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Everything posted by Forceflare

  1. Forceflare


    One man's trash is another man's treasure I suppose, then.
  2. Forceflare

    Trading day

    This would probably lead to more betrayal and rage than actual productive resource exchanging. I oppose this.
  3. Then you, sir, deserve to be brutally murdered with a hatchet. Killing new players without weapons is plain stupid.
  4. Forceflare

    All servers should be hardcore

    Personally I think crosshairs are useless and first person vs. third person is personal preference, really.
  5. Forceflare

    I feel kinda lucky

    The only heli crash I've ever found yielded an M14 AIM + Mags and some other random assorted types of ammo.
  6. Forceflare


    Not a fact. I've found an Antibiotic on the top floor of the NW Airfield firehouse very recently.
  7. Has it been confirmed that jogging or sprinting makes your thirst and hunger deplete quicker than if you were not moving or committing any actions? This would make sense but I don't personally know if these principles exist in DayZ.
  8. The only players getting fed up with this are basically idiots. I've only been playing a few days but I've quickly learned this game is survival of the fittest; kill or be killed. You can't trust anyone, maybe they were under the impression you were going to betray them. Plus, you did have a gun on you: that's a red flag for me.
  9. I don't mean to rant, I want to know if anyone else has ever or is currently having these problems? First off, nobody ever talks, I never see anybody. I've wandered around for an hour or so and never once found a building that I could actually enter and loot. Even if I'm proned and not moving, zombies (at any distance, really) slowly walk towards me; the second I get up they start sprinting at me and never give up. I don't know if it's a glitch or a mechanic but sometimes my character is incapable of running and is stuck in a walking state, crouching or not (I'm aware Shiftx2 to toggle run on/off). Lastly, you start with no form of weapon or defense mechanism besides sprinting and every town area is swarming with Zombies, so looting is improbable in any scenario. Are these common problems? Did I waste $20 just to play this DayZ Mod? I want to enjoy it, but it's impossible at this stage....
  10. Forceflare

    DayZ almost literally unplayable

    Actually, I paid $20 for Operation Arrowhead. Arma 2 is free.
  11. Forceflare

    DayZ almost literally unplayable

    Thanks, added you on skype. (Sleekkyy)