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Everything posted by fridockshir

  1. fridockshir

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    I made it!
  2. fridockshir

    New renderer questions.

    Is there any actual (not counting the devmap for Q1) word from a Dev Team member about the matter?
  3. fridockshir

    New renderer questions.

    Hi. I was trying to find a proper way to ask a question (maybe some of you guys can hint me on that) to the Devs. The question is: What is the status with the new renderer and all the engine work? I noticed it is a dodgy topic for quite while, but i think me and everyone else here deserve to know if Devs are even working on that and if there some problems (some tech talk would calm me down). All i hear from Devs is "Maybe in future, maybe, maybe ,maybe...", And i noticed there is no "Engine" subforum along side with Audio/Desigh and so on, not a good sight.