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Everything posted by jefe4life

  1. Yeah tell me about it, this games a fucking joke. Good in beginning then BAM big joke. waste of time. Rockets an idiot making a mod on a game based of scripts, and using sixlauncher... Just wait for The War Z, They have a good head on their shoulders you can already tell by how they are making it. Private servers, so Hacking wont be an issue. Even tho its always a issue, but highly doubtful. Last time I will be playig this horrible game. peace!
  2. jefe4life

    Score table and humanity based skins

    I dont like it to much, giving bandits more standard camo would be unfair, I do like the idea of increasing the skin dependant on how much of a bandit or hero you are. but giving bandits camo is a no go. but before they do anything of the sort they have to actually make the humanity work. To often do they throw in broken addition just adding more issues to their endless plate of fails. 1) skin change = backpack loss 2)humanity is lost depending on skin? 3)skin change = fall into earth and swimming in mid air 4)killing bandits should give positive humanity you cant tell me the only way to be a hero is to bandage and give blood bags to unsuspected victims of a bandit only to be shot by their itchy trigger finger. P.S. instead of adding varies broken half assed unfinished crap to your new patch to keep what little community supporters here just fix the ones you started with. thanks!
  3. only reason you would want to do that is to troll people like most hackers do.... its frowned apon... probably best you didnt know.
  4. jefe4life

    Team of 6 looking for more players!

    1) How old are you? 35 2) What time are you usually on? (time zone) PST after work so around 3pm//// weekends after 8pm because thats the time I spend with my kids. 3) What is your preferred roll to play on the team? such as a sniper/CQC/looter/spotter ////Assault/Spotter/Sniper///pretty well rounded. I have my own roll, I call it "Ill shoot your fucking knees out if you dont cooperate, I just want your beans" 4) What is the preferred wep you like to use? m4a1 ACOG/DMR/G17/MP5 5) What is your current wep you are using? M4A1 ACOG 6) Why should we choose you? because im a bad ass mother fucker! No skype, please PM me
  5. jefe4life

    Why do companies even trust battleye?

    BE is doing everything they can. which is close to nothing but lets give them a chance. a 2nd chance... 3rd chance.. strike!
  6. I know it is kind of hard to take in but bare with me. I have been getting killed by countless hackers. Dropped from the sky, turned into a goat, thunder dome, invisible, god mode, parachuting cows/bus, bear traps.. you name it. until yesterday. I met Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker hacker. I was having a horrible day in a server getting killed by abusing hackers when out of nowhere Robin Hood teleported to me and said "Are you a victim of a hacker? I replied yes hes been killing everyone on the server. I proceeded to give him the hackers name and I kid you not, he some how was killing the dick head hacker (that had god mode) over and over and over until he left the server. He then Ported everyone to his location began reimbursing people with standard gear as retribution to the shit we had to deal with then ported us all back to our normal locations. The last words I heard from robin hood was a server message saying - We are making a team, a Anti-Hacker team... Hackers beware. I sure hope this is a team similar to the Medics of the Waste Land, where they have shifts and you can find them on a TS or a web site and they will clear out your server of hackers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I dont know about you guys but this is the kind of hacker I want in the game. He didnt abuse game he didnt give everyone the best gear in the game he simple put is back to our old state before the hacker ruined all of our fun. He then proceeded to sit in the server for a good 2 hours making everyone in the servers play time EXTREMELY FUN. You have no idea what a relief it was to play in that server not having to worry about a cheating bastard. For this I say THANK YOU ROBIN HOOD! Please give me your BEANS, thumbs up if you like this idea. Please everyone realize there will be LOTS of strong opinions and possibly aggression in this topic. Lets refrain from flaming each other as I poorly demonstrated below what not to do (lol) A lot of people extremely STRONG feelings towards this horrible time DayZ. lets remember that.
  7. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    Your picture is hilarious! love Jim carry!
  8. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    It will be fixed in due time, at least turned into a rare issue rather then over ran. at least that's all of our wishes.
  9. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    A lot of people call themselves jefe as in Boss in spanish. It is a nice coincidence though.
  10. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    Yes your right, hackers die then they com back. As for Robin Hood, he killed the 2 hacks in the server over and over and over not giving them a single chance to do a single thing till they left. which left 30 or so peoples gaming time to be very fun. Yes I hope the program bans all of them eventually and I wish the best for mr hood. stay on that path of LIGHT
  11. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    I agree, especially at this point in time, once they dial it down there will be no need for Robin Hood and I think he will understand when that time has come.
  12. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    Lets stick to the Topic as Legacy kindly stated. This whole topic is just filled with opinions and strong feelings. No hate toward anyone.
  13. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    Lol, sounds like someone just got killed by a hacker and could use a bit of Robin Hoods help. This isnt the best place to let off steam. Thanks for stopping by. Contact Robin Hood.
  14. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    did you read what I said.. where in there does it even say im blaming him for anything let alone pointing any fingers. Nothing you even said has anything to do with the quote you placed. thanks for stopping by.
  15. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    And another thing- You are here to reduce the flaming and bad topics, topics in incorrect forums, assist in questions regarding to the game. I dont think it was in the job description to call honest posts "garbage" and tell people they cant express their opinions. Almost positive it doesnt say (please defend the devs and mods with your own 2cents.)
  16. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    Once again I will defend Mr. Robin Hood, as ive seen him do so much good in so little time. I dont feel he gets a hard on abusing the hacks and making everyones day horrible and reducing the server population to zero. He wants a challenge of survival like the rest of us do. Like I said above why would he go around assisting people and raping abusing hackers to go on another server and abuse more people? It makes no sense to me. I will bet anything that he plays legit on his own time, and when the hackers come he suits up, grabs his bow puts on his tights and goes to work to secure the server once again. I dont feel he is here to abuse the system and give himself the best gear.. like I said whats fun in having everything. Hackers = trolls that enjoy cheating to get a rise of other players not to enjoy the point of the game.
  17. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    Please, go on. What are the other ways to help?
  18. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    I sure hope you are not refering to these posts as garbage... you should put a diaper over your mouth because thats where all the shit is coming out of. We are having a standard discussion in the forum that gives us free rain to talk about what we please without flaming and you in here rowling everyone up "defending" your devs and mods that arnt doing a think to help us. Your name really says it all. You should be stripped of your powers and fed to the Zeds. With all do respect. your posts are garbage.
  19. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    I completely understand your point of view. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind. And hell is a dangerous path. But I believethe love for an original game will set him free. I honestly makes no sense for someone to run around and help people and get hackers to leave only to abuse game in the next server. Just my personal opinion though. Seeing people enjoy a game is way more rewarding then watching the community quit and servers dwindle.
  20. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    THIS. You have my beans.
  21. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    What ifs.... you bring negativity in here on a what if. Good one. There is a light shining in on here whether you like it or not. Dont bash someone doing good. Especially on a WHAT IF.
  22. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    Well we all have our own opinions. Majority of community so far says fight fire with fire as long as your intentions are good. the other portion says wah wah hacker is a hacker. just wait till a hacker rains down on your parade your going to wish robin hood was there before you decided to quit playing DayZ because its over ran.
  23. jefe4life

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    You thought what? no offense but your post is stupid. This this guy wanted to abuse he would abuse. clearly he has a heart and isnt here to give everyone the best shit in the world. I only got shotgun 3 clips a canteen and a can of beans and a compass. to give me a fighting chance one again. Like I said before, try not being narrow minded. And this is a General discussion, I can post what I like. Thanks.