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Everything posted by ZenBC

  1. ZenBC

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUy3RbbRk6Yut6AzBDdqNARQ&v=CPsZlGyYQaA&feature=player_detailpage#t=40s ROFL! That's their youtube. Check from 35seconds. This guy says 'If these guys aborted I'm gonna fuckin rage. Fuckin pussies' Same video from 2:40 'I aborted and came back' says one of their team. LOL. Amazing double standards here...
  2. Rubber Bullets instead of tranq. Knock out without removing blood.
  3. ZenBC

    FN FAL AN-PVS4 for trade!

    It's good for nighttime raids if you have a guy in your group without NVG...
  4. I think the zombies inside are just not pathed yet so they walk instead of run. It's actually a feature IMO. It means that you can actually lose zombies instead of just having to kill one everytime they spawn. If they could run inside buildings, I'd want doors to at least slow them down instead of them just opening them and running at you. Need to be able to put a little space between you and the zombies somehow. Back on OP topic, yes I completely agree - it's a game of patience. I've spent 20 hours in game so far, going in and out of cities and I've died only twice to enemy fire, and never to zombies. Taking the time to look into cities, scoping them out and looking at the treelines around for 10 or 15 minutes pays off. That said - I've only had to kill two people as well since I can avoid most of the heavily armed ones...
  5. ZenBC

    DayZ Stories

    I was at the NEAF, my buddy had fresh spawned in and run to Stary to the mil tents. Low pop server in the middle of the night, about 10 people on. He loots the tents only to have a zombie punch him and break his leg on the first go. I'm about 6km away at the NEAF so I start to leg it towards Stary. He cleared out all the gear in the tents slowly, painstakingly. When I'm about 500m away he declares "I found morphine!" and proceeds to loot more tents. So now I'm about 200m away but the graphical glitches are getting me bad. So I'm prone between a wall and a bush fiddling with my settings trying to get it fixed when two quick shots ring out from my right - DMR about 200m away I guess. My buddy is dead outside the tents. I continue to lay prone and try and see where the shots came from. I can't look towards Stary because of the glitches still so I'm having a hard time doing anything. After about 10 minutes later I see a wookie come down, guille suit and all to my right. I was in a bad position to fire but he didn't see me. Finally - he stops standing behind a tree about 50m to my right, looking into the city, checking for more players. I see my chance, and come up to my knee, line up his head slowly and put two quick bullets from my M4 into his head. Dead. By far the most intense experience I've had in DayZ so far. Wait around for a few minutes before I go across to his body. Sure enough - guille suit, NVG, DMR, MP5SD, M9SD, plenty of supplies and the like. I'm just done looting his guns when shots ring out nearby and I absolutely LEG it over the hill to the north east and don't stop running until 2km are between me and the downed bad guy. So for the price of my friends life, we'd got an NVG and DMR! Funnily enough - next day a group of four are running towards Stary again at night, using my new NVGs and come across a tent. And another tent. Both Empty. And sitting next to them? A pickup in the tree!! We just take the car because we're paranoid and 2 of us head back to our camp to save it and check it out leaving me and another guy to head to Stary. They get back to camp and check the car - AS50, Bizon SD, FN FAL with night scope. Those guys are gonna be PISSED - it wasn't even in their tents, it looked like they'd saved everything in their car... But we figured if that sorta thing was in their car, they probably had better gear so it was just as well we legged it outta that camp. Might setup an ambush over there sometime soon with their newly looted AS50 in tow :-D
  6. ZenBC

    graphic glitch

    Few things to try: 1) Change video memory settings to something else. I've found on some servers, having it set to Very High fixes it. Others Default. I think it's because it re-renders when you change these settings. Almost always I've found a setting that worked. 2) Change servers. I've found some servers worked, others didn't. 3) If none of those work, restart the game and try again. I've never had one of these NOT fix the glitch for me.
  7. Just sent you a friend req on steam.
  8. ZenBC


    I don't particularly like this... takes away the sheer terror of doing something that might get you killed and then lose all your gear. If my mates can defib me, I can change through a field, once someone opens up on me, counter-sniper fire from my squad takes out the enemy, then they just run to me and revive. Bit game breaking in favour of the biggest squads if you ask me...
  9. I think your proposal will just make it far more difficult for new comers and freshly spawned invididuals. I am sure some servers will just end up being shitholes that nobody plays on anymore because almost all of the towns and loot spawns have low humanity meaning it's next to impossible for new spawns to get gear without crawling through the bushes for 10 hours ... EDIT: I think fundamentally it's a good idea. I just think it needs a little refinement and if possible, simplifying at least for now... On top of that, to truly utilize the benefits of this, a better way for players to team up in the game and in the lobby would need to be improved a little to encourage people to team up with randoms easier...
  10. ZenBC

    2 pistols?

