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Everything posted by CptLeon

  1. CptLeon

    Looking to trade for serveral items

    considering he has had a few other trades go well, and what he is buying is pretty even with what he is offering, it does seem legit. Stop being an idiot who assumes everyone is out to murder and kill.
  2. I love it when i get thunderdomed as a fresh spawn. Easily the best way to get awesome gear.
  3. Well the thing is, fresh spawned players have nothing to lose, so why not take a chance for some of the better loot? Sure you can find some of the basic weapons in barns, but If you have nothing to lose anyway, why not go for that chance of a m4a1 CCO or DMR? I also find food/backpacks are much easier to get this way. I always go to the 3 coastal cities if i can, it is the best way to start out in my opinon.
  4. CptLeon

    The FNG Thread

    Off topic: Reptile, i know where your avatar is from, and it made me laugh my ass off when i noticed it. On topic: My first life consisted of me going to a gas station, getting shot in the leg, and slowly starving to death.
  5. justice has a face. And yours now has a hatchet in it. Your move, bandits.
  6. 10/10 Would speculate again
  7. Well first off, let me say that i love the mod. Finally got to the point where i can gear myself up every time i spawn, but i have been getting a lot of flak for switching servers a lot. The reason is that me and a neighbor share an internet connection (Wifi, from a company called frontier, which is rated F+ on speedtest.net), and i get booted a lot for high ping. No big deal, but when i started joining community teamspeaks, they refused to beleive me, calling me a "russian cheater scum". despite my blatant US accent. I got banned from a server today because an admin (who sounded VERY young by the way) was under the assumption that i was TRYING to cheat. I don't like my ping, and i'm going to be getting a better connection soon (can't play with others, i lag to much to help them and because they are invisible to me half the time), but the way some people are treating a new player just for this is terrible.
  8. CptLeon

    Is this considered server hopping?

    I thought so, and i WAS ignoring the people trying to call me a cheater, but getting banned kinda made me want to check. Thanks for the info guys!