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Sir Oas

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About Sir Oas

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I approve this server, joined a couple of week ago and haven't met a single hacker or witnessed any admin abuse. It also seem to run pretty smooth, I'm from western europe and have no problem playing on this server at all. So far it's the best private hive server on the entire planet that i have tried.
  2. Sir Oas


    I'm suggesting a more dynamic wildlife. For example birds suddently flying away when someone approach, giving up someones position. And wild animals being frightened by players or zombies. This would make hunting more challenging and fun too.
  3. Sir Oas

    Food should be fun..

    I agree, but instead of regaining from food, they could make it possible to give blood transfusion to yourself.
  4. Sir Oas

    Food should be fun..

    If the animals are wild, please tell me why I can walk up to any animal and kill it with an axe? They are just standing there. That's not hunting it's butchering and that is not the same thing!
  5. Sir Oas

    Food should be fun..

    I know, but it's not really hunting, it's only tame animals standing ready to be butchered. It should be wild animals and you should have to work for your meal.
  6. Sir Oas

    Food should be fun..

    I think finding food should be more of a challenge and more fun, it does'nt add very much to the game the way it works today. My suggestion is to make wild animals we can hunt. Also i think we die to fast of starvation and dehydration, it takes more than an hour to starve to death irl:) Food should be more difficult to get, and when you eat, it should take longer time before you have to eat again. Also i think blood should regain over time, and not by eating..