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Everything posted by Danny_Boooy

  1. Danny_Boooy

    Ducktaping peoples mouths?

    Would be cool if it added like a muffled effect to direct chat so that you can barely understand what they're saying. But still able to cry for help if left alone.
  2. Danny_Boooy

    Would you play a game with real permadeath?

    Wow. What a retarded idea.
  3. Best way to stop this is put a timer on the server reset. So once you initiate a server reset, the server won't actually reset until 5 minutes after you told it to. So that everything gets logged in the hive and no one can resurrect themselves.
  4. Danny_Boooy

    Do transmitters exist?

    They were actually both in the game. I once found a transmitter and a walkie talkie in a fire station. They're the same thing but with different names. Now it's just walkie talkie to save confusion.
  5. Danny_Boooy

    There Is Hope For DayZ

    KOS is not a problem. Stop trying to fix it.
  6. Danny_Boooy

    Rocket, please DO NOT remove slow vault animation.

    Can't we just give it a seperate key binding? Problem solved.
  7. Danny_Boooy

    How would you feel about

  8. Danny_Boooy

    why are people doing this ?

    Uhhh... If you've got gear and I have nothing... I'm definitely going for it. It has nothing to do with being pissed off about dying. This whole post gives me even more reason to take you out really.
  9. Danny_Boooy

    Would ingame currency have a place in DayZ?

    Ask yourself this. In a zombie apocalypse what would you value most? Money? Bullets? Food? Money would be useless...
  10. Danny_Boooy

    Heart attack "Theory"

    Nah. The game is complex enough. Just let players kill players.
  11. Danny_Boooy

    Social experiment

    Keep your experiments to your science class.
  12. Danny_Boooy

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    Actually yeah you guys are right. Give us flares!
  13. Danny_Boooy

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    I don't think NVG's should be as rare as everyone thinks. More people would play on night time if NVG's weren't so rare. Of course they do need to be rare. But not SUPER rare like everyone is saying. Night time still has some optimization anyway. I reckon there should be a 1 or 2 hour cycle between night and day anyway. That way people would HAVE to play in the night.
  14. Danny_Boooy

    Books ? why they exist ?

    Bibles. Burn them all.
  15. Nobody knows. That's the point. Your game experience is the story for Dayz. There is no other story. That's how it is going to stay.
  16. Danny_Boooy

    Purge them all

    But what if we could vote these threads into that forum! 20+ votes and it gets shifted to the other forum! I'm really just taking the piss though...
  17. Danny_Boooy

    Purge them all

    Can we make a new sub forum called "General whinging" separate from "General discussion" please?
  18. Danny_Boooy

    Steam Achievements

    It is a survival game. I shoot people to survive. Get over it. Also achievements can fuck off.
  19. Uhh re read this OP. The format is a bit whack. You've got some of the answers to questions underneath the question after it... If that makes sense. Otherwise great post :)
  20. Danny_Boooy

    Will there ever be a way to walk (more) silently?

    Wow. The impatience of all the kids here. The games in fucking alpha. Give them some fucking time. You've only been playing for like 2 months... THE GAME WILL BE READY WHEN IT'S READY.
  21. Danny_Boooy

    A few thoughts

    Nah. Talk to people. You'll recognize them if you talk to them.................
  22. Danny_Boooy

    Not sure why KoS is an issue.

    The number of KoS discussions have gone down quite a bit recently. Keep it that way. It's ALL been said before.
  23. Danny_Boooy

    Show names or no?

    If you want to know my name. You must ask.
  24. Danny_Boooy

    Next time I will kill every girls

    Hahahaha excellent story. You got played hard. Poor guy.
  25. Danny_Boooy

    anyone finding pistol red dot sight anymore?

    Yeah I found one.