Bigger servers (100-150 players) - Vehicles - More character customization including facial customization and more range in clothing. - Less clunky. Plz. - Bases/tents
  21. Danny_Boooy

    DayZ feels American

    I too am also sick of how western this game has become. Can we please remove all non-Russian servers from the game? .............. It's a game.
  22. 50% of the game wounded? Haha noob....
  23. Danny_Boooy

    Ducktaping peoples mouths?

    What about shrinking the font size of anything they type? So that you can barely read it. That'd be pretty funny.
  24. Danny_Boooy

    Some buildings never spawn loot

    This is a known issue and will be fixed soon.