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About shinjuma@gmail.com

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Turn off dropping items while swimming :/

    Thanks for that tidbit!
  2. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Turn off dropping items while swimming :/

    Good point. Makes sense, but I have a waterproof backpack. Shouldn't the higher grade backpacks be at least waterproof?
  3. So I noticed this awhile back in the Arma II beta patches: [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext Are the server admins for DayZ allowed to turn this on (set to 0)? Could it be made a standard? I've gone swimming with a zipped up backpack before and my entire contents didn't magically jump out. Also the character models appear to have secure storing locations on the waist and legs that would keep items from falling out while swimming.... More realistic the better!
  4. shinjuma@gmail.com

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I disagree that we shouldn't have heatmaps. Depending on how the heat map is generated, the entire map will show some level of heat. There is well over 50 servers, over 25k concurrent players, and over 100k in a day. This means that several 100k peoples data is going to be in there. I do agree that displaying tents or vehicles on a heatmap is retarded. And you probably shouldn't show alive people. If its by living locations: A few people with their predicted set of movements would be impossible to discern.The chances of special spots being revealed is somewhat possible if you spend more than 50% of the time there with a ton of people. Large camps in unknown areas with large amounts of clan members could be displayed. If its by human deaths: No problem here unless you hold suicide parties in camps. If so... wtf anyways :/ If its by zombie deaths: No problem unless zombies are nearby a camp? Probably not a good camp location if they are.
  5. shinjuma@gmail.com

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I would leave to see a "heat map" of all players overlayed on the map! Something like their locations for x duration with x radius. Or maybe a "heat map" of bullets fired by all players? Would be totally awesome to visualize that data! Edit: Meh I should have read more. Already brought up. :/ To lazy. Edit2: No alive players. How about player deaths/zombie deaths?
  6. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    (BUG) So I know its tiny and rather insignificant... but how about that unconscious hour glass? Might take what... a few mins to fix? ;D (Feature) Or Maybe hitting respawn actually respawns you? Note: I would post on the dev site... but atm I am too lazy/tired to register.
  7. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Possible Item Spawn Hacker and Bomb Dropper

    Let me make it clear. He went through 5+ clips yet his inventory/backpack was entirely filled with ammo except for 1-2 spaces. After he died Elektro started to get airstriked.
  8. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Crashed A-10 Fighter Jet

    I just watched a Jet do a barrel roll and crash on top of the barracks at NWAF. Blew up after awhile and caught fire and then I saw a parachute freaking out in the hanger with no body attached.
  9. Server: Dallas 49 When: Aprox. 1:50am GMT -6 What happened? I guy was shooting like... I dunno 50 shots with his sniper (at least several clips worth) in a short period of time behind the power station in Elektro on the mountian. He killed my buddy in Elektro, so I found a crossbow with one bolt and my buddy came back and I gave him my hatchet and we hunted him down. 1 Bolt == win. I checked his body and he had the BAF AS50 with 7 clips. He also had a Coyote 24 pack backpack full of that ammo and 10 clips or so for the FN FAL. He also had a GPS, rangefinder,map, and any other accessory item you would ever need. After we killed him we noticed bombs started drop on Elektro nearby. We could hear large explosions and Smoke appearing in the town. So we logged the hell out. SADLY, I do not know his name as we were playing Veteran. Can you guys please review the logs for Dallas 49? Thanks! Note: I did some research on the matter of hacking in DayZ and I believe he was using known exploits and scripts. Edit: I felt pretty good about my kill and the loot but then felt depressed when I saw the bombs dropping in Elektro. I was totally happy with my loot, but if this was hacker spawned loot feel free to wipe my inventory... as I would have nothing but a crossbow if I hadn't killed this guy... Edit2: Oh dear lord I have the FN FAL AN/PVS-4 as well. Please tell me I just killed some geared dude and not a hacker :(
  10. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Voice & Text Communication

    I am glad the global channels have been removed. One problem... some servers running the latest patches/beta patches don't have direct text comm working. I tried it with a friend over skype standing right next to me and he couldn't hear me. Are admins able to stop direct comm? Also, like someone said earlier.... An awesome form of Global would be radios. They go in accessory slot and enable you to use global (renamed radio?)
  11. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Breaking Bones

    I got a cool story! -Spawns -Takes one step without going prone -Agroes 2 zombies somehow at shore -First Hit LEG BREAK! -Hits soon after, UNCONSCIOUS! -YOU ARE DEAD -"This new AI is amazing. I think they were Chuck Norris clones gone horribly wrong"
  12. shinjuma@gmail.com

    Breaking Bones

    MY LEGS ARE MADE OF FREAKING TOOTHPICKS I don't know of many super strong guys who can swing their arms in a clawing motion to break someones leg.
  13. Yes I am imitating Rockets thread because it is a great idea. So an idea... Do you think it would be better if players could not disconnect from certain buildings? If connection was truly lost or b/c there isn't a way to code it, they would log back in outside of the building? Possible buildings: Barracks, Fire-station, Hospital. PROS: -Slows item spawn farming -Prevents players from having their buddies log in at same building to avenge them. *cough* Barracks *cough* CONS: -Reduces shelter options for players upon logging out (Rain) -Not realistic? Edit: Assuming Rocket fixes the abusive disconnections and implements some sort of Log Out Delay as to which I believe he said he was working on. Please respond either YES or NO. Keep the chatter to a minimum!