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Everything posted by pwnoz0r

  1. This is exactly the reason I sent that email out. I wanted to inform everyone of the shutdown as well as offering a replacement service. HFB was closing their doors for good, and I was offering people another place to go to. The word "disconnected" wasn't the word used (because that does sound really sketchy), but it was "I am no longer associated with HFBServers in any way". Here is something I wrote on another forum regarding the same concern: As far as your information, no one besides me or the manager had access to it, ever. But as far as I know as of the shutdown date, all webservers and databases have been wiped. The list of emails that I grabbed were deleted right after the email was sent. If you have any other questions/concerns, just let me know.
  2. What happens (what are you doing) when this error shows up in the console? The only time I've received this error is when objects aren't being published through the correct protocols (the information being sent to the server is "bad"/invalid data and the server cannot process (store) it correctly in the database).
  3. Hey bud. My assumption is that you have custom scripts on the server and this what usually happens. These are the settings I use and it seems to work very well with up to 80 players: MinBandwidth=104857600;MaxBandwidth=1073741824;MaxMsgSend=256;MaxSizeNonguaranteed=256;MinErrorToSendNear=0.029999999;MinErrorToSend=0.003;MaxCustomFileSize=0;Windowed=0;adapter=-1;3D_Performance=1;Resolution_Bpp=32;class sockets{ maxPacketSize=1400;};serverLongitude=-84;serverLatitude=34;serverLongitudeAuto=-84;serverLatitudeAuto=34;A word of advice: try not to put a bunch of posts here with similar issues as it appears as if it were spam.
  4. pwnoz0r

    Public Hive DB errors again.

    @Skydive Please for the love of god, use Pastebin or Gist. This log file is a bit repetitive and can be solved by restoring your database to default (getting a new public server ID) EDIT: Are you hosting the server yourself or going through a GSP? EDIT 2: Ignore my ignorance. If the issue continues, try and get another public server ID
  5. pwnoz0r

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    This is simply an issue with their CDN, not the MySQL machine. Add this line of code to your "hosts" file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\) cdn.dayz.nuAfter applying these changes, make sure to reboot the machine and you will no longer get the timeout issue.
  6. These skiddies aren't real creative with their scripts are they? "DEATH TO TLM" "BURN HIM ON THE CROSS" "ADMIN ABUSER TLM, NEEDS TO BE GLOBALED"
  7. pwnoz0r

    Build Rolling Update

    There is a server side hotfix that someone developed. EDIT1: http://dayzmod.com/f...60#entry1016546 The fix ^
  8. pwnoz0r

    Build Rolling Update

    "Crack the code" isn't the correct word choice. More or less "//" one line. You can still from the main menu press "Control + e" and it will load the 3D editor.
  9. You need to connect the server via Navicat or what ever program you prefer. I am not sure what Bliss's tables are like, but look for something called "character data" or "survivors". This is where you can change the clients position, loadout, etc. Explore around and see what you find. Let me know if you need anything else. Pwn On a side note it's hard to find your post under all of these server advertisements. Hopefully we can do something about this soon. <_<
  10. pwnoz0r

    Female DayZ Models...

    We already have "dat ass". A suggestion from Team Zordon (Zordona Lesbian Squad), we need the boobs. © Lirik 2012 +1's: https://twitter.com/...599584956682240 -NotLarzi (+1's are also RT's and Favorites)
  11. pwnoz0r

    Map Markers on Veteran

    cfgdayz\Users\cfgdayz\cfgdayz.ArmA2OAProfile Change "map=0;" to "map=1;". I am sure that is the markers, etc.
  12. The post is here: http://opendayz.net/...rver-admins.49/ Sorry for not elaborating on it, as per it is just a showcase until I "officially" release it. Need to clean up the code because it was a rushed project.
  13. There is always a way. Skyrim is an example. It was a big failure/win on the developer(s) part for designing MP. We'll see the outcome. I am sure that Rocket will release server files, or I am hoping. Private servers are the key to success at the moment. EDIT: 10-15 minute load times are not fun either.
  14. If it doesn't happen officially, we will make sure it happens unofficially, again. ;)
  15. MrSherenai now you have the same feeling I did when Fallujah was ripped off my back. Welcome to the bouncy house fun club, sir! UPD: Also supporting your files.
  16. Downloads: They will all be here. If you have any issues just fill out a bug report. :) This is just a sneak peak at my newest project. http://i.imgur.com/WXFh2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6dfoK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/boTZA.jpg This new map is going to be close to almost a deathmatch. If you look at the map it takes maybe 15-20 minutes to run across the whole thing. For now I only have it set to 25 people per server. There is no way it can hold the default 100 slots. If you want to bookmark the album it is here. I will be uploading photos just to that album only. Features: DayZ Zombies.
  17. pwnoz0r

    DayZ Utes w/ Download

    The download link is down as per requested by some. Also don't use a Vilayer. A Vilayer is bad for some (IncludIng myself).
  18. pwnoz0r

    DayZ Utes w/ Download

    I do have a working version available. It's here if anyone wants it. :)
  19. I came on to the server and saw that my camp was exploded. Went into the logs to check and saw these. This is from all 3 .log files: Don't know if these mean anything: 31.01.2001 10:52:30: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 15:830 15:4 [10619,2648,36] [16,19,17] 31.01.2001 12:25:46: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" 20:231 20:65 [4545,14489,321] [-76,-22,5] 31.01.2001 12:25:54: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "GrenadeHandTimedWest" 20:234 20:65 [4543,14482,321] [-30,6,1] 31.01.2001 12:26:23: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "SmallSecondary" 20:239 0:0 [4528,14483,322] [0,0,0] 31.01.2001 12:26:31: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "SmallSecondary" 20:240 0:0 [4523,14486,322] [0,0,0] 31.01.2001 12:26:32: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "SmallSecondary" 20:241 0:0 [4525,14479,321] [0,0,0] These ones look like they do: 31.01.2001 13:23:13: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "HelicopterExploSmall" 20:566 0:0 [12691,12446,160] [0,0,0] 31.01.2001 13:23:13: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #0 "HelicopterExploBig" 20:567 0:0 [12691,12446,161] [0,0,0] 31.01.2001 13:23:13: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 31.01.2001 13:23:13: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #40 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 31.01.2001 10:23:36: Dunlopper (IP) 6fa6526a8c867760752c818d78526bf5 - #28 "yer_alertZombies; Timezone - EST
  20. It couldn't have been that simple. He was kicked from the server for doing one of those events. Someone said to me after I banned him, that they were flying the helicopter. The server didn't restart from when after I banned him. There is no possible way for him to crash it, or him to even have the helicopter. When I got to my base, every vehicle was blown up. Others on the server also complained about their vehicles were blown up.