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Everything posted by Forceflare

  1. Forceflare


    Tents need to be fixed before we even think about adding more.
  2. Forceflare

    Bells and whistles

  3. T'would be nice if one didn't need a microscope to read a thread.
  4. Forceflare

    DayZ Memes

  5. Forceflare

    How about a Kill Cam?

    While we're at it. We may as well add Team Deathmatch and a monthly subscription for DayZ Elite.
  6. Forceflare

    AS50 or M24

    1. Find M24 Sniper 2. Holy shit best sniper ever! 3. Realize it isn't a one shot kill. 4. Never pick up M24 again.
  7. This has got to be a troll thread. Half of these additions are completely far fetched and asinine, also never mentioned anywhere. I guarantee this moron just spent an hour compiling a list of features he'd like added.
  8. Forceflare

    1,133,259 minus 1

  9. First off, I'd just like to point out that every military spawn in Chernarus, not including Helicopter Crash Sites, have ridiculous and asinine spawn probabilities. I'm going to start off by pointing out why I think this should take notice. Address this DayZ Map to clarify anything you don't understand. http://dayzdb.com/map#4.042.057 Barracks: If you click on the Barracks in the Northwest Airfield (on the given map link above) and you look at the list of items that have a probability to spawn there, there are 43 DIFFERENT spawn probabilities. Meaning in the hallway, and in every room, there's a chance for 1-5 (rough amount of items per loot pile depending on what's there) of 43 items to show up. THREE of those item spawn chances are categorized into Military Loot, Medical Loot, Junk Loot. Such as: Painkillers, Heatpacks, Empty Cans, Empty Bottles, Hunting Knife, Flashlight, and other useless garbage such as miscellaneous shotgun and SMG ammo. Everything included, this amounts to nearly 100+ different items. Combined, the three main loot categories take up a whopping 72.41% chance of taking up each item spawn slot (Again, about 1-5 per pile). The problem starts here where if there's a 72.41% chance of this trash spawning in every spawn slot, you'll often find yourself making trips to the Airfield Barracks and finding nothing but Chemlights, Makarov Clips, and Empty Cans. But this is what is particularly redundant: the four highest gun spawn rates in these barracks are the AKM, M1014 Shotgun, PDW, and G17. These four guns each have the highest spawn chance of any other gun at 2.30%. The next lowest gun spawn rate is the M16A2 along with every other AK-74 variation you can imagine (1.15% chance each). Combined, these guns amount to a 16.1% chance to show up. Let's do some simple math here: if those three loot categories amount to 72.41% chance to spawn. 100 - 72.41 = 27.59%. So, after that junk is excluded, that 27.59% becomes the new 100% for our base probability for the remaining rarities to spawn. Now, those guns mentioned before have a 16.1% chance TOTAL to spawn. 16.1 is over half of that 27.59. So now, junk aside, over HALF of that chance for those rarer items to spawn is taken up by these arguably mediocre weapons. So even when you DO get lucky not to get nothing but garbage, you have a high chance to get even MORE garbage. I can't tell you guys how many times I've gone into these Barracks and found NOTHING except AK's, PDW's, and M1014's. As I stated before, please stay with me here, 27.59 - 16.1 = 11.49%. That 11.49% is, again, our NEW base 100% for even rarer spawning probabilities. Out of that remaining 11.49% "gold mine", 4.47% of that is taken up by shit such as: Military Flashlight, Map, Coyote PATROL Pack, Assault Packs, etc. That leaves us with a collective 7.02% chance of items such as GPS, Rangefinders, Satchel Charges, Night Vision Goggles, etc. to spawn. EVEN THEN, that 7.02% is shared by about 10-15 DIFFERENT items. Here's the problem, THERE'S TOO MANY ITEMS. There are FAR too many probabilities and the spawns are so ridiculous that items that were meant to be "rare" are improbable to obtain. Radio Towers, Fire Stations, Hangars: These are literally the same problem except there are slightly less items that spawn here. BUT there are considerably less spawns in these buildings if compared to the Barracks. Therefor it essentially evens out, presenting the same problem. Conclusion: My personal hypothesis is that if just ONE more different type of High Value Military Spawn point is added (and the items are somewhat spread between the two), there will be some form of balance here.
  10. Forceflare

    Looking For Clan Without Social Disorder

    Let me turn my screen brightness to fucking zero so I can read this without getting a migraine, christ....
  11. Forceflare

    Throw animation is dumb

    I just.....what? Are you....? Help me understand how this is the game's problem...
  12. Forceflare

    Chopper Question

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/UH-1H_Huey Your welcome :)
  13. Forceflare

    LF M4A1 holo

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/M4A1_Holo Leave.
  14. Facts or opinions, stupid players only want this removed because they're butthurt about being sniped, end of discussion.
  15. If inventory and backpack saving are working correctly, why isn't tent and vehicle saving functional? Doesn't make sense to me. Hackers I can avoid, passing out for five minutes occasionally upon login I can bare, zombies instantly breaking my legs I can avoid or cope with, but my items simply not being saved is taking away the game. Looting and surviving are the two halves of this mod. When your inventory is stocked with high end gear and vehicles and tents can't save loot properly, that removes 1/2 of the game alone, there's no more looting to be done since none of it saves. All that's left is surviving, which consists of eating, drinking, and using Heat packs; there's no substance at that point. Really, I'm not ranting, I just can't fathom why something so critical isn't fixed after all of these patches. It's not as if storing gear is a new feature, been around forever and still they don't work properly. Sharing my thoughts and looking for opinions, really. Is there any reason for this not to be fixed? Do you all think this is critical? Should fixing these problems come before login optimization and graphical glitch fixing?
  16. Forceflare


  17. Arma II is produced by Bohemia Interactive. DayZ is monitored by BattleEye. They're not associated in any way. There's no refund, moron. Edit: How stupid are you?
  18. Forceflare

    My 1st Dayz Experiance

    Enjoy it while you can. Pretty soon you'll find yourself making rant posts about how terrible hackers and glitches are.
  19. Forceflare

    fuck you bastards

    Hahahaha, it's funny because it's your fault!
  20. I guess I'm a lucky one. I play on a clan server with my clan and everyone on there, including the non-regulars, are fairly honest. I haven't seen a single tent with tons of high end gear. In fact, every tent I ever find is empty.