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About thebigbeefcake

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. thebigbeefcake

    My gear is starting to haunt my game.

    I can't imagine this is a problem in any real sense. You and I both know everyone uses a map outside of the game already.
  2. thebigbeefcake

    How much Internet does Day Z use per hour

    It takes up 9 internets.
  3. Interesting. Guess that would make sense as to why so much is occurring near military zones.
  4. thebigbeefcake

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    This is a major problem after the patch for me. Played fine all morning until the update, and this happened badly to me in and around Cherno and by the southern airstrip.
  5. Sort of. It was very bad by the southern airstrip, but it was also very bad in the center of Cherno for me. I spawned on the east side of Cherno, and all the while running to the west, I had graphical artifacting. Then, when I got past about the midway point in the city, the artificating would only appear if I turned back towards the east where I came from. But then it cleaned up in the wilderness, and got absolutely horrible by the airstrip.
  6. That's the truth... it's unplayable and not enjoyable at all right now.
  7. Having the same issues here. A friend and I played all morning with absolutely no problems. We logged off when the server we were on said it would be going through an update. Got back on, and both of us experienced game breaking graphical artifacting. I have a GTX 570, fwiw. Really impossible to enjoy the game when this is going on.