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Everything posted by XinaryuX

  1. XinaryuX

    Safe Havens

    I think it would be nice to create Safe Havens/ Safe Zones. These areas would be player made and completely destroyable. You could find the things you need (Planks, Nails, Reinforced Steel, Turret Guns, Barbed Wire, Electrical Fence, ect.) anywhere on the map, but mainly in industrial buildings. When you go to place a wall you would go into your inventory, right click the planks It will spawn a green artificial wall, and as you walk the artificial wall follows. When you left click, the wall will start to be built (Like repairing a car or placing barbed wire). If you want to make that wall longer you would build in another wall close to the wall you just built, and if there is a gap, you can scroll on the corner of the wall and it will give you the option to join the corners. When your structure is finished, you can add finishing touches. Like making a fence electrical, or add barbed wire to the top of your 10 foot fence. Maybe you could make a walkway on your wall and put mounted machine guns on the wall. Or you could make a garage for your cars and your stash. It would be difficult to keep the hackers away from that kind of thing though, or the building control because there would be structures scattered all over the map. It would be interesting to see this being implimented, or tested (Because the game is still in alpha) because it gives people more to do and more to worry about. And remember this is just an idea :).
  2. XinaryuX

    Safe Havens

    I have watched the video before and I think putting in safe havens would be a good thing
  3. XinaryuX

    Safe Havens

    I do agree, but like I said its just a thought :P
  4. XinaryuX

    Just A Few Problems

    The ONLY few problems I see, are that the zombies senses are to keen now and its making us not able to get food or water. If the zombies went back to the way they were, we could get our water and our food. One other thing that isnt a problem for me (because I can get headshots) is that the pistols arent one shots anymore... Onto pistols. I do understand that the makarov shouldnt be able to one shot (it should be three shot) but the .45 magnum, that should NO DOUBT be a one shot from the chest and above. The M9 and M1911 should be 2 shots anywhere and medieum rarity, makarov should be 3 shots with low rarity (Just for defence purposes) and the .45 magnum should be a high (not TO high) rarity and a one shot. Onto the Machine guns, they in my opinion are okay other than the fact they attract MASS amounts of zombies. Plus for the ammo I think it should show up A LOT more. They should be Low Rarity in Military areas, Medium Rarity in Deer Stands, and High Rarity in the city. For the rifles I think they are good just how they are, but they (like all the other guns) are too loud with these hardcore zombies. The sniper rifles seem almost impossible to find other than a CZ 550 which is still very hard to find. And on the last note ADD THE HELICOPTERS BACK IN!!!
  5. XinaryuX

    Just A Few Problems

    Me and my friend figured out how to pass by them, but startling a horde was too easy in my opinion...
  6. XinaryuX

    My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

    In my opinion, the mod is fine... The ONLY few problems I see, are that the zombies senses are to keen now and its making us not able to get food or water. If the zombies went back to the way they were, we could get our water and our food. One other thing that isnt a problem for me (because I can get headshots) is that the pistols arent one shots anymore... Onto pistols. I do understand that the makarov shouldnt be able to one shot (it should be three shot) but the .45 magnum, that should NO DOUBT be a one shot from the chest and above. The M9 and M1911 should be 2 shots anywhere and medieum rarity, makarov should be 3 shots with low rarity (Just for defence purposes) and the .45 magnum should be a high (not TO high) rarity and a one shot. Onto the Machine guns, they in my opinion are okay other than the fact they attract MASS amounts of zombies. Plus for the ammo I think it should show up A LOT more. They should be Low Rarity in Military areas, Medium Rarity in Deer Stands, and Low Rarity in the city. For the rifles I think they are good just how they are, but they (like all the other guns) are too loud with these hardcore zombies. The sniper rifles seem almost impossible to find other than a CZ 550 which is still very hard to find. And on the last note ADD THE HELICOPTERS BACK IN!!!