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Everything posted by Forceflare

  1. Forceflare

    Ban appeal CA 24

    Another person unjustly banned?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOObody cares.
  2. Forceflare


    Waaaaaaaaaaaah, shut up. Post something useful.
  3. Aren't we allies with Greece? It wouldn't make any sense for us to spy on them without reason.
  4. This is like the fifth thread this guy has made asking people to join this clan. These threads are becoming increasingly more stupid, I want to join this clan less and less every time I see one of these damn posts...
  5. Forceflare

    Change the Epi-pen function

    Rocket should just add the true function of the Epi-Pen. Which is to relieve potentially live threatening allergic reactions in your body. Though he'd have to add things like bees and poison ivy, though.... You figure that would go over well?
  6. Forceflare

    Hacker? You Decide....

    First encounter, clearly not a hacker. Second encounter doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned. Thread is pointless.
  7. Forceflare

    This kind of behavior is unacceptable!

    Trolls gon' troll. People can play however they want. Quit crying.
  8. Forceflare

    Stop flaming play-styles.

    Whining about whining is stupid, people can whine about whatever they want.
  9. Forceflare

    as50 thermal

    The gun usually doesn't work for worthless dickheads who try and gain an unfair, hacked in advantage over unsuspecting wanderers. Try using a legitimate weapon, maybe you'll have better luck.
  10. Forceflare

    Hackers be reasonable stop being douches...

    Creating a thread about hackers is like a fat girl wearing tight clothes, no one wants to see it.
  11. Forceflare

    Do something about that damn hackers!

    Rocket and his team will tend to this right away. Is there anything else?
  12. Forceflare

    Being a mechanic

    Everybody wants more and more realism. Isn't the point of playing video games to escape reality?
  13. Forceflare

    Community Dying? Too many hackers?

    Where the hell have you been?
  14. Forceflare

    players are dropping real low

    Reading the title, I figured this would be some unintelligent rant or suggestion... Boy was I right.
  15. Forceflare

    Learn to love death, not fear it.

    After you calm down from wrecking your keyboard.
  16. Forceflare

    bye bye hackers ... you will not be missed

    Thousands of innocents banned while scripters roam free, great work BattleFraud.
  17. Forceflare

    [ Video] This is not cool ! Why do people do this in DayZ !!

    You surrendered to a Makarov. A gun that doesn't even have enough bullets in one clip to kill a man.
  18. Forceflare

    Day Z Double Kill

    I would have been too embarassed to show this. Two mags, two kills at five meters away...
  19. Forceflare

    DE 1463

  20. These whiney posts need to fucking end. Shut up and play the game. If there's a problem, leave.
  21. Forceflare

    Thanks Team Rocket

    I think a Thank You thread is long overdue for this team. Players spend far too much time complaining about the shortcomings and not what this mod is offering, or how much time Rocket and the team have put into this mod to make it what it is. Creating this spectacular mod, there's nothing else like it out there. Despite the glitches, hackers, and butthurt whiners, this mod is probably the most successful mod for any PC game that I know of. Incredible experience from being a new spawn all the way to death, just to do it all over again. Teaming up with friends to raid the NW Airfield, vehicle hunting, making camps, or just deciding to snipe newbies in Elektro and Cherno. This is like no other, extraordinary. Thank you to the development team and thank you Rocket. I hope Standalone DayZ will live up to the immense hype surrounding its' arrival. Beans, Beans for everyone!
  22. Forceflare

    How to be a true hero

    How to be a true Bandit Kill the idiot Heroes who actually do this.
  23. Forceflare


    Maybe you should go play Sims 3, this just isn't for you.
  24. The search function for Topics and Members alike is absolutely broken. People are constantly bickering because "people don't know how to use the search function". Maybe they don't because it's completely unhelpful. I wanted to look for Trading threads, so I assumed that if I entered "Trade" or "Trading" in the search bar, it would look for the keyword "trade" in any of the titles or even posts. No, sorry, it just comes up with about two trade threads followed by approximately twenty completely irrelevant threads that don't even mention trading. Same goes for the member search function. Try and search for rocket, you'll get about fifty members that have names that don't even contain any of the same letter combinations or anything else related. It's a bit frustrating when people are consistently whining about people posting a thread similar to another because they "didn't use the search function". That's like getting annoyed at someone for not being able to eat soup with a fork, it doesn't make any sense. Searching could really use a fix, so it's actually reliable and helpful.