    Yes. I've seen the episode. From memory, the mythbusters weren't a ) in a post apocalyptic environment b ) under duress (important part here) There's a reason militaries world wide don't usually give their guys dual pistols for use in CQB if they run out of ammo of their primary. Seriously. I feel like seeing someone walking around dual wielding would be like seeing a death metal fan at a Justin Bieber concert - ie it just doesn't fit with the setting of the game. Play COD please to get your dual wielding jollies.
  11. ZenBC

    Eating raw meat, sort of like Minecraft

    you guys evidently haven't been to Japan before. I've eaten raw meat cooked 'chemically' on several occasions and I was just fine and still am just fine...
  12. ZenBC

    Mandatory facebook integration?

    100% agree. This will never be introduced and if it was there's no way I'd play a game which allowed people to see my real identity.
  13. ZenBC

    2 pistols?

    Dual wielding pistols should mean you can't shoot the side of a building your standing in front of. If you really want this go back to COD and try and enjoy that. Just allow primary weapon to be a secondary as well. And introduce more pistols with tac lights - god knows those things give off so much light that you're a beacon to anyone around anyway that it feels dangerous just using one.
  14. ZenBC


    dude get your facts right before making comments like this. Quick trip to any dayz wiki would have told you it's not a hacked in weapon... http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Satchel_Charge
  15. Generally that will mean going near a highly frequented town - increasing zombies where they go means unless they're a sniper well out of the city it's going to be more difficult to find someone bar camping in a forest somewhere and hoping someone is nearby. Also if people run towards a village with 2 buildings and 100 zombies, it's a sure fire sign there's a mass murderer around there waiting to cap someone...
  16. Lets face it - bandits are only a problem because there's nothing else to do and no other incentives either. The solution is not to nerf bandits or remove weapons - the solution is to wait for more features as this is an ALPHA build of a game. Everyone crying about bandits are correct - bandits suck and nobody likes them. But add more features and challenges instead of removing the parts of the game already in place.
  17. ZenBC

    PvE DayZ servers petition.

    Hate this idea. The reason people want PvE is that PvP is too difficult starting out and doesn't encourage players to work together in any way for an end goal. Add reasons why players should work together and punishments for senseless killing and people will start working together more...
  18. I personally think the gear is not the problem - it's the ability of people to get away with using them indiscriminately and without recourse. Make it more intense? Give severe consequences for using high end gear on PvP for example.
  19. ZenBC

    Rubber Bullets

    I think that rubber bullets would go well with the ideas in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55532-what-if-regions-zombie-spawn-was-linked-to-humanity/page__st__20#entry539169 Instead of killing other people, just a rubber bullet gun that knocks a guy out for a while, so you can get in and get out without the killing.
  20. ZenBC

    2 pistols?

    You can do this now. Have the 2nd pistol in your bag, and switch. While we're at it, lets add being able to sling a primary weapon on each shoulder - also incredibly useful for survival... lol
  21. ZenBC

    2 pistols?

    lol i don't think spawning with a holster is realistic either :-p but somehow it happens. And besides - real is sticking the gun in your pants and having a 1 in 1000 chance of shooting your sensitive parts or leg and dying immediately. lol.
  22. ZenBC

    2 pistols?

    I think two active weapons at a time is more then enough. Just allow pistols to go in the primary slot as well.
  23. ZenBC

    2 pistols?

    I would support allowing to equip a pistol as a primary as well as a secondary so if you come across two pistols early in the game and have low ammo it's easy to switch between them
  24. I agree with the sentiment but instead of an area, tie it to players. The more murders, the more zombies spawn wherever the player goes. For example: 1 murder = 1.2x zombies spawn whereever you go 2 murders = 1.4x zombies etc etc etc until 10 murders will equal 3x the number of zombies. So then those people sitting up in the hills sniping, as soon as they enter a city with 10 murders, they have to fight off 3x the zombies as someone with no murders. Couple that with increasing zombie aggro (if that's possible) and all of a sudden, bandits can't go near buildings anymore because a hoard of zombies spawn. I would go so far as to say maintain the murders over the life of your character so you can't just get a team-mate to kill you, respawn and run back to pick up your gear and then go loot. So if you kill 100 people over your lifetime, you're fucked anytime you go near a city. So to summarize: - Change the name in the top right from 'murders' to 'profile' or 'bloodlust' or similar. - Each PvP kill earns you +1 in the profile category, which remains after death. - For every +1 increment in your 'profile', zombie spawn is increased by 0.2. This happens because Zombies can 'smell' other people's blood or the gunpowder on you. - Reduce by 1 for every hour you play so gradually if you change your ways, it goes down, but you have to spend a LOT of time not doing anything to anyone. - DON'T reduce profile from helping others - you'll just find groups shooting each other non-critically then healing each other. I feel like this is actually something that could be implemented quite quickly and easily perhaps? Not that I would know, but perhaps it would encourage people to talk first and kill only if you are willing to spend an hour hiding in a bush in the middle of nowhere... Bandits? Massively reduced. Human factor? Massively increased. EDIT: I think it still needs some thought - a +100 profile person running through elektro would ruin everyone's day... Open for suggestions?
  25. Actually I would like to see random groups of like 30 zombies spawning in the middle of the forest/plains causing havoc every now and then... just make sure it happens when the player is about 500m away. Would scare the shit out of me at night in the middle of a forest without NVG to suddenly hear zombies to my front, wandering about... crawl and try and find a way past lol