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Everything posted by ZenBC

  1. ZenBC

    Quit Playing Alone!

    I agree though - I found a couple of other guys to team up with and the game is a lot more fun and a lot less tense then before!
  2. ZenBC

    Spent a nice day at Thunderdome.

    Alpha lol. My understanding is that they can't fix a lot of the hacks because of limitations of the ARMA2 engine. So until ARMA3 or a DayZ standalone comes along I think we're gonna be stuck with it.
  3. ZenBC

    destroy tents?

    I'm starting to think that tents should be wiped on a regular schedule. Like every Monday/Wednesday/Friday - at a certain time. People need to pick up stuff out of tents that they can carry. Server restarted, tents get wiped, people can start with whatever they have in their bag still. Better yet, get tents to completely disappear so people have to fit them in their backpacks as well...
  4. ZenBC

    M4A1 HWS M203?

    As far as I know, all the weapons currently officially in the game are at http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Loot#Weapons In other words - this is probably not a hacked in weapon - this is not thermal sight, it's a holo sight.
  5. ZenBC

    How do I do this...

    ahhh so simple!! Cheers
  6. ZenBC

    How do I do this...

    How do I cancel the context menu? Sometimes I'm running along and I hit the scroll wheel and it until it goes away in about 10 seconds as soon as I press fire it will change weapons instead of firing - not great for the middle of firefights...
  7. ZenBC

    Please help this Mac user...

    I have a 2011 Macbook Pro 17" with a 6770 ATI card. I deleted the Bootcamp graphic drivers and put an updated ATI version in there (so it would run Battlefield 3 actually), there's quite a few websites which will run you through how to do that (with nVidia cards or ATI). I get moderate framerates - not amazing but moderate. It depends on your graphics card really. But I can say that, yes it works just fine - just don't unplug and plug back headphones during the game, you'll lose your sound :-p
  8. ZenBC

    My patch notes

    I think these are good suggestions for the game as it is. But there's a LOT of features as yet unimplemented - base building, missions, etc. I think that instead of balancing current 'issues', we'd be better off if they introduce a few more features first. Lets accept right now that banditry is common - but you can at least live off the land sneaking into small villages inland instead. Lets wait for Base Building (farms anyone) and missions and then give a little more feedback - my 2c.
  9. ZenBC

    DayZ Stories

    So I'm doing OK - character is alive a few days, lone wolfing up in the middle of nowhere. Finally got mags for my first gun from a deer stand, run to the next one, another gun! This is the furtherest, most remote deer stand on the map I believe... So sure enough as I'm picking up the G17, sniped in the head. 20 people on the server and I get the one deer stand being targetted by a wookie in the middle of nowhere - not even really close to a town! :(
  10. Im in Tokyo - usually hit SG #500 (I like having 3DP) but I'd be happy to do KR Pusan. I just got whacked actually by a wookie sniper camping the furtherest possible deer stand on the map so I'm starting new... what's your steam ID?
  11. I quite like that people don't seem to like playing at night. Looting seems to become about 10x easier - less populated servers, zombies can't see you - turning gamma/brightness up does the trick and you're ready to go. Don't know why more people don't play at night!
  12. Yo, what server do you play on?