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Everything posted by Aruze

  1. Aruze

    Suggestions for DayZ

    Currently the ingame health system is not very balanced. You can get shot and lose alot of health, but your blood only goes down when you are bleeding. after which your character always regenirates blood making bloodbags meaningless, even using a saline bag sometimes makes little sence because you just wait 5-10 minutes and u got all your blood back. So changes to the health system would be thus: Adding a "blood plague" to the game, icon indicator over your blood icon to show you have the blood plague. you would get the blood plague by geting hit by zombies, if they make you bleed you have a chance to get the blood plague. its effects: Stops your blood from regenirating. How to fix it: Get a blood transfusion from someone who does not have the blood plague. also, Change the icon ingame from the bacterial "you are sick" icon to something more specific please, and make it look and feel more fun and interactive, maybe color the icons differently, purple/green/red etc and give them each their own indicators to show you what sickness you have. Also, the current health system ingame Feels nice when you shoot someone, BUT currently there are alot of guns that can One shot you regardless of you having plate carriers or max tier helmets like the Mosin and the Winchester and possibly more. Adding more health to Specific items such as the plate carrier or the tactical or assault helmets , or any helmets so they can tank at least one hit before you die would be wonderful! Also, Please if u hit someone in the head who has a big massive helmet like the tactical or the assault helmet, it should become badly damaged and you should be "knocked unconcious" also you should never be able to be "one-tapped" So in summary: add in the blood plague to balance the blood regeniration rate, and fix the one tapping with guns while heavily geared. you should be able to tank shotgun shells, or mosin rounds with a high tier helmet or plate carrier. Also: please add some more optional wearable armour like you would see a Skater boy use , like having knee pads or elbow pads, to add to the overal Health pool of your character. the current Health pool in the game is Atrocious, if you could put stuff on your character that increase his health pool that would help alot. There are so many ways for you to die ingame, and thats good! but we need a way to balance that and make it more fun and interactive. Such as shooting someone in the head who has a high tier helmet would knock them out and thus you can bind them up. Anyway: Fundimentaly im asking for the blood plague, the rest is just feedback from a person who has played dayz for over 2000 hours. maybe adding in a full Knight's armor u can only find in castles, could be amazing in gearing up your character, make him noisy but also make him gain alot of HP and make him resistant to small arms fire and melee weapons such as those that knock you out. shovel etc. that would be amazing. but we need more equipment slots on our character like Arm/Knee slots for pads or armor like that.
  2. Aruze

    Suggestions for DayZ

    Thanks for the responses guys, i agree that it does take longer than 5-10 minutes , but you hardly even feel like you need to attend your blood levels. Anyway, was a long shot with the blood plague thing, i personaly only play vanilla servers so im not much for modded. i had a couple more suggestions in mind; Being able to pick up Chicken corpses and carry them in your inventory, and be able to pick them up into your hands and run around with a chicken, or throw it. Would add a little gameplay, make things more fun. Apologies about my previous post, it was written quickly and with bad accuracy. Possibly also; being able to take a trophy of an animal after you skin it, possibly crafting a helmet out of it, would be fun running around with a massive Cow head on your head, or a Stag to mount on your wall in your base. But... im sure you guys are just going to say the same thing, Modding community will take care of it right?
  3. Aruze

    Repetitive Zombie Reactions & Hitting Bug

    if they added a chance when a zombie hits you to give you a disease that stops you from regenirating blood , that would add to the fear factor of the zombies. but i also do agree that the zombie sounds are just too repatative, always the same sound/noise and it realy makes this awkward Vampire stance when it aggroes, instead of just moving in your direction like it should. ive seen some good zombie interaction when i throw items they tend to find you and attack you and thus leads to less vampire stance BS.
  4. Aruze

    Smash Cans Open

    how about allowing you to open cans by scraping them on the road or concrete , if u scrape a can long enough the metal will wear out and the can will open. But if u dont have Gloves u can cut yourself. Video:
  5. Aruze

    Players that died to zombies become one

    the player should stand up and become a zombie when the body would otherwise despawn and have all of the gear equipped on him/it.
  6. Aruze


    i also agree
  7. Aruze

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    So what exactly will be in the next patch? been playing diablo 3 since the new expansion came out and was wondering what we are going to get in the next patch? i expect they would include some more cooking related items and such. personaly i wouldnt mind geting my hands on some Pig-Bacon. or a Car or a horse to ride, u know's the usual Tba.
  8. Aruze

