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Everything posted by Danny_Boooy

  1. Danny_Boooy

    Used to love Berezino...

    I love Berezino now.
  2. Danny_Boooy

    Spawn campers

    Who really fuckin' cares? Newspawns have nothing to lose. Doesn't bother me if I get spawn camped.
  3. Danny_Boooy

    Next patch: a big one?

    Games take time to develop. Please be patient. Constant nagging does not help the devs do it any faster. They know what needs to be fixed.
  4. Danny_Boooy

    DayZ SA - Which headset do you use ?

    Logitech G930. Nothing beats taking a piss while your teammates listen in. <3 wireless.
  5. Danny_Boooy


    Go back to runescape.
  6. Danny_Boooy

    Welcome to the War! We need your intel reports.

    I would absolutely love to track WCO down and pick them off one by one.
  7. Danny_Boooy

    I wanna play a game...

    I'd sing for you. Seriously I would.
  8. Danny_Boooy

    Lets talk about the community

    Why don't all you "non-kos" people just form one giant super clan. Then you can all play with each other and outnumber the bandits. Develop some kind of friendly signalling system or something stupid like that. I dunno. Just take each life as they come. Getting killed is sometimes exciting for me. It means I get a fresh start and It also means I had some kind of interaction with another player (not the best kind but ohh well). There are SO many people complaining about KOS. So that means that there must be a lot of people who don't KOS. So... There's ya solution. You'll find those people from time to time and you'll have a blast. And sometimes you'll find me. And I'll blast you in the face. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Dayz of our lives... HURR
  9. Danny_Boooy

    What Items are rare?

    There's magazines for the mosin? No way??
  10. Danny_Boooy

    Evil Deeds

    A friend and I held up a guy to take his blood. We asked him where he was from. If he was from New Zealand (like us), we'd let him live. However if he was from Australia... Well let's say it wouldn't be pretty. It was not pretty...
  11. I've had 3 people on the same router at once on the same server. Will definitely be an issue with your router.
  12. Danny_Boooy

    Tents or other storage devices?

    Tents should be fine. The north is huge now. I want to see more people up there.
  13. Danny_Boooy

    The starting "kit" bothers me.

    A problem with random loot on spawn is that you'll eventually get people suiciding to spawn with the "best random gear". Much like suicide when unhappy with a spawn point. I just don't think it's really necessary. Spawning with nothing but wet clothes is a great idea. Would make finding clothes even more important.
  14. Danny_Boooy

    The starting "kit" bothers me.

    NO. Nothing. Is it really that hard to go and look for shit? Also this whole shipwreck idea is silly. Imagine how many people spawn into one server everyday. That's a lot of wrecked ships. (Before you say we all come from one ship. We don't. Otherwise we'd all be friendly wouldn't we?)
  15. Danny_Boooy

    The starting "kit" bothers me.

    There is no story. That is the point. You are the story in Dayz. Start with no gear.
  16. Danny_Boooy

    Dog pet

    Dogs are in the mod. They are nothing but annoying and give away your position by either making too much noise or running around everywhere. What purpose would they serve? I don't see much in favor for them.
  17. Danny_Boooy

    Where are people finding the Mosin?

    I found one in Chernarus.
  18. I find can openers all the bloody time. Dunno where everyone else is looking but they're everywhere...
  19. Danny_Boooy


    Would be awesome chasing down someone in a car and yelling out the window through a megaphone. This idea is brilliant! YES YES YES!
  20. Danny_Boooy

    Dean The Lying Salesman

    This forum is nothing but a whingefest. Every 20 threads or so I see a good idea. (or a bad one but at least its original and not a KOS SOLUTION (faceplan)....) The rest of the threads are just people bitching. This forum infuriates me.
  21. Danny_Boooy

    Dean The Lying Salesman

    tl;dr. Alpha. Give the developers some respect. A lot of people in this community are like babies demanding everything be addressed NOW. Shut up and help the game grow instead of filling the forums with garbage.
  22. Seriously guys look at this from the perspective of reality. Would you run through a town full of zombies just to get the sweet loot on the other side? On Dayz, a lot of you would. Because you could just shake the aggro by going inside etc. People aren't afraid of zombies. Zombies are fuckin' scary and I'd never run through a town full of them in real life. This is a zombie survival game. Not a zombie hide and seek game. Zombies are too weak at the moment and definitely need to be improved.