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Everything posted by Pegz

  1. That is obvious use of DayZ Navigator. It is a map hack for those of you that don't know, basically a better version of what some admins have access too. Props to ExcelsiorDDZ for upholding his ban. To many admins are afraid of people complaining on the forums. Brian you used a map hack its pretty damn obvious, just because you didn't spawn in gear or teleport doesn't mean it isn't cheating.
  2. Yea that just sounds like a recipe for "the admin hacks he's got vehicles that only he can use" from players that don't understand how you did it. When those words get said people do leave a server.
  3. That works good enough but if someone is out in the debug area(ocean included) if they player relogs they get moved to the coast as well in my experience.
  4. Our IP & port has changed, check my sig below. This should fix the issue where upon attempting to join our server you end up on a different server.
  5. Yea I had ammo boxes added in as a vehicle and thought about doing this as well. Post back how it goes. :)
  6. Well thats just you then mate; the past 3 servers I have run on different hosts I have used gotcha and my chat has never lagged noticably.
  7. I don't know why you are using RCON anyway DART is much better, doesn't get flooded by gotcha at all. You can ban GUIDS IP all at once and it doesn't bark about donations like RCON does.
  8. You can disable to teleport detection in the gotcha antihacks settings first page bottom right corner. It has been documented by the gotcha devs and server admins that it is not entirely accurate. In your case with running rMOD honestly gotcha really isn't useful for you unless you want to block certain weapons from being used. Which you can select on the items page of the settings. You also would need to have dayz.st's support add in lines in your log files for gotcha to even do its job. Personally for what it is, it does a decent job. It also handles automatic scheduled messages very well which is useful seeing how we don't have BEC at this point. ersan that would be awesome if you could contract gotcha as a feature for your company, the new version from what I saw on gotcha's forums does show quite a bit of promise. From what I read it seems they actually may have this teleporting to a more detectable level as well....obviously it won't be perfect but as of right now that feature is unusable. But my main problem with script kiddies is the teleporting, everything else I can usually catch on my own while scanning inventories.
  9. Pegz

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    This may make me sound like a sick and twisted individual but I think hearing other players scream and yell(more than they already do in side chat) would make me want to kill them more.
  10. 1. ftp isn't available as of yet 2. When we ordered our server it was up almost instantly after making our initial payment 3. Switching maps is simple as choosing which map you want out of a drop down menu. However If I am not mistaken I do believe it changes your servers IP which is something worth noting(I'm pretty sure I saw ersan say this at some point) 4. From public to private can easily be done, the other way around would be probably be a little more tricky with instance ids and all. 5. In my experience if you email then you'll get a response within a few hours, irc almost immediately they will answer your question I would highly reccomend them, I was with survival servers and god that was terrible. These guys actually know what they are doing business wise and their servers work wonderfully. Only had one occasion where the server was completely down and it was resolved with a couple hours. Updates along the way on what was happening.
  11. Glad to see we weren't the only ones having the issue where trying to connect to our server through dayz commander for example you get thrown into the wrong server. Awesome that you are already looking into it ersan. Side note we did have an issue yesterday, had about 38 people on the server and the lag & desync became pretty bad for about 30 minutes then we a no message received error for about 40 seconds. I'll send an email to you guys with our username just in case you wanna give it a look. Other than that keep up the good work fellas :D
  12. Awesome turn out last night highest player count yet...fun was had by all. Hopefully see all you guys on again tonight.
  13. Yea its a weird glitch we've been having reports of lately. Over a few tries it seems like everyone is in, personally I have only seen it shortly after a restart and after 2 or 3 tries I am in. I have spoke to our hosting company and they have been hearing from a few admins and they are looking into it.
  14. I have been able to add ammo boxes but they don't save their inventory on restarts :( but c'mon ppl we need some players tonight where is everybody? We are updated to
  15. We added some more stuff to our camp and made it a little bigger. Coolest thing we found out though is that those blue barrels auto refuel just like in Lingor Island say whhhhhhhhatttt????/ :o :lol:
  16. Construction of our first 2 bases has been pretty much completed. In other news we have gone to a day/night cycle finally after everyone agreed we had gathered enough players consistently. Before anyone asks no you will not spawn with NVGs lol I am currently coming up with drafts for a trading post so stay tuned and let me know if you would like to be involved in some way.
  17. I love how selectively you guys read, completely skip over everything everybody says. How about that proof? On topic: Current admin got killed by a couple kids and lost his chopper. Got pissed and claimed it was another admin using a map tool. While mind you this person wasn't even online at the time. Changes the password to the server account and kicks all of my group and shuts down the server. Comes back online, my group and I decide fine what ever we'll start our own server just as we had before we teamed up with this guy, which mind the whole time we were all co-admins justin didn't do anything but buy the server which he volunteered to do. The next month was already set to be paid by donations from our community; So after we get our server all set, we notice we weren't perma banned from our old server so we decide to just massacre everyone on the server. All of us log on 4 out of 5 of us are new spawns and we go on a manhunt chasing justin around in cars. Then evictus sits on the firehouse in electro and kills pretty much everyone in the server with I think was an M24 that he looted from justin or one of his crews body. Moments after dieing, guess who has a full kit and dies again. After atleast 12 murders we all get banned for "hacking". Long story short the admins here are shady and have no idea what they are doing and are abusing the tools they claimed to be protecting from abuse.
  18. LOL different accounts? Changing your in game name does not equal a different GUID, you guys need to know these things if you plan to manage a server.