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Mars (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mars (DayZ)

  1. Mars (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Thanks Rocket, Update working fine so far :)
  2. Mars (DayZ)

    DayZ - Scaring People

    This maybe?: http://www.ehow.com/how_8693082_use-soundboards-tf2.html http://www.gamespot.com/team-fortress-2/forum/soundboard-voice-chat-during-game-43237949/ http://www.ehow.com/how_5008915_use-soundboard-ventrilo.html http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/807673 I dont know, sakdgajhfhasdkjnaskd.
  3. Mars (DayZ)

    Scaring people at Balota! [Video]

    Some nice examples... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecsrMCpviG8 I would suggest zed sounds and gunshots as well.
  4. How about having two (or more) different models of player's dead bodies. One with maybe, bullet wounds, little blood. Another with partially eaten body parts (face, belly, arm, etc), with blood all over the clothes. It would add to the realism and atmosphere of the mod while also being very useful (you will know with a simple look how said survivor died). It would be a cool visual cue and it should not be super hard to implement (current system already replaces your model, one less descriptive).
  5. Mars (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Will I be able to use bear traps to puncture vehicle tires? (lol maximum trolling)
  6. Mars (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    If I spot a trap, will I be given the option to disable it?
  7. Self descriptive, what are your thoughts on this? I think it would be heart pounding (and awesome). Optional: Hearing or not hearing at all.
  8. Mars (DayZ)

    Zone of death - off map

    Just like logging out to avoid death, this is an issue and should be adressed.
  9. Mars (DayZ)

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    The first one, it looks like more 'zombieish' and the buildings look way better. In the second one the colors are too bright and looks almost cheerful to me.
  10. Mars (DayZ)

    Zone of death - off map

    I like this idea. But there may be a way around it, what if I walk inside for two minutes, and then disconnect, and then re-connect again and repeat until I get to my tent/vehicle (and walk inside the map the same way)? I like the warning, but it should be shorter, how about five seconds? Its way shorter and you could barely move before having to d/c. Edit: Or making it in a way that, if I connect and appear inside the death zone, I insta die. (?)
  11. Mars (DayZ)

    Change sound effects?

    Why not having the game sound come out of your headset as well? I play like this and have had no problems at all. Footsteps and all the other ambient sounds, sound great (try tinkering with the sound settings), and I still hear my friend perfectly.
  12. Mars (DayZ)

    I have ALOT of questions :p

    Not all the cars can be repaired. Most cars are obliterated beyond repair (by the atomic bomb explosion that never happened), some cars tho are repairable, you will notice when you find one. It is unlikely you have found one yet, since its kind of rare to find one (not ultra-rare, just rare).
  13. Mars (DayZ)

    Its hard to be a good guy

    Being a 'good guy' does not necessarily mean you must trust everybody. I mean... it was your fault you got killed by giving your back to an experienced player. No matter what, never stop pointing at someone who you do not know IRL. If you want to give him something tell him to go away and you will drop stuff on the floor for him to pick up (I take it as you want to help people no matter if they are bandits right? cause there is no way to know this). Be extra careful when it comes to other players. I tend to play both styles. Sometimes I kill for fun, for loot or because im scared I get killed. And sometimes I help others by clearing zeds or giving ammo or meds. I change so randomly, I dont even know what im going to do next.
  14. Mars (DayZ)

    TUTORIAL: How to lose everything in DayZ!

    I shot a friend accidentally in the head once. I lol'd via skype while he rage'd.
  15. Mars (DayZ)

    My heart is f****** pumping

    Hey guyz let me tell ya my story, I was in Komarovo, and then I killed a bandit. The End.
  16. Mars (DayZ)

    Dumbest ambush with a m4sd :D

    This is one of the greatest Day Z videos I have ever seen. Right up there with Destiny vs the No.
  17. Mars (DayZ)

    Double rainbow in DayZ!

    Feel free to die now.
  18. Mars (DayZ)


    Is it possible to have a 'hatchet-only' server? It would be fun, anyways as for the video.. killing most of the people when they were being busy, climbing down a ladder, holding flashlight, looting, etc. Well, so much for 'hardcore'.
  19. I dont find authentic at all that trained 'soldiers' dont have any kind of gun, but most (if not all) farmers have shotguns, crossbows and sometimes even sniper rifles. Having said that, I dont really mind spawning without a weapon.
  20. Mars (DayZ)

    Rampant Hacking

  21. Mars (DayZ)

    Rampant Hacking

    Just happened to me and a friend yesterday. Not everyone dies instantly. I was with my friend when we got into a bandit bait and got ambushed, I died and he managed to escape, I respawned in Elektro, then It happened. He said he just exploded while he was in the vehicle (and offroad). We lost the offroad along with a ton of loot and repair parts. Sucked balls. After that I saw a building that was near explode three times (I counted).
  22. Mars (DayZ)

    Matt's Magic Emporium

    Do you accept Mountain Dew?
  23. Mars (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Regarding sound. Rocket if you are into technical stuff, see this: http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/refract/refract.html Sound travels better at night. Also: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_does_sound_carry_better_in_the_fog By the way, sound may travel better into fog (or not?) but that does not mean it actually sounds better. I think it looses fidelity and sharpness.