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    New zombie animations in testing (they are considerably faster). We will be engaging with the community to decide if these new animations result in the zombies being too fast.This new thing actualy made me feel kind of scared of the zombies, at the same time got me more into the StandAlone as a Zombie Survival game, im excited to go experiment with zombies.
  9. Aruze

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Tbh they should add 200% more zombies in cities and fix their collision, walking thru walls etc... also make the zombies actualy Eat you while your unconscious or dead. Also how the hell do i make my Fireplace? im Soaking wet and i need a Fire, how exactly do you make one and upgrade etc?
  10. Aruze

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    How do you make the new Fireplace?
  11. Aruze

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Does anyone have a direct link to exactly what the new patch has given us?
  12. Aruze

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    so far i logged on and played for about an hour, so they added new guns and items like the sickle and the hoe... they made zombies 100 times more annoying, now they make you bleed in every hit and their melee range is increased. if you shoot your gun about 20 zombies come piling towards you nonstop until your ammo runs out or you die. oh and they run through walls and buildings, most of your shots bounce off the wall. sure they didnt add anything that might make the game more playable, my game lags more now especialy above 100 ping servers. i usualy play on 100-200 ping servers with no problems up til now. So they added a fireplace, without allowing us to cook meat. oh they added meat but without any way to get the meat, they didnt add any vehicles such as a single bycicle or a horse or any animals for that matter. but we can paint our balistic helmets now! yay... Whats the Eta for the next patch? if its more than 2weeks il probably uninstall and come back in a year when its actualy got something worth playing for. not to mention paying for.
  13. So.. is the new patch out ? Does this mean that 15881 is a version of the past? Can i join and play on a server with the new patch now? *Edit* Where can i get my hands on the new patch so i can start playing?
  14. Aruze

    Women who "Want More"

    i for one think its a great idea!
  15. Spraypaint! Dark Green Dark Blue Red Pink Yellow Orange White Purple Who's with me? Dont forget to leave me your beanz!
  16. Aruze

    All the colors of the Rainbow!

    Tagging and leaving behind markers on buildings, arrows pointing to Treasure, would love to spraypaint some walls and streets, even paint me a painting on the middle of the airfield.
  17. Aruze

    All the colors of the Rainbow!

    or simply Modify your Clothing, such as: Lets say you got a Big grey jacket, nothing too fancy. then you spraypaint on the back of your jacket a Smileyface in said color. Could be used to spraypaint walls to leave marks for clans or backs or sides of people to mark them for friends and clans or whatnot? also could you add you could spraypaint your car with Icons for clans etc? Wouldnt mind geting past that Dropbox Arma2-like Clan based simbol if they impliment such things.
  18. Aruze

    All the colors of the Rainbow!

    Could we also add Dye to the game to color our Clothes in specific Colors? such as Pink dye + Water + Bucket + Clothing = Colored Clothing
  19. id like to state that some of my buddies have come across a glitch where if you are holding 2 weapons and logout, you dupe your weapon on the ground, and when u log back into the game you still have it. also those Glitches where u can jump into a Prison building thru the walls and see everything but cant be killed is something that needs fixing.
  20. So when exactly is the Expected Arrival of the next patch? will it Possibly come out on Wednesday this week or will it not be coming out before April?
  21. Aruze

    Xp System?

    ive got an idea, what if they added to the game a simple Exp lvlup system ? every X amount of time you stay alive you gain Tiny bits of Xp, every time u kill a player or a zombie u gain xp and u lvl up, every X amount of lvls gives u points to upgrade certain things such as your Health, your chance to wake up from unconcious, your chance to not get bleeding when hit by zombies. and with Xp you can use lvls to learn special skills such as Cutting down trees, hunting, gathering and crafting materials from your environment. my thoughts about this is simply to add something to the game to keep the playerbase Active, tbh currently all we do is find guns to shoot ppl. and if we had something else to focus on we would be much more friendly, and even give soloplay some meaning again.
  22. Aruze

    Xp System?

    dont be silly. a regular person in real life can learn a bunch of things, Exp should definetly be implimented.
  23. Aruze

    Xp System?

    i dont know if you've noticed but 90% of the playerbase shoot on sight, so why not give the players something to aim for rather than geting their next quick fix of andrenaline when shooting someone at no risk through a glitched wall. besides, shooting newspawns should be something you Lose Xp from doing.