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(NOR) ZedsDead

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Everything posted by (NOR) ZedsDead

  1. (NOR) ZedsDead

    cd key theft.

    You got ur key stolen, therefor, you do the same to other people? fucking pathetic. This guy has admitted to me that he is using a Key-stealer, that he has over 130 cd-keys, and that he is selling them for 3 dollars each. And that he is gonna "attack" my server, because i kicked him a few months back. PATHETIC!
  2. (NOR) ZedsDead

    Several CD-Keys?

    Not sure where to put this topic, so i hope its the right category? Anyways. A while back, while i was freshly new both in this game, AND as an admin on a server (Norway 13), i messed up, and kept kicking this guy i thought was hacking off the server. Apperantly he himself says he didn't hack, but frankly, i don't care about that anymore. What i do care about, is that i logged in here a few days ago, and guess who had sent me an PM ? Yep, it was him. The title being "Norway 13 under attack", and the message itself is in Norwegian. It says "I haven't forgotten about you. I have 9 different CD-Keys." So i thought to myself "9 CD keys? That really seems legit..." So i thought i'd post a topic to see if its legit, and if not, what can be done about it?
  3. (NOR) ZedsDead

    Several CD-Keys?

    So, a little update about that guy. The just sent me a message, admitting he has a key stealer, that he has over 130 cd-keys, and that he is selling keys for 3 dollars each! So, anyone wanna help me out? Gotta be something we can do ? I have his IP, if that helps?
  4. (NOR) ZedsDead

    Norway-Troms Dayz Server Private Hive

    I'm playing on that server right now, and im trying to get two friends of mine to join, and both of them get the "penalty". Anyone know how to fix this ?
  5. (NOR) ZedsDead

    Several CD-Keys?

    I'm searching for the guy in my database, and i can find TWO different Names with THREE different CD-Keys on the SAME IP, Hmm... Three down, six to go.
  6. (NOR) ZedsDead

    admin abuse and hacking on norway 13

    @Douwethaman I don't really remember that, but i think i know when it was. I remember being at a LAN with some friends, and one of them was the owner of the server. He wasn't logged in as Admin, but i was. I remember fucking up once, after i died, i tried pressing "restart" just to see what it was for, and if i could respawn that way. What i didn't realise is that if ur logged in as admin while pressing restart in-game, you restart the server. Don't know if it was that time, but it HAS to have been. Because i don't restart the server just because someone kills me! Only reason i have to restart the server, is if hackers have been fucking up the server, or loot and zombie doesnt spawn. And i ALWAYS let people know in global 5 minutes in advance. Oh, btw. Bane. Nice sending me a PM saying you haven't forgotten me and that you are gonna "attack the server, and that you have 9 different CD keys" ? Wth ?
  7. (NOR) ZedsDead

    Hive down??

    I just keep getting stuck at "wait for host" myself.
  8. (NOR) ZedsDead

    Servers with frequent hackers

    I, as an admin on Norway 13, can confirm we have been hack-free the last three days :) And seeing how there's only 2 admins atm (LEP and Feffe), we have had some difficulties keeping it clean 24/7! And sometimes we can't be sure of exactly WHO the hackers are, so sometimes it might take a little longer before we ban just to be sure we ban the right person. So if anyone reading this has got any tips on who is hacking or who you think might hack, please let me know, and i'll keep my eye out! Thank you :) Cheers! DayZ.no
  9. (NOR) ZedsDead

    admin abuse and hacking on norway 13

    As i wrote in the global chat, i did not want people to PvP kill the next hour because we had hackers on our servers, and i was trying to find out who it was. And no, i'm not cheating. Btw. it's Feffe, not Fluffe.