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About DeafGuardian

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  1. DeafGuardian

    well that was fun while it lasted

    I can totaly see that. No, seriously. I once got smacked in the head by a boat which was going about 2000 km/h when it hit me, then it bounced off into the far distance, leaving me there bleeding, with a broken leg and unconscious. Took a few seconds, but then i just laughed it off. (The guy flying it teleported to me after that to take me for a ride, was quite the fun^^) I've seen those hacked in weapon boxes (and yes, i always took something from it, apart from the gear we stored in tents on the coast), a shame that thing wasn't in there. I think there a many people who actualy enjoy meeting a hacker who destroys half a town with a tiny pistol, just out of excitement. I don't realy see the difference between legit players who decide to randomly snipe people with their duped AS50 from dobry (that still happens, doesn't it? haven't seen the coast for quite some time) and hackers, which do essentially the same damn thing - killing people for the heck of it.
  2. Have to report another hacker. Happened on DE 2660 about two minutes ago. Some guy popped up behind the back of my S1203, parked at the factory north of Solnichniy. Shot at him with my makarov while he was just standing there in his ghillie, no other players around, taking at least two bullets into his head. Instead of him dropping dead, i dropped to the ground bleeding and with a broken leg, unconscious. Lasted only a few seconds and after patching my bleeding wounds he turned to me and shot me with his silenced i don't know what. Name of the guys was [uRFO]Gary101. No screenshots or anything taken, wasn't expecting that the only other guy on our server except us would just pop up behind the half-destroyed and empty van we were repairing.
  3. Would love to see at least AS50/M107 and the thermal-thingie to be gone from chernaruss. I'm okay with the other ones though. True. Had realy good gunfights on some lingor server where you spawn with an Mk 48. Sure, it's not meant to be that way, but this way each player has the same gear, nobody combatlogs cause theres no reason to do so, when you spawn with all the tools, a LMG with 200 Rounds and some silenced pistol. It's nice for change. Wouldn't want to spawn with this kinda gear all the time, but after all the tent-spreading and vehicle repairing and backing out of fights by spraying saw-rounds in the general direction of the people trying to stop me from doing so (trying realy hard not to kill anyone, at some point i'd like to have the hero-skin on me instead of my towelhead earned in selfdefense...), getting most of them to alt+f4... Well, it's just nice for a change of pace sometimes.
  4. I don't see the server hopping part on their behaviour. They just logged in. No firefight before, they just logged in, ran into you and killed you. If theres anyone to blame, it would be you and your friend for not being catious enough. How about you LEARN HOW TO F*CKING READ, instead of blaming OP for your own incompetence? From the looks of it he got enough of that on his own, he doesn't need yours on top of that. Oh come one... Faggot is just an insult, gay people actualy use it themselves, they don't see themselves as faggots. At least the ones I know don't. It's not realy a big surprise when you think about it. The second part may be true, OP might just want to be more carefull the next time he enters a well-known dangerous pvp-zone.
  5. DeafGuardian

    crate with everything?

    Also found one yesterday on DE 2954, right next to Cherno. One of us took as much explosives as he could and bombed the crap out of cherno. Took some of the weapons and a few tents and pitched them around cherno. Our sniper dude took an AS50 TWS. (I'm wasn't happy with it either. He alreaddy lost it again though, so no harm done. Except for the two guys doing the Dragonball "omigosh he's to fast for the naked eye!"-thing around him before killing him. Happened 3 times to him yesterday^^) I took an M40A5 with half a tree wrapped arount it (Correct me if i'm mistaken, but seeing that it uses M24 Rounds, i guessed it does around the same damage as the M24.) and replaced my silver revolver with the luxus-edition in Gold. All in all, a good dayz for me.
  6. DeafGuardian

    Things you've never found

    Been playing since mid-july NVGs (always looted them from players or from tents) Rangefinder (same here) M136 (a guy in my team found one 2 days after he startet playing^^) M4 Holo (found the sd-version in a tent, may it rest peacefully in that sheep who took it with it into the earth^^) MP5SD, except one on some player who had nothing else, not even amo for the damn thing That's about it i guess. Found both anti-material-rifles pretty early, carrying both of 'em with us and never using them.^^
  7. DeafGuardian

    My secret for a quick gear up

    That's what I did. Mostly. But to be fair, we used to play on US 434, where Elektro was full of hackers. On the good days there were 10 corpses with the same gear + Ghillie (which weren't even in the loottable at the time) rotting inside the restaurant. Not that we only shot hackers, just saying. ;)
  8. DeafGuardian

    My secret for a quick gear up

    Being up against a fully geared sniper sure is a fair fight, being a fresh spawn. Tbh i also took my DMR a few times and just sniped people inside Elektro. Most people did this at least once i guess. And for the players in Elektro it hardly was a fair fight. At all times we were at least 400m away from them. Even if they knew from where me and my 2 Mates were shooting at them, how could they fight back with the weapons they'd find there? At some point a Group of players did what was their only chance to kill us. They serverhopped onto the sniperhill and next to these Eletricitypole-stuff-thingies and put a few Makarov Bullets inside each of our heads. And we deserved that. So does every other Player who snipes fresh spawns in Elektro and/or Cherno. Serverhopping when enganged in a "real" fight, that's lame. But killing sniperdicks, that's actually ok. I never complained when someone did this to me. Neither did my mates. Neither should anyone.
  9. I'd like... or rather i have to report at least two hackers on US 434. One of them being [Derp] Dr. Wong the other one [Derp] Wreckker. Both got the L115 Sniper Rifle. The rest of their gear is at least possible to be legit, but seeing that US 434 constantly gets invaded by groups of hackers that seems rather unlikely. Happening right now at the factory straight north from Dolina. As I'm writing this one of our team put half an AKM Mag into one of them, the guy didn't die an our teammate dropped dead while still firing.
  10. DeafGuardian

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    Where all their gear means nothing if they can't handle it without crosshair, third person and all the things they'll not have on veteran/expert servers. So what? If server hopping will be gone anytime soon, which is likely to happen, i guess, that problem will be fixed anyway. What's REAL broken in this game is first-person-view. If one asks me that is. It's shaking like you're running through an earthquake, nothing near reality. It's pretty decent for actually aiming, sure. But it's terrible for moving around. Mirror's Edge did not shake you around nearly as much. If that's fixed i'll gladly play on servers without 3rd person. I'll even take all that blurriness when spinning around quickly, which is also far from reality. But all that shaking while moving... naw, I'll pass on that.